Forthcoming Events

(1) Seminar on “Cross Border Financing & Trade Credit Takaful” 

MASSA and EXIM Bank will be jointly organising a Seminar on “Cross Border Financing & Trade Credit Takaful” for MASSA members.

The topics of the Seminar will be on the following:-

(1) EXIM Bank: Your Global Trade Partner

(2)   Secure Trading with EXIM Bank’s Trade Credit Takaful and Political Risk Insurance.  Why Your International Business Must Have It?

(3) Global Outlook & Risk In Emerging Economies

Members who are interested to attend the Seminar, please contact MASSA Secretariat at Tel: 03-2078 3788 or Email: or for further details.


(2) Grants and Funds offered by MATRADE 


The Services Export Fund (SEF) is a scheme to provide assistance to Malaysian  Services Providers (MSPs), Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Professional Bodies to undertake activities to expand and venture into the international market.


The objectives of SEF are:

i. to increase the competitiveness of Malaysian Service Providers (MSPs) overseas;

ii. to increase accessibility and expand export of MSPs in the global market;

iii. to expand the scope for export promotion to gain market access and export opportunities for services; and

iv. to raise the profile of Malaysia at the international level as competent service provider and brand Malaysia as a supplier of services.

 Eligibility Criteria

 To qualify for the SEF:

A. Malaysian Service Providers (MSPs) must be:

i. Incorporated under the Companies Act 1965, Malaysia;


  Malaysian professionals either sole proprietors or partnership, registered with respective professional authorities in Malaysia;

ii. Having at least 60% equity owned by Malaysian;

iii. Company must be in operation for at least one (1) year and not dormant company;

iv. Not a Government Linked Majority Owned Company;

v. Registered with MATRADE under the Malaysia Exporters Registry (MER) at and

vi. Exporting Malaysian Services.

Eligible Sector

All services sectors are eligible to apply except tourism and financial sectors.  Among the focus sectors are:

–  Oil and Gas
–  Aerospace
–  Logistics
–  Legal
–  Accounting
–  Franshising
–  Business Services
–  Construction and Related Professional Services
–  Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO)
–  Information and communication technology (ICT)
–  Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS)
–  Maritime
–  Education
–  Healthcare

B. Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce & Professional Bodies

i. Registered with the Registrar of Society (ROS) or Associated Professional Authority.

 Please contact MATRADE’s Officer – Mr Hafiz Jalil at +603-6207 7582/Email: or Mr Husni at +603-6207 7584 / Email:  for further details on “Services Export Fund (SEF)”.   


I.     Objective

To assist Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Professional Service Providers, Trade & Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Professional Bodies in undertaking eligible export promotional activities.

II. Form of Grant 

Reimbursable grant (reimbursable financial assistance).

III. Grant Ceiling 

RM200,000 per eligible company.

(Any company that has utilised the full grant amount of RM200,000, since the date of commencement of MDG in 2002, will no longer be eligible for consideration).

*MDG reimbursements for any given year will be subject to the availability of funds.

IV. Mandatory Requirements 

  1.     Registered with MATRADE under the Malaysian Exporters Registry (MER).

(Please ensure that your company is already reqistered with MATRADE and update current information.  If not, you can commence registration at:-

      2.        An active business entity (NOT applicable for company less than one (1) year).

3.         Not a Government Linked Company (GLCS) or have government equity (federal or state).

4.        Export promotional activities which are subsidised or sponsored by third parties  are not eligible for MDG. (e.g. Ministries or Government agencies/Trade and Industry Associations/Chamber of Commerce/Professional Bodies and Others).

5.        All completed applications must be submitted online through MATRADE’s website at within 40 calendar days as per following:-

       i.   from the last date of promotional activity for:
            –  International Trade Fairs/Exhibitions held locally or overseas;
            –  Trade & Investment Missions (TM) or Export Acceleration Missions (EAM);
            –  International Conference overseas.

ii.  from the first day of listing in the Supermarkets/Hypermarkets/

      Retail Centres overseas.


For further informations on “Market Development Grant (MDG)”, please contact MATRADE’s Officer – Puan Marina at +603-6207 7575/Email: or Puan Asiah at +603-6207 7573 / Email:   



–  Trade Ministers of both countries signed an agreement on 2nd July 2004 to officially launch the fund.
–  RM2.5 million each from both countries.
–  Jointly administered by IE Singapore and MIDA (July 2004-24th May 2012), IE Singapore and MATRADE (24th may 2012 – till now).



To encourage business people from Malaysia and Singapore to co-operate and jointly identify business and investment opportunities in 3rd countries.

Sectors covered by the fund

–  Infrastructure
–  Manufacturing
–  Tourism
–  Services
–  Trade
–  Information Technology
–  Constuction
–  Infrastructure Development

For further informations on the “Malaysia Singapore Third Country Development Fund (MSBDF), kindly contact – Encik Nasaruddin at +603-6207 7223/Email: or Puan Aida Zureen at +603-6207 7224 / Email:   

(IV)  GO-EX PROGRAMME (For Beginner and Small Scale Exporters)

The Go-Ex programme is one of the High Impact Programmes (HIP) of the SME Masterplan and developed as part of the Government’s initiatives to guide and enhance the growth of exports of Malaysian SMEs.  MATRADE was appointed as the implementing agency of the programme to nurture local SMEs to become more resilient and competitive in the international market place.  This programme is aimed at addressing challenges faced by SMEs on new market entry due to the high upfront costs and the lack of detailed knowledge about new markets and competitors.  For more information,  please log on: or contact Officer in charge: Ms. Raisa +603-62077139/Email:


       (For Mid Tier Companies and Medium to Large Scale Companies)                                

The Mid-Tier Companies Development Programme (MTCDP) was established in 2014 to help local mid-tier companies (MTCs) in Malaysia to accelerate their export growth and to strengthen their core business functions. Only 50 high-performing MTCs will be selected per year to participate in this 9-month programme.  MTCs in Malaysia are defined as companies with annual revenues between RM50 million to RM500 million in the manufacturing sector and between RM20 million to RM500 million in other sectors. For more information, please log on:

Please contact Officer in charge: Mr. Shahrulmiza +603-62077138 / Email:

(VI) MATRADE also have e-trade programme to assist Malaysia companies to develop their cross border e-commence.  More information,  please refer to below link and chart:

MASSA Events

(1) MASSA Members visited Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) on 25 September 2018

MASSA members attended the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC)’s Official Launch of “Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0” and “Signing of  Memorandum of Cooperation between SHRDC & Swiss Smart Factory” at SHRDC in Shah Alam.



The event was launched by YB Amirudin Shari, Selangor Chief Minister and the Ambassador to Switzerland, H.E. Michael Winzap. 

MASSA members later toured the MSF 4.0 laboratory and partner showcase. 

(2) Presentation by Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina to MASSA members on 27 September 2018

H.E. Emir Hadzikadunic, Ambassador of Bosnia and  Herzegovina gave a presentation of his country Bosnia & Herzegovina – economic and business prospects to MASSA members.  

(left to right) H.E. Emir Hadzikadunic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA and Ms Julinah Amit, Assistant Manager, Corporate Planning Dept. of Selia Group

His Excellency’s presentation revealed that Bosnia & Herzegovina offers many opportunities in the tourism sector arising from its beautiful country in all its seasons.  This country is a major supplier of food to EU and there are many opportunities in the agriculture sector including halal certification and development.

As a developing country, there are many areas where foreign investment is encouraged.  These include the utilities sector, property & commercial development, finance & banking, manufacturing and many more. 


*More information on Bosnia & Herzegovina could be located at the following link:

1. Sarajevo –

2.  Economic Potential in Bosnia & Herzegovina

3.  Bosnian Landscape


Ms Julinah Amit, Assistant Manager, Corporate Planning Dept. of Selia Group also presented her company’s investment in the construction sectors in Bosnia & Herzegovina to MASSA members.  Selia Group is one of the leading engineering, construction and maintenance companies in Malaysia.

Group Photo with (3rd from left) H.E. Emir Hadzikadunic and MASSA members who attended the presentation

For more information on Bosnia & Herzegovina, kindly contact the Embassy:-

H.E. Emir Hadzikadunic
Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina  
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Malaysia
JKR 854, Jalan Bellamy
50460 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-2144 0353
Fax: +603-2142 6025

(3) Seminar on “Trade & Investment Opportunities in Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Africa and Tanzania” on 30 October 2018 @ Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

MIDA organized a Seminar on “Trade and Investment Opportunities in the African Countries – Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Africa and  Tanzania” at the Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.  The seminar was held in conjunction with “The Third Country Training Program (TCTP) – Investment Promotion for African Countries” facilitated by MIDA in collaboration with Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Ms Ng Su Fun, MASSA Executive Secretary moderated at the Seminar.


((3rd from left) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA was the Moderator at the Panel Session with Speakers from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Republic of South Africa and Tanzania


A total of 15 participants from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Republic of South Africa and Tanzania participated in the programme.  The representatives from these 4 countries delivered a presentation on the Trade and Investment Opportunities in their respective countries. Participants attending the Seminar included many Malaysian companies, especially SME companies.

Seminar participants listening to the panel session


(2nd from left) Mr. Sivasuriyamoorthy Sundara Raja, Executive Director, Investment Promotion of MIDA presenting a token of appreciation to (right)Ms Ng Su Fun, MASSA Executive Secretary


Group photo taken with MIDA officials and Seminar Speakers

(4) Courtesy Call by Mr Schoeman du Plessis, Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission, South Africa High Commission in Malaysia to MASSA Secretariat  

(left to right) Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary MASSA, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA and Mr Schoeman du Plessis, Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission, South Africa High Commission in Malaysia


Courtesy call by Mr Schoeman du Plessis, Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission from the South African High Commission in Malaysia at MASSA Secretariat on 14 November 2018.  Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary met with Mr du Plessis to discuss activities and events for MASSA members. 

(5) Courtesy call on President of MASSA by H.E. Anne Namakau Mutelo, High Commissioner of Namibia on 21 November 2018  

H.E. Anna Namakau Mutelo, High Commissioner/Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia to Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines together with her First Secretary – Political, Mr Denzel G. Koopman made a  courtesy call on MASSA President, Tan Sri Azman Hashim at his office. 

The meeting discussed bilateral ties and the wish for both the High Commission and MASSA to encourage its business community to reach out to each other to expand economic ties.  

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun, H.E. Anna Namakau Mutelo, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Mr Denzel G. Koopman


(left) H.E. Anna Namakau Mutelo and (right) Tan Sri Azman Hashim

(6) Courtesy Call by H.E. Ramadhani K. Dau, High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania to MASSA Secretariat on 7 December 2018

H.E. Ramadhani K. Dau, High Commissioner of the United Republic of Tanzania made a courtesy call on MASSA Secretariat. 

Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA met with His Excellency to discuss on activities and events for MASSA members.

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun, H.E. Ramadhani K. Dau and Ms Florence Khoo

(7)  Lecture on “Success Factors for Malaysian Port Development & Operations” for Senegal Port Delegates Official Visit to Malaysia on 11 December 2018

MASSA in collaboration with Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) jointly organised a Lecture on “Success Factors for Malaysian Port Development and Operations” on 11 December 2018 at Pullman Hotel Kuala Lumpur for delegates from Senegal Port Authority and Africa Challenge Group. 

Mr Kelvin Tan, Secretary General of ASEACC welcomed all delegates while Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA introduced the delegates. 


Mr. Paul Seo presented the lecture giving insights on:

* Overview and Introduction to Malaysia’s seaports and statistics;

* Development of Malaysia’s sea ports and current trends/outlook;

* Success factors in Malaysia port operations and key statistics to measure performance;

* Strategies to enhance competitiveness of ports and enhance of import export trade flows

(right) Mr. Paul Seo and (left) Mr. Kelvin Tan, Secretary General of ASEACC at the event


Senegal Port Delegates at the Lecture session

Senegal Port Delegates at the Lecture session

Group photo of Senegal Port Delegates taken with ASEACC, FMFF and MASSA

We thank ASEACC for jointly hosting the Senegal Port Delegates in Kuala Lumpur and Mr. Paul Seo for sharing his expertise.

Country Feature on South Africa

South Africa “Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar” on 27 November 2018 at Westin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

The South African High Commission in Malaysia organised a “South Africa Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar” at Westin Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
The Seminar was held in line with the President of South Africa, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa’s successful Investment Conference held on 25-27 October 2018 in South Africa which was attended by some of the top global corporations such as Alibaba, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Volkswagen, Anglo American and Microsoft that mobilised R1.2 trillion in new investments from various multi-national corporations over the next five years.
The aims of the Conference were to:-

 • Improve investor confidence in South Africa;
• Reinforce South Africa’s investment profile;
• Investment opportunities in South Africa;
• Showcase unique features, strengths, competitiveness and attractiveness of South Africa as investment destination and
• Profile the country as the most industrialised country on the African continent and also a gateway into the large African and other international markets.

H.E. Samkelisiwe I. Mhlanga, High Commissioner of the South African High Commission in Malaysia presented a 40-minute presentation on the “Many Opportunities for Investment and Trade that South Africa offers to Malaysian Investors and Corporations” at the Seminar.


MASSA members who attended the Seminar were later invited to a private lunch hosted by the South African High Commission at the hotel.  Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary represented MASSA Secretariat at the event.


Appended below  are some of the slides presentation at the “South Africa – Trade and Investment Opportunities” Seminar for your information.




Season’s  Greetings  and  a  Happy  New  Year  2019  from  the MASSA Secretariat!

MASSA  was  priviledged   to   end  2018   with  an  eventful  27th   MASSA  Anniversary Dinner with YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and YABhg Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohamad Ali as our Guests-Of-Honour.

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of our members, the dinner was successfully organised wherein guests from 16 Embassies and High Commissions, Government officials and our associates from the developing countries, Uganda, Bangladesh and Vietnam joined MASSA members in the celebrations.

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad also unveiled a MASSA publication entitled “27 Years South-South Co-operation”.  The publication of this commemorative book was aimed at documenting MASSA’s 27 years journey to the developing countries.  MASSA is grateful to the steadfast support of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad who encouraged the formation of this Business Association and gave his support for Malaysian businesses to venture to the developing countries of the South.  27 years on, MASSA is proud that its members have made significant inroads and have established a Malaysian footprint in these countries and it is still growing.

Please visit our website at to read the book online and to view the corporate videos and pictures highlights of the anniversary night.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in his speech at the dinner applauded MASSA for its achievements todate, for its perseverance to stay the course, be a catalyst and the first mover to do business in the countries of the South.  He encouraged members to keep the pioneering spirit and build upon our business experience and continue to learn  and innovate with the technological advancements that the digital world presents us, so that we can do more business, more efficiently and with better productivity and consequently improve our business profitability.

Bearing in mind Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s advise, MASSA will endeavour to highlight to members, events and news to guide members towards opportunities for networking and business opportunities.   Please look out for MASSA notices for events in our weekly circulars.

We take this occasion to thank all our members, associates, sponsors and contributions for assisting us in bringing you interesting articles in the publication of our E-Newsletter throughout 2018.

We look forward to your continuing support as we endeavour to add value to your South-South connections.

We wish all our members and readers “Season’s Greetings” and best wishes for a “Happy and Healthy New Year 2019”.


Ng Su Fun  
MASSA Secretariat

President’s Message


Greetings and Best Wishes for 2019!

2018 has been a watershed year for Malaysia. 

The world economy began 2018 on an upbeat mode when global growth was broad-based and synchronised.  However, global growth slowed on account of many on-going concerns that included the geopolitical tensions in the middle east, the rising US economy,  slowing manufacturing growth in China, Brexit and the on-going US-China trade wars. 

Malaysia created top global news when YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad re-emerged once again as Malaysia’s 7th Prime Minister following the nation’s 14th General Election to form a new Government for Malaysia.  As the new Government got down to work, many challenges were revealed, especially legacy challenges from the former Government while having to contend with a weakening domestic economy, partly due to unfavourable global trends.

Bank Negara has lowered Malaysia’s economic growth forecast for 2018 to 5% from its earlier estimate of 5.5%-6%.  This softer growth was partly attributed to the moderating performance of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and crude palm oil (CPO).  The agriculture sector was affected by production constraints and adverse weather conditions. The construction sector has also been affected due to the cancellation or postponement of mega projects, thus affecting overall economic growth.  However, the services and manufacturing sector remained supportive of growth.

We can expect challenging economic headwinds in 2019 and uncertainties ahead.  This is not a new phenomena and our past experiences should help us to ride through the turbulence as we  seek out new business opportunities, especially in the developing countries.

Towards this end, MASSA will endeavour to bring to members’ attention areas, sectors and regions where there may be viable business propositions for your consideration.

I appreciate the continuing support and cooperation of all members, especially my fellow Executive Committee members with your attendance at our regular meetings and your generous contributions.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2019.


Tan Sri Azman Hashim


Ambank Congratulates Ad

MASSA Anniversary Dinner Video Highlights

Appreciation to YAB Prime Minister and Congratulations from AmBank Group

MASSA Corporate Video 2018

YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Speech