MIMOS – Future-Proofing Government and Industry

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MIMOS: Future-Proofing Government and Industry
The arrival of Industry 4.0 has served a reality check to global industries and manufacturers; they now have to change their traditional way of using labour force – to the use of advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, improve quality and reduce costs.
To pave the way for greater technology adoption, job creation and development of high-skilled talent pool in the manufacturing sector, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) introduced Industry4WRD: National Policy on Industry 4.0.
The blueprint envisions a more intense development of capacity and capability in the manufacturing sector, with the aim to spawn Malaysia’s own technology. The move to include MIMOS under MITI’s umbrella in October 2018 was seen as strategic to accelerating digital transformation in industries especially among small and medium entreprises (SMEs), in support of the blueprint.
As a national applied research and development (R&D) centre, MIMOS has been playing a pivotal role of technology provider for the government and local industries. With the advent of Industry 4.0, the role has become more strategic and trend-driven. The centre is now actively offering its expertise, resources and facilities for the R&D of disruptive technologies; for the government and industry as well as academia.
MIMOS’ current efforts are aligned with the eleven enabling technologies of Industry 4.0; which are Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, System Integration, Simulation, Augmented Reality, and Cybersecurity.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad trying on MIMOS’ GlucoSenz, a blood-glucose screening device that works by using photonics and software technologies to analyse blood glucose level from human blood capillaries without piercing the skin.
Enhancing government delivery system
MIMOS works on increasing Malaysia’s attractiveness to citizens, investors and visitors by enhancing the government delivery system. Its researchers, engineers and scientists work on global and emerging technologies to improve government efficiency and productivity, enhance fiscal governance, in turn ensuring integrity of trade environment.
By using advanced technology applications, government administration eliminates unproductive processes and performs better in terms of corruption perception, consequently improving National Competitiveness index and ‘Ease Of Doing Business’ ranking.
MIMOS technology also responds to citizen’s needs; from national security and public safety to healthcare and mobility; from food production to food safety, and more.
Some of MIMOS’ initiatives in recent years include national level, high-impact projects such as:
- Malaysian Health Data Warehouse – a comprehensive system that integrates critical medical information from various public and private healthcare systems nationwide. It includes a patient treatment information system and patient registry information system.
- National Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre – manages and disseminates information related to flood forecasting and early warning to respective authorities and the general public.
- Smart Lockup – a smart surveillance system that integrates Video Analytics, Data Analytics and IoT to increase security and prevent in-cell incidents at detention centres.
- Integrated Logistics Information System – a system that supports the Royal Malaysian Navy’s logistics needs, strengthen its coordination and operational movements.
- Hydro-Climate Data Analysis Accelerator – The Natural Disaster Forecasting and Warning System is used by the Malaysian National Hydraulic Research Institute (NAHRIM) in visualising projected hydroclimate data of rainfall and the corresponding runoff after-effects based on the river basin map for Peninsular Malaysia.
- Intelligent Community – a social innovation programme that provides digital communications tools and video surveillance system inclusive of mobile applications with disaster alert, public policing and communication functions. The programme also provides smart solutions for rural agriculture using modern technology such as Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. In Sabah, the deployment of intelligent agriculture solution using smart sensor-based technology for shiitake mushroom cultivation recorded 85% yield improvement and 20% growth increase.
- Smart City initiatives – MIMOS works with state governments in deploying Smart City projects in the country. In Johor, MIMOS works with Digital Johor in areas such as Big Data Analytics for government administration and business; smart healthcare and intelligent policing. MIMOS also enables local companies to venture into global Smart City market through solutions such as Smart Street Light and Smart Energy Controller.

MIMOS Chief Technology Officer Thillai Raj is a well sought-after speaker at technology conferences and events.
Empowering industry with global technology
To ensure Malaysia remains a competitive trading nation, MIMOS drives the local industry to gain competitive edge in the value chain by innovating processes, creating new operational and information systems, as well as develop new materials and applications that would increase productivity, lower costs and meet sustainability goals.
In that endeavour, MIMOS develops and maintains a digitally-trustworthy technology ecosystem for manufacturers, suppliers, clients and government agencies. Housed at MIMOS campus in Kuala Lumpur are world-class, national-level labs and technology facilities including centres for Semiconductor Technology, Product Design and Digital Modelling, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and Digital Government.
MIMOS also runs an Information Security Research centre, an Industry 4.0 experience centre, a Technology Transfer hub and the recently-launched Centre of Artificial Intelligence for Future Industry (CAIFI), in which it partners Microsoft Malaysia.
These technology centres are established through collaboration with various organisations including government agencies, industry and academia; where they leverage on each other’s strengths, resources and expertise in the various subject matters.
Sustainability and sustainable development are becoming a critical factors of today’s business strategies and operations. Working closely with industry along with relevant government authorities, university researchers and NGOs, MIMOS has deployed environmental technology such as solutions for flora and fauna protection at forest reserves; and water quality monitoring at selected lakes and rivers. MIMOS is also working with industry and authorities in deploying solutions for peat forest management.
In a recent collaboration with a global consumer goods corporation, MIMOS uses Big Data Analytics and Blockchain technologies to optimise the efficiency of data collection process. Through this system, the company is able to identify areas of social and environmental risks along their supply chain; subsequently, they can plan and monitor follow-up actions for improvement and progress.

MIMOS Senior Principal Researcher Dr Hon Hock Woon (left) briefing Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Darell Leiking on MIMOS’ Licence Plate Recognition technology. Looking on are MIMOS Chief Technology Officer Thillai Raj and Microsoft Malaysia Managing Director, K Raman.
Energising the local E&E industries
MIMOS has been instrumental in strengthening the productivity and competitiveness of Malaysia’s electrical and electronics (E&E) and manufacturing sector through technology development and advanced engineering services.
As at 2019, MIMOS’ advanced E&E shared service and facilities has benefited some 50 multinational companies and 15 SMEs. The facilities also support customised skills and competency development in semiconductor, microelectronic technologies as well as IoT specialist certifications for industry competitiveness.
Employing teams of engineers with more than 15 years working experience, the facilities serves as an important nexus that support the integrated circuit design and wafer fabrication industry; and provides a platform conducive to facilitating R&D activities and solving manufacturing issues. Currently, more than 350 customers are benefiting from these facilities.
To add value for clients, MIMOS works closely with university expert practitioners as consultants in solving industries issues. Partnership with university labs and other private labs in Malaysia enables the provision of one point-of-entry on Analytical Services for E&E industries.
Go-between industry and learning institutions
Industry-competent graduates are progressively entering today’s workforce, and they are already impacting the nation’s transformation. MIMOS’ goal is to develop an endless pool of industry-competent graduates with insights to Industry 4.0 potentials.
MIMOS will continue to establish collaborations with universities as a way to connect students with industry. The collaborations allow students to engage in real projects that provide them with practical experience and exposure to actual business issues.
Continual engagement between MIMOS, industry and academia is important so that Malaysia can have a virtuous cycle of knowledge, talent and experience that ultimately can bring benefits to the country. Collaboration with Malaysia’s top public and private universities will ensure that this trend will continue.
For instance, MIMOS promotes key areas such as Data Science, Nanotechnology and IC Design as viable career paths for university students. Then, with the collaborations, MIMOS would offer its technologies, resources and expertise through various programmes such as industry partnership, internship, knowledge exchange and job placement. MIMOS also works with industry partners to support talent development programmes and in providing technological expertise and consultancy services.

One of the Fab machines at MIMOS’ advanced shared service facilities.
Way forward
At the unprecedented rate technology is advancing, no organisation can predict accurately where and how they would be in five years. But given Malaysia’s keen embrace of Industry 4.0, MIMOS sees an increasing relevance of its roles, and of the technology solutions it creates.
As an agency that has been entrusted to drive Industry 4.0, MIMOS will continue to promote the importance and benefits of Industry 4.0 adoption, to encourage SMEs to embark on the technological transformation.
Strengthening the existing E&E ecosystem has always been Malaysia’s aim. The players, including foreign multinationals, realise that E&E sector is the golden goose of Malaysia. MIMOS has been an important enabler, and will continue to drive value for this sector.
MIMOS will continue to ensure that Malaysia forges ahead in the evolving challenges posed by Industry 4.0. Its activities will continue to focus on ensuring Malaysia’s industries, particularly SMEs, have the necessary technological talent and skills to succeed in Industry 4.0.
As the world enters another decade, MIMOS will intensify efforts to contribute to digital transformation initiatives for the Malaysian government and industry; and prime our leaders and youth with future skills and competency to thrive in the age of machine intelligence and disruptive technology.
Contact Details
MIMOS Berhad
Technology Park Malaysia
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : +603 8995 5000 / Fax: +603-8996 2755
Email: info@mimos.my
Website: http://www.mimos.my