Launching of Digital Transformation Acceleration Program (DTAP) on 9 April 2018
The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC) launched the “Digital Transformation Acceleration Program (DTAP) on 9 April 2018. Digital Transformation Acceleration Program (DTAP) was envisioned to future proof Malaysian companies by providing a structured approach to digital adoption to enable companies to remain competitive. The objectives of digitizing companies are to enhance their global competitiveness, strengthen growth and productivity of manufacturing industries, create high value-added jobs and reduce dependency on foreign labour, as well as to increase the prowess of SMEs. DTAP is a partnership between MDEC and MIDA, which provides a matching grant to companies that qualify for the program.
Digital Transformation Acceleration Program is a structured approach which allows companies identify pain points and exploits opportunities in digital, and develop potential solutions through lab sessions to design, develop and create proof of concepts. These proofs of concepts are measurable, and outcome based.
The program will be facilitated and managed by appointed Digital Transformation Labs (DTL), where DTLs will provide the structured approach and expertise in executing the program. Emerging technologies will be incorporated where possible. Pilots are to achieve one of these main outcomes; increase productivity, reduce dependency on foreign labor or creation of new sources of growth.

(1st row from the left to right, 4th & 5th seated) Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid, EXCO MASSA and YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President of MASSA at the event
MASSA representatives who attended the session included its Vice President, YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum and EXCO member, Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid.
Datuk Yasmin Mahmud and Dato’ Azman Mahmud gave a detailed presentation of the DTAP journey and encouraged Malaysian companies to consider the positive attributes of embarking on this corporate journey that is expected to reap beneficial rewards.
Gamuda and Top Glove shared their experiential journey with participants.

(left) YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President of MASSA and (right) Datuk Yasmin Mahmud, CEO, MDEC at the event

(left) YABhg Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum and Ms Seah Siew Yun, President, Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM)
Funding and incentives related to smart manufacturing / Industry 4.0:
a) Incentives for the production of robotics and factory automation equipment and specialized production of M&E for specific industry:
• Pioneer Status (PS) with income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years or
• ITA of 100% on qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years. This allowance can be offset against 100% of statutory income for each year of assessment.
b) The Automation Capital Allowance to encourage swift adoption of automation among manufacturing industries:
• For high labour-intensive industries (rubber products, plastics, wood, furniture & textiles) an Automation CA of 200% will be provided on the first RM4 million expenditure incurred within 5 years of assessment from 2015 to 2020;
• For other industries, an Automation CA of 200% will be provided on the first RM2 million expenditure incurred within 5 years of assessment from 2015 to 2020.
c) MIDA Soft Loan Scheme for Automation & Modernisation (SLSAM) to assist manufacturing companies to:
– Modernize and automate manufacturing process
– Upgrade production capabilities and capacity
– Minimize dependence on labour-intensive activities and foreign labour
– Diversify into higher value-added activities.
Domestic Investment Strategic Fund (DISF) provides matching grants for:
• Training activities
• R&D activities
• Modernisation / upgrading facilities and equipment
• To comply with international standards
• Licensing/purchase of technology
d) New incentives under 2018 budget:
– Matching grant of RM245 million under DISF to upscale Smart Manufacturing facilities;
– Accelerated Capital Allowance (ACA) of 200% on the first RM10 million qualifying capital expenditure incurred in the year of assessments (YA) 2018 to 2020 for manufacturing and manufacturing related services sectors;
– Capital Allowance for ICT equipment including computer software development expenditure can be fully claimed from year of assessment (YA) 2018 to 2020.
Country Argentina – Why Look At Argentina For Business Opportunities?

Flag of Argentina

Emblem of Argentina
Map of Argentina

Demographics of Argentina

Article by H.E. Manuel Balaguer Salas, Ambassador of Argentina to Malaysia
New Economic Environment
The Argentine Republic established diplomatic relations with Malaysia in 1967 and, since then, from intense political and multilateral ties and increasing trade volume and investment both countries have managed to build a strong and fruitful bilateral relationship.
Considered the tallest twin building in the world, not many people know that the PETRONAS Twin Towers were designed and completed in 1998 by an Argentine architect, César Pelli, and that since then they stand not only as a cultural and architectural icon of Kuala Lumpur, but also as a symbol of friendship and understanding between our countries.
When President Mauricio Macri was elected in December 2015, he outlined a clear plan to integrate Argentina to the world. In his first two years in office, the President took several important measures not only to normalize the economy, but also to rebuild trust and confidence in the country.
Some of these measures include: lifting currency restrictions, reaching an agreement with holdout creditors, lifting restrictions to capital inflow/outflow, returning to the international capital markets, removing or reducing export duties, gradually removing import restrictions, correcting exchange rates and subsidies, and reestablishing relations with countries that have traditionally been Argentina’s business and political partners.
The message is clear: Argentina is determined to normalize its economy and consistent in regaining political leadership, not only in the region but also amongst emerging markets.
Historically, Argentina´s investment case has rested on its abundant natural resources, talented and educated labor force, strong infrastructure, large middle class and a gateway position in the region.
This time around, with the Argentine government’s main objective of Zero Poverty, it is vital that we go one step further. We must attract genuine investment, which in turn creates more and better quality jobs. But we also need to attract the world’s best know-how across all sectors, to ensure continuous and sustainable growth. That’s why we are inviting companies and investors from all over the world to participate in this process and become a protagonist of this new era for our country.
Argentina is Latin-America’s 3rd largest economy in terms of Purchasing Power Parity. In 2017 its GDP reached USD 586 billion, with GDP per capita at USD 13,500 (USD 22,500 in PPP terms). In the last 12 years (2005-2017) Argentina´s compound annual growth rate was 3.4%.
Argentina has a highly diversified economy. The primary sector is internationally renowned for its high productivity levels and use of advanced technologies. Key sectors in Argentina’s developed industrial base are agribusiness, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and petrochemicals, biotechnology and design manufacturing. The service sector is the largest contributor to total GDP, accounting for over 50% of the total.

Argentina Map on Resources
Argentina is a leader producer of foodstuffs: the third worldwide producer of soybeans, soymeal, soybean oil and corn, the fourth largest producer of sunflower (seed, meal and oil) and sorghum, the seventh largest producer of barley, and the twelfth producer of wheat.
We boast the world’s fourth-biggest shale oil reserves, and the second-biggest shale gas reserves. Other valuable natural resources include gold, copper, lead, zinc, lithium, natural borates, bentonite, clays and construction stone.
The leading industrial sectors in terms of gross value of production are: food processing, beverages, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, motor vehicles and auto parts, coke fuel, oil refining, and nuclear fuel manufacturing.
With respect to services, sectors with the largest share in gross value added include wholesale, retails and repairs; followed by transport and communications. The service sector leads the labor market as the largest job creator.
Except for 2015, the trade balance has been positive since 2002. In these 15 years, exports have shown a 240% increase in nominal US dollar terms. During the same period, imports have increased by 680%.
Argentina’s main trade partners (imports and exports) are Brazil, China and the United States.
Historically, Argentina has had a negative balance of trade in terms of services. Notwithstanding, two categories have a positive balance: a) business, professional and technical services; and b), computer and information services. Recent years have seen a strong consolidation of export-oriented services, mainly due to Argentina’s highly-skilled human resources.
Over the last twelve years (2005-2017) government income has been stable at around 21% of GDP. Taxes account for half of this, social security for a quarter and capital resources, property income, current transfers and sales of goods and services for the remaining quarter.
The share of national public expenditure in GDP increased from 18% in 2005 to 22% in 2017. More than 75% of expenditures are concentrated in three areas: salaries (15%), social security accounts (37%) and transfers to the private sector (24%).
In 2016, after more than 14 years, Argentina exited from default on its public debt. This has allowed the country to reduce risk and return to international capital markets.
The Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA, for its acronym in Spanish) is responsible for monetary policy. Its purpose is to promote monetary and financial stability, employment and economic development with social equity. The current exchange rate policy is a floating regime, and the BCRA is currently implementing a policy of inflation targeting.
There are no restrictions on foreign investment, except in some strategic sectors, such as telecommunications, defense and oil and gas. Most importantly, it is the new administration’s policy that profits may be freely transferred, and the BCRA has eliminated previous restrictions but for those stemming from money laundering legislation (based on the FATF’s recommendations).
The BCRA has also eased regulations on foreign ownership of Argentine entities which had affected the country’s capital inflows and outflows. Today, foreign investors can fully own a company and operate in financial markets (listed shares included) without any form of prior government approval. It is now fair to say that Argentina enjoys a free foreign exchange market and that all capital flow restrictions have been lifted.
Extraordinary investment opportunities
Over the last decade, and despite a history of strong infrastructure, Argentina dropped 61 positions in the Global Report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), to 122nd. This context allows for numerous investment opportunities, particularly given the country’s renewed access to international capital markets.
In terms of transport infrastructure, national road and railway systems extend over 35,000 km, maritime connections operate through 43 ports, while air traffic connects to 54 airports. Argentina also has 40 port zones along its Atlantic coast.
We have one of the most dynamic mobile communications markets in Latin America and the third largest in the region after Brazil and Mexico. Mobile penetration is around 140% (2017). Although Argentina’s broadband penetration is the third highest in Latin America, after Uruguay and Chile, its average download speeds, at about 5,5Mb/s, are relatively low for the region.
64% of Argentina’s energy generation comes from conventional sources (gas & petroleum). The other 36% is a combination of hydropower (around 30%), nuclear energy (around 4%), mineral carbon, firewood, bagasse, vegetable oils, alcohol fuels, wind and solar energy.
Argentina has identified investment opportunities for approximately USD 260Bn across multiple sectors, both at federal and provincial levels. The country is therefore pleased to invite the foreign public and private sectors to join Argentinian investors and participate in the financing, engineering, development and operation of these opportunities.
The largest opportunities are found in energy & mining, transportation and infrastructure sectors:
-The current transportation plan is the most ambitious in the history of the country, offering USD 95Bn investment projects in roads, freight and passenger rail, ports and airports. It includes large urban mobility projects, such as the Regional Express Railway network in the Capital City of Buenos Aires.
-Energy and mining opportunities add up to USD 90Bn and comprise the development of the vast “Vaca Muerta” shale oil & gas reserves. Additionally, there are rich unexplored mining areas, as well as tenders for thermal, hydro and renewal energy.
-USD 60Bn in infrastructure opportunities encompass water & sanitation works, land irrigation systems and health & educational facilities.
Additionally, there is a wider range of investment opportunities in various sectors, from agribusiness to tourism and urban development.
Bilateral commerce and trade
Argentina, as Malaysia, is a multicultural country that has successfully integrated different peoples, religions and traditions. Our bilateral commerce is strong and still has many possibilities to be diversified and increased. In 2016-2017 we saw our bilateral trade growing again and we hope to continue in this positive path.
Having reached our exports to Malaysia a peak in 2012 of 989 million USD dollars, from there we register a slowdown both in volume and price that, in 2015, already represented a decrease of more than 10%. However, in 2016 the Argentine sales start growing strongly again, allowing, for the first time, to exceed the values of 2012.

Argentina – Country Branding Logo
During 2016 and 2017 the pattern of Argentine exports to the Malaysian market were kept on a small number of high concentrated products. The five principal ones comprised 96% of the total exported to this market, similar to the 96% recorded in 2015. These products are basically manufactures of agricultural origin (oil cake and oil cake of soya bean, corn, soya oil, sunflower oil and seafood), where imported volumes evolve according to the requirements of the Malaysian economy. The first product continues to be soybean meal, which comprises almost 42% of the five main products exported, although its predominance is reduced compared to 2015.
In 2017, Malaysia continued to position itself as the third market in ASEAN countries for Argentine export goods, being only surpassed by Vietnam and Indonesia. Compared to the other markets of the sub-region, Malaysia continues to present itself as a stable and consistent country for our exports.
Currently we are trying to diversify our exports to Malaysia, promoting products with a higher added value, such as honey, mineral water, olive oil, wine and spirits, snacks, candies, organic and gourmet products, cereals and, of course, halal products, mainly our world renowned beef. The Embassy of Argentina in Kuala Lumpur is working closely with the Malaysian authorities of MITI, JAKIM and HDC to make progress on these issues.
As a result of these exchanges, we realized the potential that exists in working together in the halal industry. Not only on beef production, as mentioned, but also in the wide range of products that are included in this important and growing sector. Argentina, as one of the major food producers in the world, can be Malaysia´s ideal partner, by creating a pole of halal production in Argentina to export these products not only to Malaysia, but also to many other Muslim countries.
We are also very proud of our flagship argentine company IMPSA, present here in Malaysia for the last 20 years. They manufacture and export hydro turbines, cranes and wind generation components. Through its successful participation in the Bakun Dam, IMPSA has transferred technology to its Malaysian subsidiary and its subcontractors, trained hundreds of Malaysian engineers and technicians in different fields and implemented a Vendor Development Program that benefited more than 300 companies and thousands of people in this country. IMPSA, now a Malaysian joint venture called IMARTEK, has been investing over 100 million USD for the past 10 years, becoming the only State-of-the-Art Capital Goods manufacturing company in South East Asia for these type of equipment.
Another recent highlight was the opening of a commercial office by PETRONAS in Buenos Aires, and the signature with YPF, our National Oil and Gas Company, of the second phase of the mutual agreement for the exploration of shale oil and gas in the Province of Neuquén, in Argentine Patagonia. The project comprises three phases with a total disbursement of 500 million USD. PETRONAS is also interested in extending its presence in other areas in Argentina. A good example of this, is the recently inaugurated car lubricants and fluids plant in the Province of Buenos Aires, with an investment of approximately 300 million USD.
We are very proud to witness this strategic association between our two National Oil and Gas Companies.
Also, in an effort to boost business relationship with Latin American countries, the Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) – along with its agencies MATRADE and MIDA and the Latin American Embassies in Kuala Lumpur, organized an important event on trade and investment that took place in Kuala Lumpur last year.
The Business Day presented an excellent opportunity to enhance commerce, trade and investment between Malaysia and Latin American countries, and to organize more Public-Private Partnership programs.
There are indeed many interesting possibilities for Malaysian companies, and investment groups, to export to our country or establish partnerships with counterparts in Argentina to develop business. We import from Malaysia basically latex gloves, parts of computers and cell phones, electronic integrated circuits, coconut and palm oil, machinery and clothing, but these items could be extended to others such as tropical fruits, auto parts.
Argentina and Malaysia have been strong political and commercial partners for more than 50 years. We share essential values and have the same vision on many of the main problems that are affecting Humanity in the 21st Century, such as the fight against drug and human trafficking, climate change, migrations and the combat against terrorism.
We also share common values of respect of international law and the promotion of fair rules in commerce and trade, and we strongly believe that the only way to improve the quality of living of our people is by generating greater and better employment opportunities. And this can be only achieved by increasing trade and productive investments. So that is precisely our challenge in the years to come.
Contact Details
Embassy of Argentina
Suite 16-03, Menara Keck Seng
203, Jalan Bukit Bintang
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2144 1451 / Fax: 603-2144 1428
Greetings for 2018 from MASSA Secretariat !
The 1st quarter of 2018 has swiftly flown past. In this edition, we are pleased to bring you an article from H.E. Manuel Balaguer Salas, Ambassador of Argentina to Malaysia highlighting Argentina as a preferred destination for business with Latin America. Argentina has a highly diversified economy with the services sector contributing more than 50% to its GDP. Its agriculture produce and downstream products are well known globally. Bi-lateral commerce and trade with Malaysia has diversified and has been steadily increasing, especially in the halal sector. H.E. Ambassador Manuel Balaguer Salas and his Commercial Officer, Ms Lier Wei Qi would be pleased to hear from you.
The Honorable Minister for National Planning and Monitoring, Papua New Guinea, Mr Richard Maru, MP together with a delegation that included the Honorable Minister of Immigration, Mr Petrus Thomas, MP visited MASSA and met MASSA’s President, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and members on 18 April 2018.
The Minister’s programme in Malaysia included meeting their counterparts in Government and with our private sector that included MASSA. The Minister highlighted investment opportunities in the following areas:- Banking & Financial Sector, especially Micro & SME Sectors, Property & Real Estate Sector, especially Hotel Development, Fishery & Forestry – downstream processing, Telecommunication Sector and Green & Renewable Energy Sector.
MASSA together with FMM will be organising a business mission to Papua New Guinea from 4 to 8 August 2018. Look out for our news on this visit. We look forward to your participation on this mission.
In line with the current technological transformation brought on by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0, we are witnessing how technology and the internet are transforming the way we live and work.
MASSA together with MAJECA, co-organised a technical visit to Inari Amertron Berhad and Penang Skills Development Centre (PSDC) in Bayan Lepas, Penang on 26 April 2018. Inari Amertron Berhad has adopted Industry 4.0 features in their production line. We witnessed an example of a “smart factory” concept in which cyber physical systems monitor real time physical progress of the factory which can enable decentralised decisions to be made. Our visit to PSDC enabled us to be acquainted with the extensive range of training and industrial programmes PSDC conducts to equip our workforce to be directly relevant to industry needs. In keeping with the development of Industry 4.0, PSDC also conducts a range of training programmes in this area.
In the coming months, MASSA will endeavour to bring you articles and events to keep you abreast of Industry 4.0 issues. Starting with this edition, we are pleased to share an article from the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) on the Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0.
We hope this edition of news and views have been enlightening for members and readers. We want to thank all our contributors and partners for sharing all these information and insights. MASSA endeavours to be a focal point for South-South information and business cross flows.
Editorial Committee
MASSA Secretariat
President’s Message
Bank Negara Annual Report 2017 stated that 2017 was a year of resurgence. Improvements in the global and domestic economy exceeded earlier expectations with growth that was broad-based and synchronised. This was inspite of ongoing political uncertainties in the major economies.
For Malaysia, the economy performed well. It recorded a robust growth of 5.9% (2016: 4.2%) supported by expansions in both private and public sector spending. Export growth surpassed expectations increasing at its fastest pace since 2004. The up swing in the global technology cycle resulting from the demand from Malaysia’s major trading partners, i.e. P.R. China, Asean, US, EU and Japan led to strong demand for our Electronics and Electrical products. (E & E).
Continuing from the stronger global economic conditions, the Malaysian economy is projected to grow by 5.5% – 6.0% in 2018. Domestic demand will continue to anchor this growth underpinned by sustained demand from major trading partners, favourable global commodity prices and the continued expansion in the global technology upcycle.
This technology upcycle is part of the transformation that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work & do business. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0 is already impacting every level of society and business in the developed and developing countries. Our Malaysian Government has been proactive in realizing this phenomenon and they have embarked on a plan for Malaysia to transform, adopt and embrace the new digital age. This requires enormous collaborative efforts across multiple stakeholders and organisations.
Towards this end, MASSA is doing its part by embarking on awareness programmes to highlight some key areas as the digital ecosystem unfolds. MASSA is pleased to work with change agents who are at the forefront of this challenge that includes Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDEC), Penang and Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC). Through the equipping of our corporates and the upskilling of the talents of our workforce, we can continue to extend to our development partners in the South-South countries, a better value proposition that can translate to efficiencies, productivity and profitability.
I appreciate the continuing support and cooperation of all our Executive Committee and members and your participation in MASSA’s activities.
Tan Sri Azman Hashim
Binary University Sdn Bhd
Binary University Sdn Bhd (Co. Reg. : 378596-X) |
About Us: | Established in 1984, Binary University is rated as a 5 STAR (Excellent) University by the Ministry of Higher Education. The university is a specialist university for Management, IT and Entrepreneurship. The university produces a unique breed of graduates called Industry Specialist Professional (ISP) graduates who are equipped with industry – specific skills and armed with extensive entrepreneurial skills. Due to these unique differentiating factors, the graduate employability rate of the university has been among the highest in the country. (Source Tracer Study, MOHE)
Binary University offers courses at PhD, Doctorate, Masters as well as Bachelor degree levels. The University is patronized by international students from over 60 countries. Binary degrees are also being offered in Europe, Africa, Middle East, the Indian Sub- Continent and Central Asia. The university is supported by 5 dedicated research centres in social entrepreneurship, business entrepreneurship, women leadership, ICT and advanced management. |
What We Buy: | – |
What We Provide: | Provider of Higher Education Services and Training and Consultant Services both Locally & Internationally |
The countries we are operating in. | China, India Sub Continent, Europe, Middle East and Central Asia Smart partnership in Higher Education, Consultancy and Training Services |
Contact: | Roland Wee |
Job Title: | Registrar |
Location: | No. 1, IOI Business Park, Persiaran Puchong Jaya Selatan, Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100 Puchong, Selangor |
Tel/Fax No: | – |
Industry: | Education Industry |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Magnum Corporation Sdn Bhd
Magnum Corporation Sdn Bhd (Co. Reg. : 8272-D) |
About Us: | Magnum Corporation Sdn. Bhd. (“Magnum”), which was founded in 1968, is focused primarily on the lottery business or numbers forecast betting games. As the first private company to be awarded the license by the Malaysian Government to operate the hugely successful 4-Digit numbers (“4D”) forecast betting game in Malaysia, Magnum is the industry pioneer with our highly successful Magnum 4D, Magnum 4D Jackpot, Magnum 4D Jackpot Gold and Magnum 4D Powerball games.
Magnum is a member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and the Asia Pacific Lottery Association (APLA) which are member-based organisations for state-owned and legalised lotteries. As a member of these international organisations, Magnum strives to uphold the highest ethical principles and best practices to ensure that it maintains a high standard of integrity, responsibility, accountability and professionalism towards its Employees, Customers, Community and Stakeholders. |
What We Buy: | – |
What We Sell: | Licensed four digit numbers forecast betting game tickets and its variation games’ tickets. |
The countries we are operating in. | Malaysia |
Contact: | Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin |
Job Title: | Chief Executive Officer |
Location: | 35th Floor Menara Multi-Purpose, Capital Square, No. 8, Jalan Munshi Abdullah 50100 Kuala Lumpur |
Tel/Fax No: | Tel: 603-2698 8033 |
Industry: | Others – Gaming |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Forthcoming Events
Business Mission to Papua New Guinea on 7-12 May 2018
MASSA and FMM will be organising a business mission to Papua New Guinea on 7-12 May 2018. For further details on the business mission, kindly contact MASSA Secretariat at Tel: 603-2078 3788 or Email:
MASSA Events
5th Showcase Malaysia 2017 on 21st to 23rd September 2017 at International Convention City Bashundhara (Pushpogusso Hall-2), Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) organised the 5th Showcase Malaysia 2017 from 21st to 23rd September 2017 at the International Convention City Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The 3 day event was organised in collaboration with High Commission of Malaysia in Bangladesh and the High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia. MATRADE and MASSA were the supporting organizations.
This 5th edition of Showcase Malaysia, is a testimony to the growing and expanding bilateral relationship between the 2 countries. Since the inaugural Malaysia Showcase event in 2008, trade and investment ties have grown by leaps and bounds. This platform continues to be an excellent platform for Malaysian businesses to display its products and services and for the business community from the 2 countries to meet, exchange ideas and forge sustainable partnerships in trade, investment, infrastructure development, health, tourism and many other sectors.

The Opening Ceremony was graced by its Chief Guest, H.E. Mr Alhaz Amir Hossain Amu, M.P. , Honourable Minister of the Ministry of Industries, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

The Guest of Honour, Mr Idham Zuhri Mohamed Yunus, Acting High Commissioner of Malaysia in Bangladesh also addressed the Inaugural Ceremony
More than 60 companies and organisations participated in the Showcase.

Pusat Perubatan Prince Court Medical Centre Booth

Pantai Hospitals Booth

Q & Q Trading Limited Booth

(right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA with Dato’ Tan Seng Sung, Consultant, Tan Chong Group at the MASSA Booth

Visitors visiting MASSA Booth

APM Auto Parts Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Booth
A Seminar of Business Opportunities was held wherein, MASSA, represented by Ms Ng Su Fun, was a panelist.
Mr Ifty Islam, Principal of AT Capital delivered a paper on “Bangladesh Growth Drivers and Investment Opportunities”.

(left) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA, one of the panellist at the Seminar on “Bangladesh-Malaysia Trade Relations”

Group photo of all the panellists at the Seminar on “Bangladesh-Malaysia Trade Relations” with (3rd from left) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA
Showcase participants attended a cultural celebration at a Gala Dinner hosted by BMCCI at the Radisson Hotel in Dhaka on 22nd September 2017. The dinner was graced by H.E. Mr M.A. Mannan, M.P. Honourable State Minister, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Address by Mr Ar. Md. Alamgir Jalil, President of BMCCI

Address by Guest of Honour, Mr Idham Zuhri Mohamed Yunus, Acting High Commissioner of Malaysia in Bangladesh

Address by Chief Guest, Mr M.A. Mannan, MP, Honourable State Minister, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA receiving a plaque from Mr Syed Moazzam Hossain, Chairman, Organizing Committee of the 5th Showcase Malaysia 2017 at the dinner

Cultural dance performance at the dinner

Cultural dance at the dinner

Malaysian participants with (4th from right) Mr Idham Zuhri Mohamed Yunus, Acting High Commissioner of Malaysia in Bangladesh
Courtesy Call by H.E. Peter Vincent OL, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea to Malaysia to MASSA Secretariat on 27th September 2017
MASSA received a courtesy visit from the High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea to Malaysia on 27th September 2017. H.E. Peter Vincent OL was accompanied by the 1st Secretary of Papua New Guinea High Commission, Mr Philemon Senginawa at this visit.
Bilateral trade and investment matters were discussed and His Excellency extended an invitation to MASSA members to get to know more about business opportunities in/with Papua New Guinea.
MASSA will be working closely with the Papua New Guinea High Commission office in Kuala Lumpur to avail MASSA members of the business opportunities in Papua New Guinea with the view to organising a business mission to Papua New Guinea in 2018.
* Please refer to the feature article on Papua New Guinea for more information on doing business in Papua New Guinea.

(left to right) Mr Philemon Senginawa, First Secretary of the Papua New Guinea High Commission, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA, H.E. Peter Vincent OL, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea to Malaysia and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary, MASSA
Working Visit of Erdeness Mongol LLC, Mongolia Delegation to Malaysia from 4th to 6th October 2017
A delegation Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia made a working visit to Malaysia from 4th to 6th October 2017. Erdenes Mongol LLC is a Mongolian Government Corporation, founded in 2007 with a mandate to represent the Government of Mongolia’s interest in strategic mineral assets and related projects in the country. This company has been mandated to be the leading asset management company to promote economic growth in sectors such as mining, infrastructure and energy in Mongolia led by its Vice Chairman for Business Development, Mr Odbayar Odonchimed.
MASSA was priviledged to organise and arrange for the delegation members from Erdenes Mongol LLC to meet the President of MASSA together with MASSA members on 5th October 2017. The delegation visit was accompanied by the Honorary Consul of Mongolia to Malaysia, Mr Reynolds Augustine.

Meeting with MASSA President, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Executive Committee Members of MASSA

(left to right) Mr Reynolds Augustine, Hon. Consul of Mongolia to Malaysia, Mr Odbayar Odonchimed, Vice Chairman for Business Development of Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia and Ms Enkhjargal Danzanbaljir, International Advisor/Member of the Board, Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia at the meeting

(6th from left to right) Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President MASSA, Ms Enkhjargal Danzanbaljir, International Advisor/Member of Board, Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President MASSA, Mr Odbayar Odonchimed, Vice Chairman for Business Development of Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia, Mr Reynolds Augustine, Hon. Consul of Mongolia to Malaysia with MASSA members

(left) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President MASSA and Mr Odbayar Odonchimed, Vice Chairman for Business Development of Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia

(left) Mr Odbayar Odonchimed, Vice Chairman for Business Development of Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia and Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President MASSA
MASSA arranged for the delegation to visit its member company Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). The Mongolian delegation was received by YBhg Datuk Wira Roslan Ab Rahman, Chief Corporate Officer of TNB together with his TNB team from the various divisions in TNB.

(right) Datuk Wira Roslan Abd Rahman, Chief Corporate Officer TNB presenting a souvenir to (left) Mr Odbayar Odonchimed, Vice Chairman for Business Development of Erdenes Mongol LLC, Mongolia with (center) Ir. Shah Nawaz Asan Gany, Senior Manager (International Relatioins), Group Corporate Communications, TNB

Group photo at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) office
MASSA and FMM Briefing Session on the “Business & Investment Opportunities in Papua New Guinea” at Wisma FMM, Kuala Lumpur on 8 December 2017
MASSA and FMM jointly organised a briefing session on the “Business & Investment Opportunities in Papua New Guinea” at Wisma FMM, Kuala Lumpur for MASSA and FMM members.
Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, FMM Council Member and MASSA EXCO member delivered the Welcome Remarks and H.E. Peter Vincent OL, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea to Malaysia delivered the Welcome Address at the event.

(left) H.E Peter Vincent OL, High Commissioner of Papua New Guinea to Malaysia and (right) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, FMM Council Member and MASSA EXCO Member
The following papers presented at the event are as follow:-
1) Mr Philemon Senginawa, First Secretary, PNG High Commission,
Kuala Lumpur on “Papua New Guinea: Your Investment

Mr Philemon Senginawa, First Secretary, Papua New Guinea High Commission in Kuala Lumpur
2) Mr Ahmad Nasaruddin Mohd Noor, Senior Manager, ASEAN &
Oceania Section, Exports Promotion & Market Access Division,
MATRADE on “Business Opportunities in Papua New Guinea”

Mr Ahmad Nasaruddin Mohd Noor, Senior Manager, ASEAN & Oceania Section, Exports Promotion & Market Access Division, MATRADE
3) Mr Nicholas Wong, General Manager-Commercial, Carpenters
Shipping on “The General Cost and East of Doing Business in
Papua New Guinea”. Carpenters Shipping is a Malaysian company
operating in Papua New Guinea.
4) Dato’ Andy Kuek of Grand Columbia, a licenced finance corporation
operating in Papua New Guinea
Other papers presented were:-
1) How to invest in Papua New Guinea
2) Investment Opportunities in Papua New Guinea
3) Investment Regulatory Guidelines
4) Trade and Investment Incentives in Papua New Guinea

(right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA and MASSA members at the briefing session
ASEAN Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX)
ASEAN Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX)
ASEAN Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX) is an initiative by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) to enable businesses, governments, academia and professionals to rapidly adopt Big Data and Data Analytics as a tool to empower decision making and innovation. It was established at the end of 2016 as a result of a successful public private partnership between MDEC and Ansys Sdn Bhd to build and enhance Malaysia’s big data ecosystem.
First launched in March 2017 as Malaysia’s and the world’s first physical data exchange, ADAX is based in Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur and seeks to be the definitive Data Analytics Exchange Hub for knowledge, information, resources and collaboration for the ASEAN region.
ADAX is mandated to build a critical mass of talent pool in the Big Data Analytics category while developing the ecosystem and fostering collaboration amongst businesses, start-ups, academia and professionals so that Data Analytics becomes an integral part of business innovation and decision making.

The ADAX office is located at The Vertical, Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur

The dedicated in-house data scientist team at work
ADAX focuses on four pillars to drive their initiatives:
Training & Education – For students & working professionals to develop cutting-edge, innovative data analytics and entrepreneurship skills in physical and virtual classrooms.
Best Practices – Provide knowledge to start-ups and organizations on data analytics.
Industry Development – Engage with businesses and educational institutions to nurture and harness analytics through various initiatives.
Advocacy – Partnering with industry players to grow the big data and analytics ecosystem.
In collaboration with industry leaders and education providers, ADAX offers Massive Open Online Courses, Job Matching, Shared Training & Tech Labs, organise Hackathons, provide accelerator programme and facilitate industry Collaboration.
Data Star

Data Star is shaping the future data professionals of ASEAN and will help Malaysian achieve 20,000 data professionals by 2020
In an effort to accelerate the talent development of data professionals in Malaysia, ADAX and MDEC in partnership with universities and leading industry partners collaborated to introduce the Data Star programme. The Data Star Programme is a 6-month finishing school for graduates that includes two months of intensive data science enablement and mentorship with experienced data scientists and placement at industry partners. It is expected to help Malaysia achieve 20,000 data professionals by 2020.
The learning paths have been curated in accordance with the Data Professional Skills Framework, a platform to support data and analytics knowledge development focused on three areas: Data Engineer, Data Analyst and Data Scientist.
Students will be provided with the foundation skill sets for each of the knowledge areas. Courses would include lectures and labs sessions, hands-on programming and interactive sessions. Each of the learning paths includes a mentorship, project presentation and soft skill development days.
Graduates with a PhD, Masters or Bachelors in Mathematics/Statistics, Computer Science, Actuarial Science, Engineering, Economics or Science are invited to apply while a knowledge in programming is an added advantage.
Participants of the Data Star programme gain mentorship with industry experienced data scientists, relevant business exposure and are provided an allowance during the training sessions and industry placement.

Data Star’s first intake was on the 24th of July 2017
Data Science Enablement
ADAX acts as a physical infrastructure for start-ups and provides members with access to readily available data analytics platform. ADAX provides education and training for businesses and organisations to better understand and embrace BDA.
Delivery, Technology and Industry Partners
ADAX works closely with several local and internationally renowned delivery partners to ensure the highest quality of services. These include IBM, Microsoft, CADS, SAS, Open Data Institute, FusionEx, EY, Iverson, Quandatics, ABeam Consulting, ITrain, Databyte Academy and Dream Catcher. ADAX also counts Cloudera Inc, Sedania Innovator Berhad, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, TDATA Corporation (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and DataMicron Systems Sdn Bhd as technology partners.
Currently, ADAX has several partners that offer industry placements for participants who take part in the programmes offered by ADAX. These industry partners include Kasatria, Fave, Celcom, Petronas, GHL, Leo Burnett, Hong Leong Bank, Tapway, Datalynx, FusionEx, MDEC, Astro, Maybank and Quandatics.
Contact Details
ASEAN Data Analytics eXchange (ADAX)
Level 27, Tower B
Vertical Business Suites Avenue
3, Bangsar South
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-2724 2700
Country Feature: Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Flag

Papua New Guinea Emblem

Papua New Guinea Map
How to Invest in Papua New Guinea
Investment Regulatory Guidelines
Trade and Investment Incentives in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea: Your Investment Destination – Business Opportunities & Incentives by Mr Philemon Senginawa, First Secretary, Papua New Guinea, High Commission, Kuala Lumpur
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Business Opportunities in Papua New Guinea by Mr Ahmad Nasaruddin Mohd Noor, Senior Manager, ASEAN & Oceania Section, MATRADE
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How to Invest in Papua New Guinea
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Investment Opportunities
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Investment Regulatory Guidelines
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Trade and Investment Incentives in PNG
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Contact Details
No. 11, Lingkungan U Thant
Off Jalan U Thant
55000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-4257 5405
Fax: +603-4257 6203