MASSA Events
(1) 18 January 2019 – Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA meeting H.E. Dato’ Astanah Abdul Aziz, Malaysia Ambassador to Morocco
Courtesy call on Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA by H.E. Astanah Abdul Aziz, Ambassador of Malaysia to Morocco at his office.

(left to right) H.E. Astanah Abdul Aziz, Ambassador of Malaysia to Morocco, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President MASSA and Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA
(2) 24th January 2019 – Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) Seminar
The Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) organised a seminar on “Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)” and 21st Century of Diplomacy: An Introduction and Networking Event for Asia’s Diplomatic Corps” at AIAC, Kuala Lumpur.
Mr Vinayak Pradhan, Director of AIAC welcomed and introduced the Roles & Objectives of AIAC.

Mr Vinayak Pradhan, Director of AIAC welcoming participants to the AIAC Seminar and sharing about its role as an arbitral institution

Tan Sri Dato’ Cecil Abraham speaking on Investment Treaty Disputes
The Seminar was aimed at informing Malaysia’s international commercial community about AIAC’s services in the areas of international arbitration. International Arbitration has become a preferred means for resolution of cross border disputes between private commercial parties. It offers a quick, cost-effective and equitable resolution of commercial disputes between international parties.
Headquartered in Malaysia, the AIAC is able to assist in commercial disputes in a range of areas that include:-
– Investment Treaty Disputes
– Maritime Disputes
– Oil & Gas Disputes
– IP & Domain Name disputes
Contact Details:-
Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC)
Bangunan Sulaiman
Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin
50000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-2271 1000
Fax: +603-2271 1010
(3) 25 January 2019 – Courtesy Call on President of MASSA by High Commissioner of Ghana to Malaysia
H.E. Akua Sekyiwa Ahenkora, High Commissioner of Ghana to Malaysia made a courtesy call on MASSA President, Tan Sri Azman Hashim at his office. Her Excellency was accompanied by Ms Neematu Ziblim Adam, Minister-Counsellor of the Ghana High Commission at the meeting. Ms Ng Su Fun, MASSA Executive Secretary also attended the meeting.

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, H.E. Akua Sekyiwa Ahenkora and Ms Neematu Ziblim Adam
(4) 6 March 2019 – Ghana High Commissioner hosted Dinner for MASSA President & MASSA Members
MASSA President, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and MASSA Vice President, YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum together with some of the members of MASSA was invited to H.E. Akua Sekyiwa Ahenkora, High Commissioner of the Republic of Ghana’s residence for a sumptuous dinner to celebrate the occasion of the Republic of Ghana’s 62nd Independence Day.
The Ambassador of Senegal in Malaysia, H.E. Fatou Danielle Diagne and the High Commissioner of the Republic of The Gambia to Malaysia and ASEAN countries, H.E. Madame Ramzia Diab Ghanim was also at this dinner. MASSA looks forward to strengthening the renewed ties with Ghana, Senegal and the Republic of The Gambia.

(left to right) H.E. Fatou Danielle Diagne, Ambassador of Senegal in Malaysia, H.E. Madame Ramzia Diab Ghanim, High Commissioner of The Republic of The Gambia to Malaysia and ASEAN Countries, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA and H.E. Akua Sekyiwa Ahenkora, High Commissioner of the Republic of Ghana to Malaysia

(left to right) H.E. Madame Ramzia Diab Ghanim, High Commissioner of The Republic of The Gambia to Malaysia and ASEAN Countries, H.E. Fatou Danielle Diagne, Ambassador of Senegal in Malaysia, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA, H.E. Akua Sekyiwa Ahenkora, High Commissioner of the Republic of Ghana to Malaysia and Tun Michael Chen Wing Sun, Vice President MASSA
(5) 12 March 2019 – EXIM Bank “Cross Border Financing and Trade Credit Takaful Seminar” for MASSA Members
EXIM Bank organised a “Cross Border Financing and Trade Credit Takaful Seminar” for MASSA members at EXIM Bank’s Head Office.
EXIM Bank has been a steadfast and valuable partner for Malaysian businesses venturing abroad be it for trade/or investments. They have a constant eye on global economic outlook and risk scenario and have assisted their clients to tailor their financial products and services to help bridge the last mile for their clients to successfully undertake their cross-border businesses.
EXIM Bank put together a series of informative presentations that included:
– EXIM Bank: Your Global Trade Partner
– Trade Credit Takaful And Political Risk Insurance:
Trade with Absolute Confidence.
– Global Outlook & Risk in Emerging Economies
– Prokhas Sdn Bhd: Working Capital Guarantee Scheme

EXIM Bank’s Products

Encik Wazir Bahatin, Head of SME & Commercial Banking Dept of EXIM Bank presented the first session on “EXIM Bank: Your Global Trade Partner“ to participants at the seminar

The second session was presented by Head of Credit Insurance Department, Mr. Khoo Kah Jin on “Trade Credit Takaful And Political Risk Insurance: Trade with Absolute Confidence”

Ms Mazliza Zainal Abidin, Market Collaboration & SME Support, Guarantee Schemes Management of Prokhas Sdn Bhd presented the third session on “Working Capital Guarantee Schemes for SMEs and Corporate Sectors” – For more details, please log on to:

Puan Zabedah Giw, Head of Global Advisory & Research Department presented the final session on “Global Outlook & Risk in Emerging Economies” at the Seminar
The event was well attended by senior representatives from a number of the African countries.

Group photo taken at EXIM Bank Head Office – (left to right): Mr Khoo Kah Jin, Head of Credit Insurance Department, EXIM Bank, Mr Ernest Chirwa, First Secretary Trade, Zambia High Commission, H.E. Walubita Imakando, High Commissioner Zambia, Mr Azhar Awang Kechil, Acting President/CEO & Deputy President Business of EXIM Bank, Madam Neematu Ziblim Adam, Minister Counsellor, Ghana High Commission, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA, Mr Denzel G Koopman, First Secretary, Namibia High Commission, Mr Schoeman du Plessis, Deputy Head of Mission, South Africa High Commission and Mr Simon Ankonga, Second Secretary, Namibia High Commission

(left) Mr Schoeman du Plessis Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission of South Africa High Commission (right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA

Delegates listening to the presentations
MASSA thanks EXIM Bank for facilitating the session and hosting a sumptuous luncheon wherein participants were able to network.

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA, Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary MASSA and Encik Azhar Awang Kechil, Acting President/CEO & Deputy President Business, EXIM Bank
Contact Details:
Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (EXIM Bank)
Head Office
Level 1, EXIM Bank
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur
Tel +603-2601 2000
Fax: +603-2601 2100
(6) 22 March 2019 – MASSA Meeting with H.E. Ambassador Dato’ Bala Chandran Tharman at Wisma Putra, Putrajaya
Dato’ J. Jegathesan, Executive Committee MASSA, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA and Ms Florence Khoo visited Ambassador Dato’ Bala Chandran Tharman, current MASSA Ex-Officio representing Wisma Putra at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Putrajaya.
Ambassador Dato’ Bala is the UnderSecretary, International Cooperation and Development Divison of the Multilateral Affairs Dept. at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His Excellency was briefed on the objectives and mission of MASSA.

(left to right) Ms Florence Khoo, Ambassador Dato’ Bala Chandran Tharman, Ms Ng Su Fun and Dato’ J. Jegathesan
(6) 11 April 2019 – MASSA visit to SIRIM Facilities
MASSA in collaboration with MAJECA jointly organised a visit to SIRIM for a briefing of their facilities.
Encik Zulkifli Abdullah, Senior General Manager, Group Strategic Planning of SIRIM Berhad welcomed all participants and introduced the role, objectives and vision of SIRIM to them.
SIRIM is a premier industrial research and technology organisation in Malaysia; SIRIM is a wholly owned company of the Malaysian Government under Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). With over forty years of experience and expertise, SIRIM is mandated as the machinery for research and technology development, and the national champion of quality. SIRIM has always played a major role in the development of the country’s private sector. By tapping into expertise and knowledge base, SIRIM focuses on developing new technologies and improvements in the manufacturing, technology and services sectors. SIRIM nurtures Small Medium Enterprises (SME) growth with solutions for technology penetration and upgrading, making it an ideal technology partner for SMEs.
As the national champion of quality, SIRIM through its subsidiary company SIRIM QAS International, is Malaysia’s leading testing, inspection and certification services provider, accredited under numerous bodies including the National Accreditation Body, the Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA) and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) among others. SIRIM plays an active role in local industry standards development and supports national growth in human capital of local industries through technology and certification training programmes. SIRIM also assist organisations towards implementing excellent business culture by associating quality, technology and best practices.
SIRIM is a member of the Global Research Alliance (GRA), a cooperation of leading knowledge-intensive technology organisations from nine countries in four continents. The alliance has a combined strength of more than 50000 scientists and technologists committed to developing global knowledge networks for industry and industrial sectors to enhance their competitiveness. SIRIM is also a member of World Association of Industrial and Technological Organisations (WAITRO), an independent association of industrial research organisations founded under the auspices of the United Nations. It currently has 160 members in 80 countries.

Encik Zulkifli Abdullah welcomed MASSA participants to SIRIM and presented the strategic plans, goals and vision of SIRIM in Malaysia’s development of industrial research and innovation

Presentation by Ir. Rohaizat Omar, Senior Enginering of the Machine Design Section and Machinery Technology Centre on the roles and objectives of the National Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Smart Manufacturing to participants
SIRIM showcased its stingless bee (Kelulut) IoT Honey Farm Project using Kelulut Integrated Information System (KIIS), a type of digital sensory device to measure temperature and humidity of Kelulut (stingless bee) hives in real time.
KIIS uses IoT-based (Internet of Things) device engaging digital sensors to measure temperature and humidity of nests automatically, periodically and in real time. The device transmits this data wirelessly to a data collection unit (Unit MK) via Wi-Fi Technology and subsequently to a cloud server via the GSM / GPRS module. The data then can be accessed through a web-based system on the computer and on Android based smartphone.
This device continuously and consistently monitors the hives to ensure that the colony stays productive, which will result in an increase of honey productivity and the beekeeper income as well. In other words, beekeepers no longer have to manually monitor their colony productivity status with the assistance of Kelulut Integrated Information System.
SIRIM Kelulut Integrated Information System video:

Group photo taken at SIRIM
MASSA members found the visit most useful and informative.
(7) 23 April 2019 – Visit of H.E. Mr Md Shahriar Alam, M.P., Honourable State Minister of Foreign Affairs Bangladesh and delegation to MASSA
H.E. Mr. Md Shahriar Alam, M.P., Honourable State Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Bangladesh led a delegation comprising senior officials from MOFA and accompanied by H.E. Mr. Md Shahidul Islam, High Commissioner, Bangladesh High Commission to Malaysia visited MASSA.
Members of the Bangladesh delegation included:
-H.E. Mr. Md. Shahidul Islam, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Malaysia
-Mr. A.F.M. Gousal Azam Sarker, Director General, MOFA, Bangladesh
-Mr. Md. Reyad Hossain, Director (SMO), MOFA Bangladesh
-Mr. Salahuddin Kasem Khan, SEACO
-Mr. Md. Rajibul Ahsan, First Secretary (Commercial), Bangladesh High Commission.
The delegation was received by MASSA EXCO member, Tan Sri Soong Siew Hoong who is also the Honorary Advisor of Expertise Resource Association (ERA).
The delegation had a fruitful meeting with members of MASSA and ERA.

(3rd from left) H.E. Mr. Md Shahriar Alam, M.P., Honourable State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh meeting with (2nd from left) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, MASSA EXCO member

(Front row, left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun, H.E. Mr Md Shahriar Alam, M.P., Honourable State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh, Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, H.E. Mr Md. Shahidul Islam, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Malaysia, Mr A.F.M. Gousal Azam Sarker, Director General, MOFA, Bangladesh and Mr Salahuddin Kasem Khan, SEACO