Diary of Events
(1) 29 June 2020
– MASSA 29th Annual General Meeting
Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA convened the Twenty-Ninth (29th) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA at the Boardroom, 26th Floor, Bangunan Ambank Group, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur.
In order to comply with the Government’s and/or relevant authorities’ directives and guidelines on public gatherings, meetings and events, arising from the measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic during the Recovery Movement Control Order, the MASSA 29th AGM was convened via a hybrid of in-person as well as virtual participation.
The President of MASSA welcomed members and Committee members and proceed with the business of the AGM.

Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chairing the MASSA 29th Annual General Meeting on 29 June 2020
Tan Sri Azman Hashim delivered his address and the meeting proceeded to unanimously adopt the Annual Report and the audited accounts of the Association for the year ended 31st December 2019.

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President MASSA and Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP, Honorary Treasurer MASSA attending the 29th AGM of MASSA

Cover of MASSA Annual Report 2019 – 2020

President’s Statement in the MASSA Annual Report 2019 – 2020
The President thanked the Executive Committee and Office Bearers for their continuing support and MASSA members for their participation in MASSA events and activities.

Datuk T Y Lee, Honorary Secretary MASSA attending the MASSA AGM online

(left) Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP and (right) Dato’ J. Jegathesan

(left to right) Dato’ Kuah Lai Huat, Ms Ng Su Fun and Tan Sri Azman Hashim

(left) Dato’ J. Jegathesan and (right) Dato’ Aziz Bahaman

(left) Mr Kuah Wen Tu and (right) Dato’ Moehamad Izat bin Achmad Habechi Emir

(right) Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP having a discussion with (left) Dato’ Kuah Lai Huat
(2) 28 July 2020
– Webinar on “How Drones are Changing the
Business World”
The Selangor Human Resources Development Centre in partnership with Drone Academy Asia, Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) and Malaysia-Japan Economic Association (MAJECA) hosted a webinar which was attended by various members from MASSA and MAJECA. MASSA and MAJECA was represented by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA and MAJECA.
The title of the webinar – ‘How Drones are Changing the Business World’, was directed at increasing awareness about the potential benefits of using drone technology to aid business to achieve sustainability and weathering the ‘new normal’.
34 participants from members of MASSA and MAJECA together with MITI, USM, SIRIM, MPOB, MIGHT, MIMOS as well as representatives from Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BMCCI) and JAGAM members attended the webinar.
The Speakers at the webinar were:
1) Mr. Alvin Tan, Manager from the Drone Academy Asia
2) Mr. Ken Khoo, Head of Marketing from Poladrone
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA gave a Welcome Address at the start of the webinar.
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA giving the Welcome Address at the webinar
The presentation of Mr Alvin Tan, Manager of Drone Academy Asia, an enterprise drones training academy centred on the webinar’s theme. He is a firm believer in the usage of drones and is enthusiastic in the capabilities and application of drones in the 21st century and aims to co-develop and deliver drone course modules that empower participants to implement them into their workflow for greater efficiency and safety practices.

Mr Alvin Tan, Manager of Drone Academy Asia sharing on the commercial applications of drone technology
Mr Ken Khoo, Head of Marketing from Poladrone, an all-in-one drone solutions provider spoke about ‘Sustainability & Saving Lives: Drone in the New Normal”. Poladrone’s goal is to create greater awareness and conversations about the ways drones can be used to enrich our everyday lives, both personally & professionally.

Mr Ken Khoo, Head of Marketing of Poladrone, giving his presentation on the role of drones, and how they enable sustainable industrial workflows

(from top left, clockwise) Mr Ken Khoo – Poladrone, Mr Alvin Tan – Drone Academy Asia, Ms Khoo Yi Lin – SHRDC, Ms Erin Hoo – Drone Academy Asia and, Ms Ng Su Fun – representing MASSA and MAJECA
(3) 26 August 2020 – Webinar on Cloud Computing:
“The Best Time to Leverage on Cloud Technology:
Take Your Business to Greater Heights”
Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) in collaboration with Malaysia-Japan Economic Association (MAJECA), Alphaus Cloud and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) hosted a webinar on Cloud Computing which was attended by various members from MASSA and MAJECA. MASSA and MAJECA was represented by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA and MAJECA.
The webinar was entitled ‘The Best Time to Leverage on Cloud Technology: Take Your Business to Greater Heights’. This non-technical webinar aimed to equip decision-makers to use cloud technology for their business growth by optimizing the technology to their needs.
The Speakers at the webinar were:
1.Mr Mohd Atasha Alias, Director of Alphaus Cloud Sdn Bhd
2.Mr Tan Tze Meng, Head of Cloud and Data Centers at MDEC
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA gave a Welcome Address at the start of the webinar.
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA giving the Welcome Address at the webinar
Mr Mohd Atasha Alias, Director of Alphaus Cloud, a leading software provider of Cloud Cost Management in Japan was invited to speak. Alphaus Cloud Sdn Bhd is a company founded in Malaysia, and it is from this business base that it is expanding across the Asia Pacific. He advises business leaders on how to thrive in the Digital Era, and helps business transform digitally from ‘brick and mortar’ to ‘click and mortar’ by leveraging his myriad connections along the digital value-chain of tools and services.
Mr Atasha’s presentation centred on answering the question – ‘What is Cloud’, and he also argued for cloud’s adoption as part of the new entrepreneurial mindset.
Mr Mohd Atasha Alias, Director of Alphaus Cloud introducing cloud technology and arguing the case for adopting it
The second speaker was Mr Tan Tze Meng. He presented the comparison of advantages using Cloud technology vs. on-premise infrastructure and the total cost of ownership for decision-makers.
Mr Tan has been in the IT industry since 1986, and has an extensive portfolio in this field. His beginnings can be traced to his time at Telekom Malaysia, where he played a key role in launching TMNet in 1996. Mr Tan is the Head of Cloud and Data Centers at MDEC. His department is responsible for the ecosystem development in the digital economy for Malaysia.
MDEC’s Head of Cloud and Data Centers, Mr Tan Tze Meng’s case for adopting cloud technology by presenting the comparisons of the total cost of ownership for an IT project using cloud technology versus on-premise infrastructure
After the presentations, the webinar held a series of polls, followed by a Q&A session moderated by Ms Rishanty Navaratnam of Alphaus Cloud.

To cap off the webinar, a virtual group photo session was held with the Speakers, the webinar’s team and the audience

Group photos of participants

The webinar’s team (from left to right) Mr Mohd Atasha Alias – Alphaus Cloud, the MASSA-MAJECA team, Ms Rishanty Navaratnam – Alphaus Cloud and Mr Tan Tze Meng – MDEC