Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year 2018 from the MASSA Secretariat.
MASSA had a few visitors and events in the last quarter of 2017.
A MASSA delegation participated at the 5th Showcase Malaysia in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This 5th edition attracted participation of more than 60 companies ranging from Malaysian manufactured products and services that included medical, tourism, education, engineering and consultancy.
MASSA continued to engage with the High Commission of Papua New Guinea and together with FMM organised a seminar on “Doing Business with Papua New Guinea” on 8 December 2017. YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, MASSA’s EXCO member and also FMM Council Member, chaired the meeting. With the encouragement of the High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea, MASSA together with FMM will be organising a Business Mission to Papua New Guinea from May 7-12, 2018. We look forward and encourage members to join this mission to Papua New Guinea. MASSA has featured an article on Papua New Guinea in this edition of the newsletter.
Another burgeoning country MASSA has been engaging is Mongolia. A senior delegation from M/s Erdenes Mongol LLC made a working visit to Malaysia from 4–6 October 2017. Erdenes Mongol LLC is a Mongolian Government Corporation, founded in 2007 with a mandate to represent the Government of Mongolia’s interest in strategic mineral assets in the country. They have extended an invitation to MASSA to organise a visit to Mongolia. This is in the planning for 2018. We encourage members to look out for our weekly circulars informing you of these upcoming events.
We take this occasion to thank all members, associates, sponsors and contributors for assisting us in the publication of our E-Newsletter throughout 2017. We look forward to your continuing support as we bring to members interesting and useful articles that can add value to your business endeavours to expand to the South-South countries.
Thank you and best wishes for 2018.
Ng Su Fun
MASSA Secretariat
President’s Message
Greetings and Best Wishes for 2018.
The Malaysian economy in 2017 prevailed in the midst of many challenges, globally and domestically. The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) recently revised its projection for Malaysia’s economic growth for 2017 to 5.6% from its earlier forecast of 5.4%. This is premised upon stronger domestic demand and reinforced by stronger external demand and robust exports. This augurs well for Malaysia going forward.
The Malaysian Government has embarked on transforming the country’s economy along the path of an innovation-led growth. This transformation is closely linked to the global evolution spurred by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or known as Industry 4.0). Industry 4.0 is bringing about unparalleled changes to production methods and consumption patterns. It has shown the potential to raise global income levels and improve quality of life through access to the digital world.
The private sector now has a new range of business opportunities brought on by Industry 4.0. The Digital era has introduced new business enablers, amongst others, innovative payment systems, new marketing solutions supported by big data and analytics, industrial automation aided by robotics, giving rise to the need for talent upgrading and upskilling. All these can enable businesses to grow in a more effective, equitable and sustainable way. The South-South markets in which we operate in, will directly benefit from this digital push.
MASSA’s primary objective is to reach out, identify and assist its members to spread their wings and tap into a bigger customer base as well as gain access to new resources that the South-South markets can provide.
I appreciate the continuing support and cooperation of all members and your participation in the activities and programmes organised.
I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2018.
Tan Sri Azman Hashim
Forthcoming Events
5th Showcase Malaysia 2017 on
21 to 23 September at International
Convention City Bashundhara
(Pushpogusso Hall-2), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) is the organiser of the “5th Showcase Malaysia 2017” in collaboration with the High Commission of Malaysia in Bangladesh, High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia and supported by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA). This event will be held on 21 – 23 September 2017 at the International Convention City Bashundhara (Pushpogusso Hall-2) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
This Showcase focused on the various sectors as in Furniture, Education, Power & Energy, Herbal Products, Food & Beverage, Airlines and Tourism, Electric & Electronics, Telecommunications, Real Estate & Housing, Information Technology, Joint Venture Companies, Automobiles & Spare Parts, Infrastructure Development, Cosmetics & Beauty Products, Palm Oil and related products, Pharmaceuticals and Health Care, Machineries & Industrial Products.
There will also be B2B meetings held between exhibitors and interested buyers for business matching during the showcase.
For further details on the “5th Showcase Malaysia 2017”, kindly contact BMCCI at Tel: +880-2-55033990-91, 096123-26224 or email: secretary@bmcci.org.bd/info@bmcci.org.bd
Dairy of Events
Trade Talk on “Business Opportunities
in Bangladesh” on 16 May 2017
@ Menara MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) organised a Trade Talk on “Business Opportunities in Bangladesh” at Menara MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur.
The objectives of the seminar were to disseminate information on:-
• Updates on recent developments in Bangladesh;
• Outlook and prospects for trade and investment in Bangladesh;
• Potential areas of collaboration between Malaysian and Bangladesh companies; and
• Invitation to participate in the “Showcase Malaysia Exhibition” in Bangladesh
YBhg Dato’ Wan Latiff Wan Musa, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of MATRADE delivered the Welcoming Remarks at the event.
Mr Ar. Md. Alamgir Jalil, President of Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BMCCI) presented the “Showcase Malaysia 2017” brief to the participants.
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary, MASSA attended the event.

(left) Mr Syed Moazzam Hossain, Chairman, Organising Committee, 5th Showcase Malaysia 2017 and Past President BMCCI at the briefing on the “Showcase Malaysia 2017” to participants

Participants posing a question during the trade talk

Mr Dhananjoy Kumar Dass, First Secretary (Commercial), Bangladesh High Commission in Malaysia answering enquiries from participants at the event

(left to right) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Dato’ Dzulkifli Mahmud, Mr Syed Moazzam Hossain and Datin Paduka Yong Dai Ying

Mr Yale Wong, Mr A C Lam, Ms Mag Ng, Mr Roger Lye, Mr Dhananjoy Kumar Dass, Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Dato’ Dzulklfli Mahmud, Mr Syed Moazzam Hossain, Ms Ng Su Fun, Datin Paduka Yong Dai Ying, Mr Shabbir Ahmad Khan and Mr Y H Goh
MACD and MASSA Tea Talk on “MACD Digital
Board Series: The Rise of Digital Business
Industry Visions” on 18 May 2017
@ Equestrian Club, Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian Alliance of Corporate Directors (MACD) with the support of MASSA organised a tea talk on “MACD Digital Board Series: The Rise of Digital Business Industry Visions” by Mr Ellery of Gartner Inc. at the Equestrian Club, Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur.
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary represented MASSA at the event.

Mr Ellery of Gartner Inc. presenting “The Rise of Digital Business Industry Visions” to MASSA members
Twenty-Sixth (26th) Annual General Meeting
MASSA on 21 June 2017
YBhg Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chaired the Twenty-Sixth (26th) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA at the Banquet Hall, 26th Floor, Bangunan Ambank Group, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur.
The President of MASSA welcomed members and Committee members and proceeded with the business of the AGM.
YBhg Tan Sri Azman Hashim delivered his address and thereafter the meeting proceed to unanimously adopt the Annual Report and the audited accounts of the Association for the year ended 31st December 2016.

Twenty-Sixth (26th) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA on 21 June 2017 with (left to right) Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin, Hon. Assistant Secretary MASSA, YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President (I) MASSA, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President MASSA, Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong and Dato’ Tan Kia Loke, both EXCO Member MASSA
There was election of office bearers at the AGM. The Executive Committee and Office Bearers for the new term 2017 – 2019 are as follow:-
President : YBhg Tan Sri Azman Hashim
Vice President (i) : YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum
Vice President (ii) : YBhg Datuk Lim Fung Chee
Honorary Secretary : YBhg Datuk Lee Teck Yuen
Honorary Treasurer : YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, J.P.
Honorary Assistant Secretary : YBhg Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin
YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ramli YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew
Kushairi Hoong
YBhg Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh YBhg Dato’ Soam Heng Choon
Abdul Khalid
YBhg Dato’ J Jegathesan YBhg Dato’ Tan Kia Loke
YBhg Dato’ Cheah Sam Kip Ms Norzilah Mohammed
Ms Normah Osman – Ministry of International Trade & Industry Malaysia (MITI)
Mr Md Aznor Mahat – Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra)
YBhg Dato’ Azman Mahmud – Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
Ir. Dr. Mohd Shareen Zainooreen B. Mardos – Malaysia External Trade Development
Corporation (MATRADE)
The President thanked the Executive Committee and Office Bearers for their continuing support and MASSA members for their participation in MASSA events and activities.

(left to right) Dato’ Lawrence Lim Siew Lin, Hon. Assistant Secretary MASSA, Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ramli Kushairi and Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abudl Khalid (both EXCO Member MASSA)

(left to right) Dato’ Wan Latiff Wan Musa, Deputy Chief Executive Officer MATRADE, Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, EXCO Member MASSA and Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA

(left to right) Dato’ Yaacob Arshad, Serting Mewah Sdn Bhd and Dato’ Wan Latiff Wan Musa, MATRADE

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun and Encik Mohammad bin Abdullah

(left to right) Mrs Ho Soo Quen, Ms Erin Tang Pui Kee (both from MITI), Puan Anita Bahrom and colleague from Malayan Banking Berhad (MAYBANK)

(left to right) Mr Lee Seng Fong, Bina Puri Holdings Bhd and Dato’ Kuah Lai Huat, Marvellous Century Sdn Bhd
Business Networking with Senior African
Port Officials on 20 July 2017 @ Pullman Hotel
KLCC, Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur
Africa-South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) based in Singapore organised the visit of senior African port officials to Malaysia. In conjunction with the visit, a Networking Session with MASSA members was held at the Pullman Hotel KLCC, Jalan Conlay Kuala Lumpur. MASSA coordinated the networking session.

(standing) Mr Kelvin Tan, Secretary-General, Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) with senior African port officials at the business networking

(left) Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary MASSA and other MASSA members at the networking session

Meeting in progress
Latin America Business Day on 1 August 2017
@ MITI Tower, Kuala Lumpur
MITI together with its agencies, MATRADE, MIDA, SME Corp, MPC, MIDF, SME Bank, HDC, MAI and Malaysia Steel Institute organised the “Latin America Business Day” at MITI Tower on 1 August 2017.
MASSA together with Malaysian Association of ASEAN Young Entrepreneurs, Maybank, RAIG, MAGIC, Education Malaysia, UKM, IKMAS, University of Malaya and Universiti Kuala Lumpur supported the event.
The Latin America Embassies in Malaysia comprising of Agentine, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Equador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela participated actively in the event.
Pertinent topics concerning economic integration in Latin America, Trade and Investment opportunities, economic growth trends and how to expprt to Latin America were discussed. 8 breakout sessions extensively covered many key sectors that presented business opportunities for participants to network. They included: –
–Energy, Oil & Gas-
– Mining & Construction Services
– Aerospace
– Electrical & Electronic and ICT-
– Medical Equipment & Pharmaceutical
– Agribusiness, Food & Beverage
– Halal
– Automotive & Auto Parts
– Malaysia and Latin American Countries: Opportunities for Students & Entrepreneurs

(left, standing) Dato’ Dr. Noraini Ahmad, Chairman MATRADE delivered the Welcome Remarks at the event
MASSA as a supporting organisation, had a networking booth at the event.

(left to right) Mr Tham Sing Khaw and Ms Su Fun

Visitor visiting MASSA Booth at the “Table Top Exhibition”

(left) Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary MASSA answering enquiries from visitor at the MASSA booth

(left to right) Ms Florence Khoo, Datuk Ravindran Palaniappan and Ms Ng Su Fun
MASSA thanks MITI for the opportunity to participate at this event.
Meeting with High Commissioner of Papua New
Guinea (PNG) on 16 August 2017
A meeting with H.E. Mr Peter Vincent, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea and Trade Commission, Mr Philemon Senginawa was held on 16 August 2017 at Federation Malaysian Manufacturer (FMM)’s office.
The meeting was chaired by Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, EXCO member MASSA and Executive Adviser ACCCIM. MASSA and FMM will assist the High Commission of Papua New Guinea to organise a Seminar on Business Opportunities in Papua New Guinea in October 2017 with the view to mounting a Business Mission to Papua New Guinea in 2018.

Chairing the meeting is Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong (3rd from left) and (2nd from left) H.E. Mr Peter Vincent, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea at FMM’s office

Group photo after the meeting on 16 August 2017
Mongolia: Your Untapped Potential of the Far East
Tea Talk on Mongolia – Business Prospects and
Opportunities by Mr Reynolds Augustine,
Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Malaysia
on 9 August 2017
MASSA organised a tea talk session on “Mongolia – Business Prospects and Opportunities” on 9 August 2017. Mr Reynolds Augustine, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Malaysia presented the business opportunities in Mongolia at Best Western Petaling Jaya.

(Standing) Mr Reynolds Augustine, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Malaysia presenting a paper on “Mongolia Your Untapped Potential of the Far East” to MASSA members

(left to right) Mr Loo Yow Ming, Director, Investment Global Malaysia, Crest Global Resources Sdn Bhd, Mr Reynolds Augustine, Hon. Consul of Mongolia in Malaysia & Group CEO, Global/Malaysia Crest Global Resources Sdn Bhd and Mr Jacob Haji Kasolan, President & CEO, Jacobwell Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd

(left to right) Mr Reynolds Augustine, Hon. Consul of Mongolia in Malaysia, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA, Mr Lim Chee How, Manager, Business Development, IJM Land Berhad and Mr Tan Peng Kok, IJM Corporation Berhad

(center) Mr Reynolds Augustine having discussion with MASSA members at the tea talk

(left to right) Mr Loo Yow Ming, Mr Reynolds Augustine, Ms Florence, Ms Ng Su Fun and Mrs Reynolds Augustine
Some of the pertinent information on Mongolia include: –
Country Fact Sheet
Country Exports
Country Fact Sheet
Country Imports
Country Fact Sheet
Country Imports
Mongolia Imports by Category in U.S. Dollars, according to the United Nations COMTRADE datebase on international trade. Figures indicated are from 2015.
Country Feature: Kazakhstan – Attracting Investment in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Flag


Kazakhstan Map
Attracting Investment in Kazakhstan
Attraction of foreign investment in the country’s economy is considered as one of the most important state priorities in Kazakhstan. In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev stated that the country has to keep the leadership in the investment attraction in the region. The country continues to be an attractive investment destination for natural resource-seeking and market-seeking investments. However, the real challenge is to attract more export oriented, efficiency-seeking FDI.
In order to achieve this, the Government started to undertake a series of priority reforms. The National Investment Attraction and Retention Strategy of Kazakhstan is developed and will soon be approved. It formulates an ambitious yet achievable investment vision for the country outside of the hydrocarbon and mineral sector and identifies a set of core improvements that will continuously raise Kazakhstan’s competitiveness for the efficiency-seeking investments. Attracting and retaining this type of investment will require strengthening both Kazakhstan’s international competiveness and its investment climate.
The measures on creating a favorable investment climate in Kazakhstan include removal of administrative barriers, provision of investment preferences such as tax incentives, investment subsidy, exemption from customs duties, state in-kind grants, etc. Since January 1, 2017, citizens of 60 countries including all OECD member countries may enter Kazakhstan without a visa for a period up to 30 calendar days.
As a result, in 2016 Kazakhstan moved up from rank 41 to rank 35 in the World Bank’s Doing Business rating. According to the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the gross inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) amounted to more than $20 billion and increased by 40 percent compared to 2015. In addition, this year Kazakhstan joined the Investment Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The country will adopt many of OECD’s recommendations to integrate better within the world economy and raise its competitiveness.
One of the most important steps on attracting FDI in country’s economy is the establishment of KAZAKH INVEST National Company on the basis of Kaznex Invest National Export and Investment Promotion Agency. The company acts on behalf of the Government as a unified negotiator and a one-stop-shop in creating and strengthening its relationship with international business community, as well as a single coordinating center on special economic and industrial zones of Kazakhstan.
The Company Board of Directors includes heads of relevant ministries and authoritative foreign consultants. It is led by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which allows to find prompt and sustainable solutions to all issues and problems of the investors.
The main functional duty of KAZAKH INVEST is to provide full support for foreign investors – from the development of idea to the commencement of production in Kazakhstan and the subsequent export. In other words, investment project support is not limited to consulting activities only, but extends up to the release and dispatch of products to consumers. Such a comprehensive approach allows KAZAKH INVEST to work with each of its partners more efficiently and to establish productive cooperation.
All FDI projects will be supported all the way through its life cycle, which includes meetings and negotiations with the investor to determine his needs, preparing investment project together, supporting investor at all stages of the project, and project aftercare including full protection.
Being active on a global scale, KAZAKH INVEST operates with a network of representative offices abroad. Representatives are in direct contact with the target business communities and are the first point of immediate contact, providing full assistance to potential investors. The company has also opened offices in all regions of Kazakhstan. They will provide an opportunity to receive all state services in the field and promptly resolve operational issues.
So, KAZAKH INVEST becomes a single contact point for each investor. According to Maxat Kabashev, Chairman of the Management Board, “We fully realize that the current success of the foreign investors in Kazakhstan leads to the future long-term prosperity of the country, and we are ready to provide comprehensive assistance to them. That is how we will build a smooth and efficient path to Kazakhstan.”
For more information please visit www.invest.gov.kz
Contact Details
2 Kunaev Street, 6th Floor
010000 Astana
Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 7172 62 05 27
Fax: +7 7172 62 06 00
Website: www.invest.gov.kz
Malaysia-Kazakhstan Business Forum on 3 May 2017
Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) with the cooperation of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Malaysia organised the “Malaysia- Kazakhstan Business Forum – New Business Opportunities in Kazakhstan” at Menara MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur.

Kazakhstan-Malaysia Business Forum on “New Business Opportunities in Kazakhstan” on 3 May 2017 at Menara MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur
The Forum’s objectives was to promote “Trade and Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan” to officials from the Malaysian government and the business community in Malaysia. The Forum also aimed to promote closer economic cooperation as an important element of comprehensive partnership between the two countries.
Ms Sharimahton Mat Saleh, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of MATRADE delivered the Keynote Address. H.E. Mr Timur Suleimenov, Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan chaired the Forum.

H.E. Ruslan Dalenov, First Vice Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan giving the Keynote Address at the Malaysia-Kazakhstan Business Forum

Ms Gulnar Keneyeva, Advisor to the Chairman of Tourism and International Relations of KAZNEX INVSET presented a paper on the “Trade and Investments Opportunities in Kazakhstan” at the Forum
The following presentations made at the Forum included:-
1) Trade and Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan
2) Islamic Finance Development in Kazakhtan
3) Public-Private Partnership Cooperation
4) Development of Cooperation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
between Kazakhstan and Malaysia
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary of MASSA attended the Forum.
Greetings from MASSA!
We are pleased to feature 2 countries in this edition of our newsletter. They are the Republic of Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
Malaysia-Kazakhstan Business Forum organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and MATRADE on 3 May 2017. The Kazakh Invest provided MASSA with further information on the prospects and opportunities to invest in this strategic central Asian country. Kazakhstan is currently hosting Astana EXPO 2017. The Malaysian Pavilion has been thronged by visitors and we are pleased to note that through the initiatives of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, its initial target of USD288.7 Million in trade and investment initiatives have been met and exceeded over. Syabas Malaysia !
We also feature the country, “Mongolia”. MASSA organised a Business Talk on Mongolia. It was presented by Mr Reynolds Augustine, Honorary Consul of Mongolia. Mr Augustine presented the untapped potential of this country that is strategically located between two giants, China and Russia. It is a country with vast untapped mineral resources, agricultural land and livestock that has much potential to develop.
MASSA also connected with the High Commission of Papua New Guinea in Malaysia. A meeting was held with H.E. Mr Peter Vincent, the High Commissioner. Plans are in place to organise a Business Forum and a business mission to Papua New Guinea in 2018.
Malaysia Showcase in Bangladesh, its 5th Edition will be held this month in Dhaka. Together with our associate organisation, Expertise Resource Association (ERA) a MASSA delegation comprising 10 members will be visiting Dhaka from 20 – 23 September to participate in the business meetings and seminars during the showcase.
Look out for our weekly circulars and be informed and join the networking. We take this opportunity to thank you all again for your support.
Ng Su Fun
MASSA Secretariat
President’s Message
Bank Negara Malaysia announced that the Malaysian economy expanded by 5.8% in the second quarter of 2017. This commendable growth was supported by domestic demand, particularly private sector spending. From the supply side, the improvement was driven by a broad based expansion across all major sectors. Going forward, the Malaysian economy, barring unforeseen circumstances, can expect to grow more than 4.8% in 2017.
On the global stage, growth momentum is expected to sustain, considering the recovery in the manufacturing, trade and commodities, stronger investment activities and financial markets that continue to stay buoyant.
Closer to home, ASEAN as a regional grouping is anticipated to rise to the occasion. Its growth outpaces that of the European Union and the United States and it is expected to become the fourth-largest economy by 2030, behind EU, US and China. ASEAN’s growth potential presents immense opportunities for business, trade and investment. The region’s collective potential is underpinned by strong fundamentals due to its young and vibrant workforce, a growing middle class and increasing intra-regional trade flows. For this to be realised, Malaysia needs to shift its economy to a level driven by talent and skill based productivity in sync with the ecosystem that is being transformed by the Industrial Revolution / Industry 4.0 that we are facing today. As we strive to meet these challenges, our South-South connections will also benefit and grow in tandem.
I am most happy to take this opportunity to congratulate our Vice President, YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum on receiving his “Darjah Kebesaran Seri Setia Mahkota (SSM) award from our Yang DiPertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V on His Majesty’s Official Birthday. Tun Michael Chen has served with distinction in many Ministerial positions in the Government, including as President of Dewan Negara and in the private sector. MASSA is very proud to have benefitted from Tun’s wise counsel, business acumen and excellent diplomacy. Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes, Tun!
Tan Sri Azman Hashim
Land & General Berhad
LAND & GENERAL BERHAD Company No : 5507-H |
About Us: | Land & General Berhad’s visionary management style is inspired by the motto ‘Building Value For Tomorrow.’ The Group aims to bring in high profits in the future along with a living community and environment that is both invaluable and sustainable. Land & General ensures its loyal buying community value through the creation of developments that upgrade and enhance their lifestyles, propelling working and living environments to greater heights. It is the Group’s vision to establish itself as a major and successful business group in Malaysia and the region. |
What We Buy: | – |
What We Sell: | Property
Contact: | Baheerathy A |
Job Title: | Asst Manager, Legal |
Location: | 8trium , Level 21, Menara 1, Jalan Cempaka SD 12/5, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur |
Tel/Fax No: | – |
Industry: | Education/Training, Food & Beverages, Plantation, Property & Real Estate |
Email: | lgb@land-general.com |
Website: | www.land-general.com |
IJM Corporation Berhad
IJM Corporation Berhad (104131-A) |
About Us: | IJM Corporation Berhad, formed in 1983, is today one of Malaysia’s leading construction groups and is listed on Bursa Malaysia KLCI. Its business activities encompass construction, property development, manufacturing and quarrying, infrastructure concessions and plantations.
Headquartered in Selangor, its operations are located in 10 countries, with primary focus in Malaysia, India and Indonesia. The Group presently has a market capitalisation of around RM12 billion and as of December 2016, the Group employed around 4,600 employees and had total assets of RM20.5 billion. The Group’s belief in a shared destiny with its employees remains pivotal to its growing success while its reputation for professionalism, performance and good governance is acknowledged by customers and investors alike from its numerous corporate and industry accolades. IJM is committed to ethical business conduct and subscribes to the principles of good corporate citizenship for sustainable growth and development. |
What We Buy: | Our 5 core businesses: Construction – Civil engineering, infrastructure projects and building construction Property – Commercial, residential, integrated townships, international ventures and investment properties Industry – PSC piles including marine piles, quarry operations, ready-mixed concrete and PC Bars (high induction heat treated bars) Infrastructure – Toll concessions and port operations, water treatment plant and power plant facilities Plantation – Mill and estate operations, fresh fruit bunches (FFB) productions and Crude Palm Oil (CPO) |
What We Sell: | |
Contact: | Shane Guha Thakurta |
Job Title: | Senior Manager, Investor Relations |
Location: | Wisma IJM, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. |
Tel/Fax No: | – |
Industry: | Conglomerate |
Email: | ijm@ijm.com |
Website: | www.ijm.com |