Sunway International Hotels & Resorts

Sunway International Hotels & Resorts Sdn Bhd (199701015157)

About Us: Sunway Hotels & Resorts operates a portfolio of 12 hotels in Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam, representing over 3,000 guestrooms, suites and villas at its owned and managed properties. The Hospitality Group operates a diverse portfolio of hospitality assets and services that includes ownership and management of an integrated resort city with a cluster of hotels with large scale convention, meeting and exhibition facilities, to private villa resorts, a wellness retreat and a collection of 5, 4 and 3-star hotels in mixed-use development.

Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Sunway City Kuala Lumpur
Sunway Pyramid Hotel, Sunway City Kuala Lumpur
Sunway Clio Hotel, Sunway City Kuala Lumpur
Sunway Putra Hotel Kuala Lumpur
Sunway Velocity Hotel Kuala Lumpur
The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat, Ipoh, Perak
Sunway Lost World Hotel, Ipoh, Perak
Sunway Hotel Georgetown, Penang
Sunway Hotel Seberang Jaya, Penang
Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Sunway Hotel Hanoi, Vietnam
Sunway Big Box Hotel, Johor (Opening Soon)

What We Buy:
What We Sell: Accommodation, dining, meetings, conferences, spa & wellness, banquets, social events and conventions, holiday packages with theme park & shopping mall and corporate & long stay rates.
Contact: Farizal B. Jaafar
Job Title: Group Director of Brand Marketing & Communications
Location: Sunway International Hotels & Resorts,
c/o Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa,
Persiaran Lagoon, Bandar Sunway
47500 Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
Tel/Fax No: Tel. No: +603 7492 8000 Fax No:+603 7492 8001
Industry: Hotel / Hospitality

Forthcoming Events


1)  7 January 2019 Visit and Briefing Sesssion on UM Living Labs,

     Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

MASSA will be organising a visit and briefing session on UM Living Labs at Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur on 7 January 2019 at 10:00am for MASSA members at:-  

UM Eco-Campus Secretariat & UM Living Labs
The Cube, Level 4
Research Management & Innovation Complex (RMIC)
Universiti Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-7967 4635
Person-In-Charge: Ms. Nur Fatehah Raudhah


The UM Living Lab Grant Programme (UM LLGP) was set up under the purview of Sustainability Science Research Cluster (SUSCI), with strategic partnership between DVC (Research & Innovation) and DVC (Development) UM.  The Philosophy behind the Living Lab idea is to convert university campuses to Living Labs which is a combined lab/household system, analysing existing product‐service‐systems as well as technical and socioeconomic influences focused on the social needs of people, aiming at the development of integrated technical and social innovations and simultaneously promoting the conditions of sustainable development (highest resource efficiency, highest user orientation, etc).

UM LLGP serves as a knowledge/action research platform for the Department of Development and Estate Maintenance (JPPHB) as the process owner (in waste management, water management, energy management, and greening & biodiversity) to gradually improve the sustainability of their operations.

The Value of Living Labs to UM 



(2)  20 February 2020 – Visit and Briefing at Technology Park Malaysia,

      Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur 

Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn Bhd (TPM) is the innovation facilitator and technology enabler of Malaysia. It was established by the Ministry of Finance, Malaysia in 1996 and operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC).

As the national driver of innovation and technology, TPM manages and operates Malaysia’s leading and premier 686-acre technology park campus in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. With its modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities, it boasts as the only 4th generation incubator service provider in the country offering a comprehensive range of services.

More than 3,000 technology driven companies have benefited from TPM – both local and multi-national within various clusters of industry. The ICT cluster had recorded the highest tenancy within TPM followed by Engineering and Biotech, Telecommunication and Content, and Support Services.

Malaysian companies, particularly the SMEs, can benefit from the assistance and support provided by TPM in technology commercialisation through their advisory and consultancy services in technology transfer facilitation, project management, strategic management advice, market research and opportunity analysis and professional development programs.

We are pleased to inform that a visit and briefing session at TPM have been arranged for MASSA members on 20 February 2020 at 10:00am at:-

Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn Bhd
Level 5, Enterprise 4
Bukit Jalil
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 8998 2020


(3)  20 – 23 April 2020 – 6th Transform Africa Smart Summit at Conarkry, Guinea


Smart Africa – Business Linkages with African Countries


SMART Africa is a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socioeconomic development on the continent, ushering Africa into a knowledge economy through affordable access to Broadband and usage of Information and Communications Technologies.

The Transform Africa Summit held in Kigali, Rwanda on 28th-31st October 2013 culminated in the adoption of the Smart Africa Manifesto document by seven (7) African Heads of States (Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Mali, Gabon, Burkina Faso) in which they committed to provide leadership in accelerating socio-economic development through ICT’s.

On 30th-31st January 2014, The SMART Africa Manifesto was endorsed by all Heads of State and Government of the African Union at the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa. This development places the Manifesto at the heart of the ICT agenda in Africa beyond just the 7 original signatories at the Summit to all the 53 African countries.

The Smart Africa Alliance has since grown to include 24 African countries that represent 600+ million people.

The Alliance is a framework for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the SMART Africa Manifesto designed to make it actionable. Currently, the Alliance is a partnership bringing together all African countries adhering to the Manifesto represented by the AU, the ITU, World Bank, AfDB, ECA, the GSMA, ICANN and the Private Sector.

Besides its initial membership, other organizations and countries sharing the same vision, interests and goals will be admitted to the Alliance.

The SMART Africa Alliance has five pillars which reflect the five principles of the Smart Africa Manifesto. These pillars are:-  

(1) Policy,

(2) Access,

(3) e-Government,

(4) Private Sector/Entrepreneurship and

(5) Sustainable Development.


The pillars mentioned above are built on four, cross-cutting enablers which will support the implementation of SMART Africa. These enablers are:- 

(1) Innovation

(2) Communications and Advocacy

(3) Capacity Building and

(4) Resource Mobilization.


The five pillars and four enablers, when effectively developed and combined, will contribute to Economic Growth and Job creation which remains the ultimate goal of the Smart Africa Manifesto.


Country flagships:

High-Tech Parks


Republic of Angola

Innovation & Knowledge Cities


Republic of Benin

Capacity Building / Smart Africa Scholarship Fund


Republic of Burkina Faso

Creative Economy


Republic of Chad

Cyber Security


Republic of Cote d’Ivoire

Data Centers


Republic of Djibouti

Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Republic of Egypt

ICT Industry Development


Republic of Gabon

Intra-african cross-border connectivity


Republic of Guinea

SMART e-Payment


Republic of Ghana

Digital Economy


Republic of Kenya

Entrepreneurship Youth Innovation and Job Creation


Republic of Mali

SMART Villages


Republic of Niger

SMART Cities & Communities


Republic of Rwanda

Electricity for 125M families


Republic of Rwanda

Africa Digital Literacy


Republic of South Sudan

Access (Broadband) & Green Economy


Republic of Senegal

SMART Energy & Blue Economy


Republic of Togo

Big Data & Data Measurement for Development


Republic of Uganda

Start-up and Innovations Ecosystems


Republic of Tunisia



The Transform Africa Summit is the Smart Africa flagship event. Following five successful editions, the sixth summit will take place in Conakry, Guinea, from 20 – 23 April 2020.  Source:

Under the theme “Integrating Africa”, the Summit is expected to attract over 4000 participants, including Heads of State and Government, First Ladies, UN Broadband Commissioners, Regulators, Public & Private Sector, International Organizations, Industry Leaders, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Young Innovators, Civil Society and Academia.

Mr Ismail Nabe of the Malaysian African Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association (MAPE) informed that the Director-General of SMART Africa visited the Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) in October 2019 and had invited Malaysia to the Transform Africa 2020 event.

This is in line with the MITI’s strategy to promote Malaysian businesses in and with Africa. MITI has planned to organise Trade & Investment Mission to Africa in year 2020, led by YB Minister of MITI.   A meeting was held with MASSA to discuss potential African countries that Malaysian business people could visit to explore business opportunities.

MASSA had proposed to organise a business mission to Ethiopia and Uganda in Africa to look at new business opportunities there.  The visit could also include Mali as there are opportunities for the construction industry sector to explore projects in these countries.


(4)  6th Showcase Malaysia In Dhaka, Bangladesh 

The Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BMCCI) will be organising the 6th Showcase Malaysia in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2020.   MASSA will keep members informed when the dates for the event are confirmed.  Please look out in our weekly circulars for further information on this event.   

Diary of Events

(1)  MITI Consultative Dialogue 2019

The Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) launched the Consultative Dialogue 2019 on 12 September 2019 at the Perdana Hall with the theme “Rebuilding Malaysia Together”- Strengthening Synergies between Government and Industry.  MITI will reflect on the Government’s policies for the last ten years to rethink Malaysia’s trade, investment and industrial development policies.

Prior to the Launch, MITI had invited the national and international Chambers of Commerce, business and industry Associations in Malaysia to provide feedback on the issues faced in respect of the business operations of their members and suggested solutions (if any).  

At the Launch, MITI Minister YB Datuk Darell Leiking informed that 54 memorandums highlighting 379 issues were submitted by 108 associations to MITI.  There were 12 main clusters


-Market access


-Labour/ workforce / talent



-Logistics / infrastructure

In view of the many issues raised, there was a month-long consultation with the relevant industry groups.

YB Dr Ong Kian Ming gave a briefing at the launch.  The presentation slides are attached below.





The launch of the MITI Consultative Dialogue was followed by a month-long one-on-one engagements with the 108 business associations and Chambers of Commerce.

Following the month-long engagements with MITI, a town-hall session over one and half days was held on 15-16 October 2019 at MITI. 

On 15 October 2019, YB MITI Minister, YB Deputy MITI Minister, top officials of MITI and senior representatives from the relevant government ministries were present to dialogue with the industry groups.



On 16 October 2019, a Joint Ministerial Dialogue Session was held with the attendance of Ministers and Deputy Ministers from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Primary Industries, Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change, Ministry of Entrepreneurship Development, Ministry of Domestic Trade & Consumerism and senior officers from other Ministries and Government Bodies.

Contents of the Joint Ministerial Dialogue Session


Ministry No. of Issues
Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) 3
Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) 5
Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC) 6
Ministry of Health (MOH) 3
Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) 3
Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) 2
Ministry of Finance (MOF) 6
Ministry of Water, Land & Natural Resources (KATS) 1

The Business Associations and Chambers of Commerce were encouraged to meet with the relevant Government bodies to work out possible solutions to the issues raised.


(2)  Seminar on Trade & Investment Opportunities in 8 African

     Countries” on 15 October 2019 at MIDA, Kuala Lumpur

MIDA organised a “Seminar on Trade & Investment Opportunities in 8 African Countries” on 15 October 2019 at MIDA’s office.  This event was held in conjunction with the “Third Country Training Programme: Investment Promotion for African Countries”.  This training programme is sponsored by MIDA, MOFA and JICA.

(2nd from left) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA moderated Session I with Speakers from (from left to right) Tanzania, Ghana, Cameroon and Zimbabwe

Eight countries namely Cameroon, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Lesotho, Rwanda, Uganda and Benin participated in this Seminar. The representatives of these countries comprised senior Government officers that were empowered to promote and facilitate Foreign Direct Investments into their respective countries.

More than 100 Malaysian enterprises attended this Seminar.  It was a valuable opportunity for the Malaysian companies to meet these senior officers and to learn about their country and the potential to do business in sectors promoted by their Government and the range of investment facilitation that they can offer to potential foreign investors who seek to invest in their countries.


(left) Mr Nyanu Timothy Worlanyo, Principal Investment Promotion Officer, Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, Accra, Ghana giving his presentation

(left) Ms Pendo Herbert Gondwe, Zonal Manager – Investment Promotion and Facilitation, Tanzania Investment Centre (ITC), Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania giving her presentation

(3)  Courtesy call by Mr Amr Abdel Halim, Minister

      Plenipotentiary Commercial, Embassy of Egypt

      to MASSA on 22 October 2019

Mr Amr Abdel Halim, Minister of Plenipotentiary Commercial of the Embassy of Egypt, Kuala Lumpur visited MASSA on 22 October 2019.

The Egyptian economy remains vibrant  and  glowing  at  a  healthy  GDP  of 5.6%   (FY 2019).  The Government of Egypt successfully implemented a first wave of macro-economic and structural reforms that successfully addressed a number of deep-seated issues and helped to stabilise the economy, sustain growth and lay the groundwork for more dynamic private sector participation in the economy.

More news and information on Egypt will be forthcoming.

(Centre) Mr Amr Abdel Halim, Minister of Plenipotentiary Commercial, Embassy of Egypt in Kuala Lumpur presenting a souvenir to (right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA and (left) Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary, MASSA

(4)  Meeting with MAPE and Expomal International Sdn Bhd

      on 1 November 2019 at MASSA Secretariat 

Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary MASSA and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary met Mr Ismael Nabe, Vice President/Co-Founder, Malaysian African Professionals & Entrepreneurs (MAPE) and Mr Jway Chan, Chief Executive Officer, Expomal International Sdn Bhd at MASSA.

Issues discussed at this meeting were on organised activities and events for MASSA members.  

(left to right) Mr Jway Chan, Ms Ng Su Fun, Mr Ismail Nabe and Ms Florence Khoo

Briefing by the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia on 12 November 2019 at SEDA Malaysia, Putrajaya

Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia



MASSA in collaboration with MAJECA jointly organised a visit to the offices of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia in Putrajaya on 12 November 2019.

30 representatives from 25 companies/organisations joined the meeting wherein SEDA gave a presentation and briefing on its functions, roles and objectives.  SEDA’s briefing focused on its programmes to administer and implement the renewable energy programmes in Malaysia, namely the Net Energy Metering (NEM) and the Feed-in Tariff (FiT).

SEDA was stablished on 1 September 2011 under SEDA Act 2011, is an agency under the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC). 


The functions of SEDA include:

To promote, stimulate, facilitate and develop sustainable energy (Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency).

To advise the Minister & Government Entities on all matters relating to sustainable energy.

To implement, manage, monitor & review the Feed-in Tariff system.

To promote & implement national policy objectives for RE.

Act as focal point on matters relating to Sustainable Energy & climate change matters relating to energy.

Implement initiatives that has been mandated by Government (including by states).


Introduction and Welcome

Puan Azah Ahmad, Senior Director of Strategic Planning, SEDA gave a welcome to all participants, introduced the role, objectives and visions of SEDA.

Puan Azah Ahmad introduced the Renewable Energy Programmes currently administered by SEDA to MASSA members


(left to right) Datuk Merlyn Kasimir and Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin, both MASSA EXCO members attending the briefing at SEDA’s office


MASSA members present at the briefing by SEDA

(3rd from left) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA with JAGAM members

Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA gave the closing remarks for MASSA

(centre) Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin presenting a token of appreciation to (right) Puan Azah Ahmad with (left) Ms Ng Su Fun

We thank SEDA for hosting the informative briefing on 12 November 2019 for MASSA members.

Contact Details 

Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia
Galeria PjH, Aras 9, Jalan P4W
Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
62100 Putrajaya
Tel: +603-8870 5800 /  Fax: +603-8870 5900

Following are some of the presentation slides by SEDA on 12 November 2019 for your information.

Expertise Resource Association (ERA)

ERA was established in 1986 as a resource centre to pool the expertise, talents, skills and experiences of retired or retiring professionals and to co-ordinate their activities so that they can contribute beneficially to society, especially the business community, in their golden age.

Our members are former corporate managers or senior executives of government departments with a wealth of wide-ranging experiences, relevant knowledge and skills and are well-versed with the latest technologies. Most of us realize that with more time in hand and less office constraints, we are able to do more in a meaningful way to help others professionally in our retirement.  As senior citizens, we may not want to be on the fast track, but there certainly are equally challenging avenues for us to assume a vital role than just sitting around idly.  Retirement is not about moving into a ‘has-been’ age; many of us regard it as just taking a career change, ready to re-fire and re-engage.

We are committed to serve the society as we realize that what we have learned and earned through our career would be lost not only to ourselves but also to the community and the country at large if we don’t share it with others in need.  We stand committed to be involved and participative; we are definitely not limited by our age. In fact, we are liberated by it and we are ready to serve.

(3rd from left) Heartiest Congratulations to ERA advisor, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Soong Siew Hoong for being conferred the Honorary Doctor of Business Degree in recognition of his exceptional leadership & contributions to the Iron & Steel Industries, the Small & Medium Industries (SMI), skills and human resource development

The history of ERA dates back to 1982, the Year of the Aged was mooted by the United Nations, when the Pudu Rotary Club in Kuala Lumpur started serious deliberations led by YBhg Tan Sri Dato’Dr. Soong Siew Hoong, a dynamic and far-sighted corporate leader.  It was recognised that we in Malaysia had a large pool of trained and experienced human resources – the senior citizens – that should not go to waste just because these professionals had retired.

After a long and winding journey, ERA was finally registered in 1985, held its inaugural meeting and started operational the following year.

Our membership is multi-racial, comprising entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, scientists, engineers, accountants, media and public relations practitioners, and senior government officers. We have  a total close to 400 members, many of whom are life members.


Scope and focus of our activities

Unlike organizations set up by senior citizens and catering for their welfare, ERA focuses on creating avenues and building networking to help our members to channel their skills, knowledge, expertise and experiences to help others in society.


Young Entrepreneur Association Cambodia (YEAC) delegation to Malaysia visited Klang Chinese Chamber


Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Soong Siew Hoong attending an event with YEAC Business Delegation Cambodia to Malaysia


Besides offering resource persons and matching them with those in need, we also organize seminars, courses and other special programmes designed for special business needs, or enhancing our mental, physical and emotional welfare, or our technical knowledge. All of us need to catch up with the fast pace of change by acquiring new concepts, new ideas and new technologies. While we believe in sharing, we also believe that learning is a life-long process applicable to all people, irrespective of age.

As our main objective is to assist companies and associations by bringing people together to create meaningful partnerships for success and to explore business opportunities for products and services, we also assume the vital role as a facilitator.

YEAC Business Delegation to Malaysia visited Doshin Rubber Product Sdn Bhd

We have good networking with many outstanding organizations both locally and overseas. These include Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM), Technological Association of Malaysia (TAM), Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), SME Corporation, Malaysian Service Providers Confederation (MSPC), Myanmar Industries Association (MIA), Cambodian Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) and the various foreign missions in Malaysia as well as our Malaysian missions overseas.  The Founding President  and Honorary Advisor of ERA, YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Soong Siew Hoong is also an EXCO  Committee Member of MASSA. 

28 October 2018 – Siem Reap Chamber of Commerce Delegation to Malaysia. Activities to upgrade English proficiency – New English Teaching/Learning Methodology


Contact Details 

Mr Roger Lye
Expertise Resource Association (ERA)
No. 68-3, Jalan PJU 8/5B
Damansara Perdana
47820 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +603-7726 2331 / Fax: +603-7728 2331


MIMOS – Future-Proofing Government and Industry

Logo of MIMOS Berhad


MIMOS: Future-Proofing Government and Industry

The arrival of Industry 4.0 has served a reality check to global industries and manufacturers; they now have to change their traditional way of using labour force – to the use of advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, improve quality and reduce costs.

To pave the way for greater technology adoption, job creation and development of high-skilled talent pool in the manufacturing sector, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) introduced Industry4WRD: National Policy on Industry 4.0. 

The blueprint envisions a more intense development of capacity and capability in the manufacturing sector, with the aim to spawn Malaysia’s own technology. The move to include MIMOS under MITI’s umbrella in October 2018 was seen as strategic to accelerating digital transformation in industries especially among small and medium entreprises (SMEs), in support of the blueprint.

As a national applied research and development (R&D) centre, MIMOS has been playing a pivotal role of technology provider for the government and local industries.  With the advent of Industry 4.0, the role has become more strategic and trend-driven.  The centre is now actively offering its expertise, resources and facilities for the R&D of disruptive technologies; for the government and industry as well as academia.

MIMOS’ current efforts are aligned with the eleven enabling technologies of Industry 4.0; which are Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, System Integration, Simulation, Augmented Reality, and Cybersecurity.   

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad trying on MIMOS’ GlucoSenz, a blood-glucose screening device that works by using photonics and software technologies to analyse blood glucose level from human blood capillaries without piercing the skin.



Enhancing government delivery system

MIMOS works on increasing Malaysia’s attractiveness to citizens, investors and visitors by enhancing the government delivery system.  Its researchers, engineers and scientists work on global and emerging technologies to improve government efficiency and productivity, enhance fiscal governance, in turn ensuring integrity of trade environment.

By using advanced technology applications, government administration eliminates unproductive processes and performs better in terms of corruption perception, consequently improving National Competitiveness index and ‘Ease Of Doing Business’ ranking.

MIMOS technology also responds to citizen’s needs; from national security and public safety to healthcare and mobility; from food production to food safety, and more.

Some of MIMOS’ initiatives in recent years include national level, high-impact projects such as:

  • Malaysian Health Data Warehouse – a comprehensive system that integrates critical medical information from various public and private healthcare systems nationwide. It includes a patient treatment information system and patient registry information system.
  • National Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre – manages and disseminates information related to flood forecasting and early warning to respective authorities and the general public.
  • Smart Lockup – a smart surveillance system that integrates Video Analytics, Data Analytics and IoT to increase security and prevent in-cell incidents at detention centres.
  • Integrated Logistics Information System – a system that supports the Royal Malaysian Navy’s logistics needs, strengthen its coordination and operational movements.
  • Hydro-Climate Data Analysis Accelerator – The Natural Disaster Forecasting and Warning System is used by the Malaysian National Hydraulic Research Institute (NAHRIM) in visualising projected hydroclimate data of rainfall and the corresponding runoff after-effects based on the river basin map for Peninsular Malaysia.
  • Intelligent Community – a social innovation programme that provides digital communications tools and video surveillance system inclusive of mobile applications with disaster alert, public policing and communication functions. The programme also provides smart solutions for rural agriculture using modern technology such as Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.  In Sabah, the deployment of intelligent agriculture solution using smart sensor-based technology for shiitake mushroom cultivation recorded 85% yield improvement and 20% growth increase.
  • Smart City initiatives – MIMOS works with state governments in deploying Smart City projects in the country. In Johor, MIMOS works with Digital Johor in areas such as Big Data Analytics for government administration and business; smart healthcare and intelligent policing.  MIMOS also enables local companies to venture into global Smart City market through solutions such as Smart Street Light and Smart Energy Controller.


MIMOS Chief Technology Officer Thillai Raj is a well sought-after speaker at technology conferences and events.


Empowering industry with global technology

To ensure Malaysia remains a competitive trading nation, MIMOS drives the local industry to gain competitive edge in the value chain by innovating processes, creating new operational and information systems, as well as develop new materials and applications that would increase productivity, lower costs and meet sustainability goals.

In that endeavour, MIMOS develops and maintains a digitally-trustworthy technology ecosystem for manufacturers, suppliers, clients and government agencies.  Housed at MIMOS campus in Kuala Lumpur are world-class, national-level labs and technology facilities including centres for Semiconductor Technology, Product Design and Digital Modelling, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and Digital Government.

MIMOS also runs an Information Security Research centre, an Industry 4.0 experience centre, a Technology Transfer hub and the recently-launched Centre of Artificial Intelligence for Future Industry (CAIFI), in which it partners Microsoft Malaysia.

These technology centres are established through collaboration with various organisations including government agencies, industry and academia; where they leverage on each other’s strengths, resources and expertise in the various subject matters.

Sustainability and sustainable development are becoming a critical factors of today’s business strategies and operations. Working closely with industry along with relevant government authorities, university researchers and NGOs, MIMOS has deployed environmental technology such as solutions for flora and fauna protection at forest reserves; and water quality monitoring at selected lakes and rivers.  MIMOS is also working with industry and authorities in deploying solutions for peat forest management.

In a recent collaboration with a global consumer goods corporation, MIMOS uses Big Data Analytics and Blockchain technologies to optimise the efficiency of data collection process. Through this system, the company is able to identify areas of social and environmental risks along their supply chain; subsequently, they can plan and monitor follow-up actions for improvement and progress.

MIMOS Senior Principal Researcher Dr Hon Hock Woon (left) briefing Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Darell Leiking on MIMOS’ Licence Plate Recognition technology. Looking on are MIMOS Chief Technology Officer Thillai Raj and Microsoft Malaysia Managing Director, K Raman.


Energising the local E&E industries

MIMOS has been instrumental in strengthening the productivity and competitiveness of Malaysia’s electrical and electronics (E&E) and manufacturing sector through technology development and advanced engineering services.

As at 2019, MIMOS’ advanced E&E shared service and facilities has benefited some 50 multinational companies and 15 SMEs. The facilities also support customised skills and competency development in semiconductor, microelectronic technologies as well as IoT specialist certifications for industry competitiveness.

Employing teams of engineers with more than 15 years working experience, the facilities serves as an important nexus that support the integrated circuit design and wafer fabrication industry; and provides a platform conducive to facilitating R&D activities and solving manufacturing issues. Currently, more than 350 customers are benefiting from these facilities.

To add value for clients, MIMOS works closely with university expert practitioners as consultants in solving industries issues. Partnership with university labs and other private labs in Malaysia enables the provision of one point-of-entry on Analytical Services for E&E industries.


Go-between industry and learning institutions

Industry-competent graduates are progressively entering today’s workforce, and they are already impacting the nation’s transformation.  MIMOS’ goal is to develop an endless pool of industry-competent graduates with insights to Industry 4.0 potentials.

MIMOS will continue to establish collaborations with universities as a way to connect students with industry.  The collaborations allow students to engage in real projects that provide them with practical experience and exposure to actual business issues.

Continual engagement between MIMOS, industry and academia is important so that Malaysia can have a virtuous cycle of knowledge, talent and experience that ultimately can bring benefits to the country. Collaboration with Malaysia’s top public and private universities will ensure that this trend will continue.

For instance, MIMOS promotes key areas such as Data Science, Nanotechnology and IC Design as viable career paths for university students. Then, with the collaborations, MIMOS would offer its technologies, resources and expertise through various programmes such as industry partnership, internship, knowledge exchange and job placement. MIMOS also works with industry partners to support talent development programmes and in providing technological expertise and consultancy services.

One of the Fab machines at MIMOS’ advanced shared service facilities.

Way forward

At the unprecedented rate technology is advancing, no organisation can predict accurately where and how they would be in five years. But given Malaysia’s keen embrace of Industry 4.0, MIMOS sees an increasing relevance of its roles, and of the technology solutions it creates.

As an agency that has been entrusted to drive Industry 4.0, MIMOS will continue to promote the importance and benefits of Industry 4.0 adoption, to encourage SMEs to embark on the technological transformation.

Strengthening the existing E&E ecosystem has always been Malaysia’s aim. The players, including foreign multinationals, realise that E&E sector is the golden goose of Malaysia.  MIMOS has been an important enabler, and will continue to drive value for this sector.

MIMOS will continue to ensure that Malaysia forges ahead in the evolving challenges posed by Industry 4.0.  Its activities will continue to focus on ensuring Malaysia’s industries, particularly SMEs, have the necessary technological talent and skills to succeed in Industry 4.0. 

As the world enters another decade, MIMOS will intensify efforts to contribute to digital transformation initiatives for the Malaysian government and industry; and prime our leaders and youth with future skills and competency to thrive in the age of machine intelligence and disruptive technology.

Contact Details 

MIMOS Berhad
Technology Park Malaysia
57000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel  : +603 8995 5000 / Fax: +603-8996 2755

Country Feature on Arab Republic of Egypt

Egypt Flag


Map of Africa


Map of Egypt Source: Egyptian State Information Service (SIS)




Egypt is sustaining its robust growth, fiscal outturns are improving, and external accounts are stabilizing at broadly favorable levels. Inflation receded significantly, paving the way for monetary easing. Social conditions remain difficult, as the economy recovers from the preceding period of high inflation. Resolving long-standing challenges will be key to achieve structural transformation towards a vibrant economy where the business environment is conducive for competition, and the private sector is capable of generating more and better jobs.  


Recent developments

Real GDP growth reached 5.6 percent in FY19, up from 5.3 percent in FY18. Data for the first nine months of FY19 show that this pickup is driven by net exports, as goods and services exports inched up in tandem with a contraction of oil imports (supported by the increase in natural gas production). Private investment is also picking up. On the sectoral side, gas extractives, tourism, wholesale and retail trade, real estate and construction have been the main drivers of growth. Unemployment decreased to 7.5 percent in Q4-FY19 (from 9.9 percent a year earlier), although accompanied by shrinking labor force participation. The share of employed individuals remained modest, at 39 percent of the working age population, indicating relatively weak private sector job-creation. Indeed, the credit extended to private businesses averaged only 22 percent of total domestic credit during FY19 (slightly lower than the previous year). Similarly, the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), an indicator for non-oil private sector activity, has been relatively feeble, averaging 49.3 throughout FY19.  The Central Bank of Egypt cut policy rates by 150 basis-points in August 2019, a move that should improve private sector cash flow via its impact on lending rates.

Policy rates have decreased to 14.25 percent and 15.25 percent for the overnight deposit and lending transactions, respectively, albeit still 250 basispoints higher than their levels prior to the 2016 depreciation. The monetary easing was triggered by the remarkable decline in headline inflation in July 2019 to 8.7 percent, due to favorable base effects, as well as moderating food inflation; altogether diluting the inflationary impact of the July energy price hikes.


The budget and primary balances have improved to an estimated -8.3 percent and 1.9 percent of GDP, respectively in FY19, from -9.7 percent and 0.1 percent of GDP a year earlier. This comes on the back of the containment of energy subsidies and civil servants’ wages, in addition to increased revenues collection (notably from the VAT and income tax). In tandem, government debt is estimated to have decreased to 90.5 percent of GDP in end-June 2019, from 97.3 percent of GDP in end June 2018, with the decline mostly stemming from the domestic portion.  Egypt’s external position has stabilized at broadly favorable levels, as foreign reserves reached US$44.97 billion in end August 2019 (covering around eight months of merchandise imports). However, non-oil exports remain sluggish. FDI also remained modest and predominantly directed to hydrocarbons. Portfolio inflows were supported by the sovereign Eurobond issuances worth US$4 billion and EUR2 billion during H2-FY19, as well as continued foreigners’ purchases of government securities.


The Egyptian pound strengthened against the US$, reaching EGP/US$16.4 by mid-September 2019; cumulatively appreciating by around 16 percent since the Pound’s weakest point around mid-December 2016. Another component of exchange rate liberalization was achieved in September 2019 with the abolition of the “customs dollar” – a fixed exchange rate applicable to trade transactions. While the macroeconomic environment has improved, social conditions remain difficult. Between 2016 and 2018, nominal wage growth fell below inflation. Official reports indicate that 32.5 percent of the population lived below the national poverty line in FY18, with the highest poverty rates in rural Upper Egypt. If the World Bank’s internationally comparable poverty line of US$3.20 per person per day (2011 PPP) for lower middle income countries is used as the threshold, then simulations using per capita private consumption growth rates suggest that 15.8 percent of the population was poor in 2019. 


FIGURE 1 – Arab Republic of Egypt / GDP growth and employment rate, FY2015Q3-FY2019Q3 Sources: Ministry of Planning and CAPMAS



FIGURE 2 – Arab Republic of Egypt – Headline and core CPI inflation, July 2014 – August 2019 Source: Central Bank of Egypt



Assuming a continuation of macroeconomic reforms and a gradual improvement in the business environment, economic growth is expected to reach 6 percent by FY21, supported by a recovery in private consumption, investments and exports (notably in tourism and gas). If overall growth is reflected in a per capita private consumption growth (of at least 0.7 percent) that is distributed across all the income groups, then poverty rates – at the international poverty line of US$3.20 – could be reduced from 15.80 percent to 15.67 percent, during the forecast horizon. The overall fiscal deficit is also expected to continue declining gradually over the medium term.  The newly adopted fuel indexation mechanism should (partially) shield the budget from exchange rate movementes or shocks in global oil prices.  The external accounts are expected to remain stable over the forecase trajectory.  The current account deficit is expected to hover aroung 2.6 percent of GDP (compared to 2.4 perent in FY18), due to the balancing effects of an expected improvements in the services trade surplus, against a decline in private transfers (if remittances – especially from the Gulf – continue to inch downwards). 


TABLE 2: Arab Republic of Egypt / Macro Poverty Outlook Indicators

(Annual Percent Change Unless Indicated Otherwise) 

2016 2017 2018 2019 e 2020 f 2021 f
Real GDP growth, at constant market prices 4.3 4.2 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.0
Private Consumption 4.7 4.2 1.1 0.7 2.0 2.5
Government Consumption 3.9 2.5 1.7 2.4 5.0 2.5
Gross Fixed Capital Investment 11.9 11.9 16.4 13.7 14.8 16.0
Exports, Goods and Services -15.0 86.0 32.2 1.2 6.5 8.5
Imports, Goods and Services -2.2 52.5 11.3 -7.5 0.5 3.5
Real GDP growth, at constant factor prices 2.3 3.6 5.2 5.6 5.8 6.0
Agriculture 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0
Industry 0.8 2.1 6.4 7.5 6.4 6.8
Services 3.2 4.6 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0
Inflation (Consumer Price Index) 10.2 23.3 21.6 13.9 11.0 10.0
Current Account Balance (% of GDP) -6.0 -6.1 -2.4 -2.6 -2.6 -2.6
Net Foreign Direct Investment (% of GDP) 2.0 3.3 3.0 2.1 2.3 2.7
Fiscal Balance (% of GDP) -12.5 -10.9 -9.7 -8.3 -7.5 -7.0
International poverty rate ($1.9 in 2011 PPP)a,b 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Lower middle-income poverty rate ($3.2 in 2011 PPP)a,b 15.9 15.7 15.8 15.8 15.7 15.7
Upper middle-income poverty rate ($5.5 in 2011 PPP)a,b 61.0 60.2 60.4 60.5 60.2 60.0
Source: World Bank, Poverty & Equity and Macroeconomics, Trade & Investment Global Practices.

Notes: e =  estimate, f = forecast.

(a) Calculations based on 2012-HIECS and 2015-HIECS. Actual data: 2015. Nowcast: 2016-2018. Forecast are from 2019 to

(b) Projection using point-to-point elasticity (2012-2015)  with pass-through = 0.5 based on private consumption per capita in constant LCU.


1.    Business registration and visa for directors and work visa for staff

       (Fees and period)

-Foreigners interested in employment in Egypt have to obtain work permits and follow the regulations issued by the Ministry of Manpower and Migration in this regard. After a work permit is obtained, the foreign national’s visa (whether tourist or temporary) is converted into a work visa, with the same duration as the work permit.

 -Work permits are usually granted to foreigners for a period of one or less than one year. It may also be issued for a period exceeding one year after settling the relative fee for the requested period.


2.    The Commercial Register Law

-The process of registration whether for agents or companies, is governed by the Commercial Register Law No. 34 of 1976 and its amendments (98/1996 the basic rule is that anyone carrying on a commercial activity must register in the Commercial Register at the local Register of Commerce. A counter is available at the GAFI. 

-The Commercial Register Law provides that all registrations must be renewed every 5 years.


3.     Banks interest rate and loan rates

 Interest Rate in Egypt averaged 11.92 percent from 1991 until 2019, reaching an all-time high of 21.40 percent in October of 1991 and a record low of 8.25 percent in September of 2009, the current interest rate announced by The Central Bank of Egypt is 14.25 percent.

The biggest Banks in Egypt are:

        1.   AlAhly National Bank of Egypt (NBE),

       2.   Bank Misr,

       3.   CIB Egypt’s largest private-sector bank the Commercial International


       4.   The Arab African International Bank


4.    Tax holiday area and other benefits

 Corporate income tax (CIT) rate in Egypt is 22.5% on the net taxable profits of a company.  The above rate applies to all types of business activities except for oil exploration companies, which profits are taxed at 40.55%. In addition, the profits of the Suez Canal Authority, the Egyptian Petroleum Authority, and the Central Bank of Egypt are taxable at a rate of 40%.


5.    VAT % for local market

The standard VAT rate is 14% as of financial year 2017/18 unless otherwise stated.


6.    Industrial zone to get maximum benefit to buy local raw materials

        and process to Export

There are so many industrial zones in different Governorates of Egypt, for more data on industrial zones in the province, please visit the following website:


Iron and Steel Factory in Egypt


7.   Government Guarantees and safeguards to Foreign Investors

      (according to Law No. 72 of 2017 Promulgating the Investment Law)


The new law guarantees a number of protections for international investors to encourage new development in Egypt:

 -Foreign investors will receive the same treatment under law as Egyptian nationals. (National treatment)

-Foreign investors may now be granted preferential treatment, with approval from the Council of Ministers, in application of the principle of reciprocity. Investments will not be governed by arbitrary procedures or discriminatory decisions. 

-Investment projects will not be nationalized.

-No administrative authority can revoke or suspend investment project licenses without proper warning, due process, and time to correct any issues.

-Foreign investors are guaranteed residence in Egypt during the term of  a project.

-Investors have the right to transfer their profits abroad. 

-Investors’ projects may include up to 10% foreign employees, and up to 20% for investment companies.

– Foreign employees of investment companies have the right to transfer their compensation abroad.

8.     The new investment law incentives. (according to

        Law No. 72 of 2017 Promulgating the Investment Law)

         ▪  General Incentives: Companies will receive a 2% overall customs tax exemption on the value of imported equipment and  machinery. They will also be exempted from stamp tax and registration fees on articles of association, mortgages, loan agreements and land contract notarizations related to their investment.

        ▪  Special Incentives: The above mentioned law provides deductions from taxable net profits according to the investment map that has identified investment areas as Sectors A and B. Investors will receive a 50% discount off investment costs in Sector A and a 30% discount off investment costs in Sector B for specified priority activities. (For more details visit the following website:

       A.  Category/Sector “A” includes:

Projects located in the areas that are much in need for development (upper Egypt, Red Sea, golden triangle, Sinai, New valley, & SE ZONE).

      • The Suez Canal Economic Zone.

  The Golden Triangle Economic Zone

Other lagging, underdeveloped, regions that are in need of development, are determined by a Ministerial Cabinet’s decision

Zone “A” – Tax Deduction of 50%

The 50% shall be calculated of the Investment cost of the project. The 50% will be deducted from the taxable net profit Over 7 years.


      B. Category/Sector “B” includes: Projects located in the rest of the country.

Zone “B” – Tax Deduction of 30%

       • 30% of the investment cost of the project shall be granted for the

          following activities: Labor-intensive projects.

       • SMEs

       • Renewable energy projects.

       • Tourism projects as specified by the SIC.

       • Vehicle and related feeders industry projects.

       • Wood, furniture, printing, packaging and chemical industries.

       • Antibiotic, cancer treatment and cosmetics.

      • Food and agricultural products as well as agricultural waste projects.

      ▪ Additional Incentives: Egypt’s Council of Ministers may decree additional incentives, which will be awarded by the head of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI). These may include subsidized utilities, the allocation of lands free of charge for strategic activities, and other incentives.

MCV Bus Factory in Egypt


9.   Controls Related to Foreign Labor

 ▪ The investment project has the right to employ foreign workers within 10 percent of the total number of employees in the project. This percentage may be increased to no more than 20 percent of the total number of employees in the project, in case it is not possible to employ national workers with required qualifications subject to the Executive Regulation of this Law.

      ▪ Foreign workers are entitled to remit their financial dues, in whole or in part, abroad.


10.    Egypt’s foreign direct Investment target rate and sectors

Egypt plans to attract $11 billion in foreign direct investment in the current 2018-19 fiscal year, in the following sectors: Chemical Industry, Communication and information technology, education sector, Mining sector, pharmaceutical and medical, Automotive sector, construction.


11.     Land Ownership Regulations

The ownership of land by foreigners is governed by three laws: Law No. 15 of 1963, Law No. 143 of 1981 and Law No. 230 of 1996.

          Law No. 15 of 1963

Law No. 15 and its amendments (Law 104 of 1985) provides that no foreigners, whether natural or legal persons, may acquire agricultural land.


          Law No. 143 of 1981

Law No. 143 and its amendments (55/1988, 205/1991, & 96/1995) governs the acquisition and ownership of desert land. Certain limits are placed on the number of feddans (one feddan is equal to approximately one hectare) that may be owned by individuals, families, co-operatives, partnerships and corporations. Partnerships are permitted to own 10,000 feddans, provided that the individual shall not own more than 150 feddans. Joint stock companies are permitted to own 50,000 feddans.

Partnerships and joint stock companies may own desert land within these limits even if foreign partners or shareholders are involved, provided that at least 51 percent of the capital is owned by Egyptians. However, upon liquidation of the company, the land must revert to Egyptians. Article 1 of Law No. 143 defines desert land as the land two kilometers outside the border of the city. Further, the lease of such land for more than a period of 50 years shall also be considered to be ownership under Law 143. Although companies formed under the Investment Law No. 8/1997 do not require Egyptian participation, companies that undertake projects over desert land must be owned in their majority by Egyptians. According to the law 55 of 1988, the President of the Republic may decide to treat Arab nationals as Egyptian nationals for purposes of this law.


         Law No. 230 of 1996

On July 14, Law No. 230 of 1996 was issued superseding Law No. 56 of 1988. The new law allows non-Egyptians to own real estate whether built or vacant with the following conditions:

         • That ownership be limited to only two real estate properties throughout Egypt for accommodation purposes of the person and his family (family meaning spouses and minors), in addition to the right to own real estate needed for activities licensed by the Egyptian Government.

         • That the area of each real estate not be in excess of four thousand square meters.

         • That the real estate is not a historical site.


Exemption from first and second conditions is subject to the approval of the Prime Minister. Ownership in tourist areas and new communities is subject to conditions established by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Furthermore, non-Egyptians owning vacant real estate in Egypt must build within a period of five years from the date their ownership is effective (the date on which the realty is recorded at the competent Notary Public Office). NonEgyptians may only sell their real estate five years after registration of ownership, unless the consent of the Prime Minister is obtained.  The terms of property ownership vary according to the nature and location of the property. The type of land (desert, reclamation, agriculture) and proximity of the land from the country’s borders determine which laws apply and these laws in certain instances restrict ownership.


12.   According to Article (82) in Law No. 72 of 2017 Promulgating

        the Investment Law, Settlement of Investment Disputes:

Without prejudice to the right to litigation, any dispute arising between the Investor and any one or more government bodies in relation to the Investor’s capital or the interpretation or enforcement of the provisions of this Law may be settled amicably through negotiations among the disputing parties.

The Government of Egypt has embarked on a number of national mega projects that aim to enhance the competitiveness of the economy, create employment opportunities and attract foreign and domestic private investments. With work underway by more than 1,000 companies and nearly two million Egyptian workers, these national mega projects such as Suez Canal economic zone, New Administrative Capital and the Golden Triangle are contributing to a new chapter in Egypt’s economic progress.


Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ)



As part of the launch of the New Suez Canal, Egypt has made the development of the Sinai Peninsula a key part of its economic strategy. Through the Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt is transforming 461 square kilometers and six new ports into a vibrant hub for international commerce that will connect 1.6 billion consumers across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Gulf to Egypt’s own growing market of more than 90 million people.


Lies at the heart of international trade; 

Strategic geographic location and benefits from its strategic location along one of the world’s main trading routes.

Access to 1.6 billion consumers ;

  Complemented by world class ports, high quality logistics services and preferential trade agreements, it allows investors to efficiently, and competitively, access regional and global markets in Europe, the Gulf, East and Southern Africa and Asia.

Access to Domestic Market;

   Egypt has a large and growing domestic market of some 90 million people of whom 65% are of working age. With rising standards of living, the purchasing power of the domestic market will drive growth in many sectors.


    Egypt has a huge, competitively priced workforce available to meet investor requirements.

 • Strong Track Record;

    Egypt is a major industrial producer. The Suez Canal Zone can draw upon and expand the existing strong ties with multinational and domestic corporations to develop a much enhanced manufacturing sector.

  A True One-Stop-Shop;

    Unified and streamlined procedures and processes designed to minimize delays and costs to the investor. A unique customer service at which only one employee finish all the procedures of issuing of all approvals and licenses for the projects.

High Quality infrastructure and linkages;

   State-of-the-art infrastructure services, including power, water, wastewater, telecommunication, and transport linkages will be provided to investors.

 • The Zone is supervised and managed by an independent General Authority by constituting an independent board comprised of key government ministries and private sector representatives.

The authority has a supreme committee that supervises the tax and the customs systems and operations in the Zone.

All imports are 100% exempted from duties and sales taxes.



With a continually rising population, the government has announced the establishment of several new cities, such as New Administrative Capital.

The New Administrative Capital It is a Smart Capital city that introduces a modern concept of residence and is expected to accommodate from 18 million people to 40 million people by 2050.



The New Administrative Capital is, therefore, designed to become the new regional investment hub, making it the ideal opportunity for those wanting toinvest in real estate.

The City also includes:

– A central park with an area of 8 km (bigger than New York’s central Park).

– A Green River, 35 Km long.

– Mega Mall.

– Conference Hall.

– Expo City.

– Medical city.

– Sports city.

– The new capital is planned to be a sustainable city, housing the ministries, parliament, Egyptian Media Production City, presidential palaces, and embassies.

The new capital’s main objective is creating a global city with smart technologies through:

– Recycling organic waste to grow and flourish local food.

– Build an integrated transportation network.

– Build a unified digital infrastructure.

– Create Smart network facilities.

– Create Smart traffic system.


3.    The Golden Triangle Economic Zone 

– The Golden Triangle, a new economic zone located between Qena, Safaga and Al Qusair, is considered one of the richest areas in mining sources accounting for 75% of Egypt’s mining minerals. The project is implemented by Italian Consultancy D’Appolonia, seeking to attract US$ 19 billion investments. The project aims to establish a new industrial capital by building an industrial, commercial, mineral, and touristic zone to serve, not only Egypt, but the African continent.

 – The region is rich in metallic and non-metallic minerals, including iron, copper, gold, silver, granite, and phosphate, which are involved in the manufacture of  many high economic industries and the manufacturing of construction and cement materials.

– The Golden Triangle lies on the outskirts of Qena and is home to Abou Tartour, a mining area in Egypt holding its largest phosphate reserves, estimated at almost a billion tons of phosphate rock.



– The mining wealth in this zone will allow the region to set up new factories that produce cement, glass, silicon, chemicals, and computer chips. Other projects will utilize raw materials to manufacture cement from clay and limestone and produce gasoline from oil-based clay.

– The region is also rich with tourist attractions that set the foundation for a number of tourism projects, including one example which is the Qena Qeft Road, which served as a road of pilgrimage in the past. Another tourism opportunity lies in the many inscriptions and pharaonic drawings on the road to Qena Safaga, a possible destination for organized tours. The road also contains the largest mine for “Alsamiqaa Imperial” stones, historically used by the Roman Empire to decorate their temples. Several touristic resorts are being planned for Dendara, Laqeta, and Qena Valley as well as between the Safaga and Al Qusayr areas.

– To support this opportunity, the region has an independent authority to develop the Golden Triangle area. It will govern investments in the economic zone, cut red tape, reduce bureaucratic processes and provide a familiar environment for international investors. Investments in the Golden will receive fast track licenses.

– Finally, agricultural land is being allocated within the Golden Triangle area for reclamation and cultivation under strong incentives by the new investment law. Egypt has successfully raised US$ 150 million from the International Finance Corporation for the development of its agricultural sector.

Egyptian Cables Factory


Notes: Following are 2 links about “Egypt manufacted iconic double-decker London buses” and “Elsewedy Cables” at:-




Contact Details 

Mr Amr Abdel Halim

Minister Plenipotentiary Commercial
Economic and Commercial Office
Embassy of Egypt in Kuala Lumpur
15H, 15th Floor, Plaza Ampang City
Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel  : +603 4257 3166 / Fax: +603-4252 4853




Greetings from MASSA!

The year has swiftly flown by and we have come to the last edition of MASSA’s E-Newsletter for 2019.

Since the last newsletter in August 2019, MASSA has had a few events in the last quarter of 2019.  The MASSA visit to Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) on 12 November 2019 was well attended by members.  SEDA officials presented the latest incentives for companies business entities (Commercial, Industrial and Agriculture) and residential owners to tap on the incentives offered by SDEA through its Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) programmes as part of the efforts to encourage more Malaysians to deploy renewal energy resources.

MASSA’s engagement with the African Nations are on-going.  This Newsletter has a feature on Egypt, a country with 101 million (as at 2019) population and a growing industrial sector.  Egypt is strategically located in the Gulf of Suez and has good business propositions for Malaysian business to consider.

MITI Minister, YB Datuk Darrel Leiking and his team of officials at MITI engaged the business private sector, over a month-long series of Consultative Dialogues in September 2019 with the theme “Rebuilding Malaysia Together – Strengthening Synergies between Government and Industry”.  The Consultative Dialogue brought industry and businesses together with Government to identify issues and challenges, provide feedback and offer ideas and solutions with the hope for the betterment of the business environment.

Going forward to 2020, we take cognisance of the challenging situations businesses will face both domestically and on the international front.  The era of digitalisation is fast evolving and transformation is the buzzword.  Companies need to be digital-ready to embrace new and innovative technologies that will shape and transform the business landscape.

MASSA is lining-up a series of events, visits and networking opportunities in 2020 for members to stay connected and to be updated on developments for the digital future.  We thank MIMOS for their informative article giving us a glimpse of their efforts to strengthen the Electrical & Electronics (E & E) ecosystem as this is a key enabler for technological transformation. 

We take this occasion to thank all our members, sponsors, associates and contributors for assisting us in bringing you informative articles in the publication of our E-Newsletter throughout 2019.

We look forward to your continuing support as we endeavour to add value to your South-South connections.

We wish all our members and readers “Season’s Greetings” and our best wishes for a “Happy, Healthy and Fruitful New Year 2020” !


Ng Su Fun
MASSA Secretariat

President’s Message

Tan Sri Azman Hashim
President MASSA













Greetings and Best Wishes for 2020!

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) released its latest report indicating that Malaysia’s economic growth will remain positive in the fourth quarter of 2019 (4Q19), and the expansion will be sustained into 2020, anchored by the country’s private sector spending and the diversified nature of its economy and exports.  BNM is confident that Malaysia’s GDP growth will be within 4.3% – 4.8% for 2019.

Moving forward, external uncertainties remain, given the volatility in the financial markets,  UK – Brexit and the resulting contagion effects arising from the US-China Trade Wars against a backdrop of weakening global trade growth.

At MASSA, much emphasis over the past year had been given to activities to enable members to be acquainted with the digital economy.  The age of digitalisation is fast sweeping the world into a brand new order whereby economic activities resulting from billions of everyday online connections among people, customers, businesses, devices, data and processes will make the world a smaller place and will redefine the world’s industries, jobs, new skills and the emergence of data-driven technologies to drive old businesses in a new way and the birth of new businesses.

While our Government is doing its part to build the necessary digital ecosystem and to encourage innovation, we in the  private sector can play our roles to improve our preparedness to embrace new technologies in our business processes, refocus our HR talents to higher value tasks and seize new business opportunities as they come onstream in the digital economy.

Towards this end, MASSA will endeavour to bring to members’ attention these areas, sectors and activities and we encourage your active participation to get acquainted, build your knowledge and seize the emerging opportunities.

I appreciate the continuing support and cooperation of all members, especially my fellow Executive Committee members with your regular attendance at MASSA events and at our EXCO meetings together with your generous contributions.

I also wish to thank all our supporters who have contributed valuable and insightful articles to our MASSA newsletters.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful new year 2020.


Tan Sri Azman Hashim


Forthcoming Events

(1)   Sarajevo Halal Fair at Skenderija Centre, Bosnia

        & Herzegovina on 26-28 September 2019

The Sarajevo Halal Fair (SHF) jointly organized by the Bosna Bank International (BBI), The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Islamic Development Bank Group Business Forum. SHF 2019 will be held as follows:

Date:       26-28 September 2019
Time:      10.00am – 4.00pm
Venue:    Center Skenderija, Terezija bb
                 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


The SHF 2019 is an international halal industry exhibition that brings together representatives from all parts of the halal industry supply chain including private companies, public listed corporations, accreditation bodies, government officials and other halal market representatives. 

The halal market represents an opportunity to achieve good business potentials due to the increasing demand for halal products and services worldwide. 

This fair provides an opportunity to meet producers, manufactures, traders, investors especially from Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, India, Pakistan,  countries of European Union – Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Netherlands, as well as the United States, Australia, China with the prospect to establish partnerships during B2B meetings and to expose consumers and business representatives to a wide range of offers in the halal market.

In conjunction with the Fair, there will be seminars and lectures at SHF 2019
focusing on food and beverage, tourism, finance, investment, medical, healthcare, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, fashion design, art and creative industries.

For further information, please log on to


(2) Visit to Sustainable Energy Development

      Authority (SEDA) Malaysia on 12 November 2019

MASSA Secretariat is planning a visit to Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia and briefing by SEDA on 12 November 2019.   Details on this event will be circulated to members via our weekly circular nearer to event date.  For further information on this event, please contact MASSA Secretariat at Tel: 03-2078 3788 or Email:


(3) 6th Showcase Malaysia 2019 – Explore

      Emerging Bangladesh on 3-5 December 2019 

      at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka, Bangladesh 


Explore Emerging Bangladesh



Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka, Bangladesh

3-5 December, 2019


Organised by:


Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI)


Supported by:

Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation







Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA)







High Commission of Malaysia in Bangladesh








High Commission of Bangladesh in Malaysia







Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) has been working relentlesslywith a mission to foster the connectivity between business to business through organizing Business Forums, Trade Fairs, Exchange of Business Delegations, etc. to escalate the trade and investment opportunities between Bangladesh and Malaysia.

BMCCI organized the first Bangladesh-Malaysia Business Forum in 2004 in Dhaka with a grand success.  BMCCI organized Malaysia Single Country Trade Fair, “Showcase Malaysia” in 2008, 2011, 2013, 2015 & 2017 in Dhaka respectively.  BMCCI also organized “Showcase Bangladesh” in 2010, 2012, 2014 & 2019 in Kuala Lumpur.  In 2012 a seminar on “Business Opportunities in Bangladesh” and in 2014, two seminars- one on “Investment Opportunities in Bangladesh: Emphasized on Economic Zones and Public Private Partnerships (PPP)” and the other on “Investment Opportunities in Bangladesh: Infrastructure and other Potentials” were held in Kuala Lumpur.  In 2016 BMCCI also organized the Trade & Investment Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with enormous success.

At the end of this year, BMCCI will hold the “6th Showcase Malaysia 2019- Explore Emerging Bangladeshin Dhaka on 3-5 December, 2019 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka, Bangladesh.  It is being supported by MATRADE, MASSA and the High Commissions from both the countries.

The premier objective of this showcase is to emphasize Malaysia as a solid and compelling wellspring of diversified products & services and making a wide network for the Malaysian Businessmen with the local business community.  This occasion will  provide an incredible gateway to attract a large community of businessmen, specialists, guests, professionals, consumers and experts from Bangladesh and is relied upon to accomplish their motivation to extend Malaysia as their favored destination and hotspot for higher education, healthcare, tourism and travel industry, property venture, vehicles and automobiles, development and construction, building materials, petroleum explosion, banking and financial services, etc. BMCCI believes, Bangladesh has emerged as one of the most promising emerging markets in the world with all financial & ‘TO DO BUSINESS” indicators and Malaysian investors are beginning to recognize it as a market to keep an eye on. Currently, Bangladesh has the most investor-friendly regulatory regime in South Asia. The country has a trainable, enthusiastic, hardworking and low cost (even by regional standards) labor force suitable for any industry.

BMCCI invites Malaysian business leaders and exporters to participate in the showcase and strengthen the business relations with their Bangladeshi counterparts.



Event :             6th Showcase Malaysia 2019

                        –Explore Emerging Bangladesh

Date:                 3-5 December, 2019

Venue:              Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka, Bangladesh



Monday, 2 December, 2019

08:00 to 20:00 – Exhibition Setup

12:00 to 18:00 – Stall Decoration Works


Tuesday, 3 December, 2019

09:30 to 10:30 – Registration

10:30 to 11:30 – Opening Ceremony

15:00 to 16:30 – Seminar, B2B Meetings, MOUs signing

11:30 to 20:00 – Exhibition open for all


Wednesday, 4 December, 2019

10:00 to 20:00 – Exhibition open for all

11:00 to 16:30 – Seminar, B2B Meetings, MOUs signing

19:30 to 22:00 – Gala Dinner and Cultural Program


Thursday, 5 December, 2019

10:00 to 18:00 – Exhibition open for all

11:00 to 16:30 – Seminar, B2B Meetings, MOUs signing

18:00 to 22:00 – Move out from venue



Early Bird Registration         : Up to 15 October, 2019

Registration                            : 16 October to 10 November, 2019



Description                              : Ready Stall (3m x 3m/10ft x 10ft)

Early Bird Registration          : US$ 2,000

Registration                              : US$ 2,500

*For Booth Registration Form, please log onto


FACITITIES (Each Stall, 3m x 3m /10ft x 10ft)

(1) 1 Table, 2 Chairs

(2) 1 Tube Light, 2 Spot Lights and 1 Power Socket

(3) 1 Basket, Floor Carpet etc.



Payments are to be made in favor of Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry by Crossed cheque / Pay order / Demand draft/ A/C. No. 0012-0210005908 National Credit &Commerce Bank Ltd., Gulshan Branch, Dhaka-1212. SWIFT CODE: NCCLBDDHGSB



The organizers will not be liable for loss or damage incurred by any exhibitor. Exhibitors are advised to insure their exhibit products against theft, loss or damage and fire risks.



Telephone, Fax, E-mail, Photocopy, Photograph and sale staffs or stall attendants can be arranged during the exhibition on payment with prior requisition. Other logistic supports like clearing and transportation of goods can also be done with nominated agent with payment only.



Cancellation of stall booking shall only be considered on written application latest by 17 October, 2019. 50% per cent of the stall registration fee will be deducted for cancellation. No cancellation request will be entertained after the deadline.




Platinum Sponsor TK 30,00,000 US$ 37,500
Gold Sponsor TK 20,00,000 US$ 25,000


Silver Sponsor  



15,00,000 US$ 18,750
Co-sponsor TK 10,00,000 US$ 12,500


Mileages and benefits can be collected from BMCCI office.



A colorful souvenir will be published on the occasion incorporating the information furnished by the exhibitors. The exhibitors are required to submit company profile within 10 November, 2019 for the souvenir. For advertisement in the souvenir, a duly filled up Advertisement form with necessary payment (obtainable from the website of or BMCCI office) has to be submitted to BMCCI before the deadline of 15 November, 2019.




Position Size Color Rate (TK.) Rate (US$)
Back Cover 10.5″ x 7.5″ 4 2,50,000 3.125
Back Inner Cover 10.0″ x 7.25″ 4 1,50,000 1,875
Front Inner Cover 10.0″ x 7.25″ 4 1,50,000 1,875
General Full Page 10.0″ x 7.25″ 4 80,000 1,000


Exhibitor’s Categories



-Power & Energy

-Herbal Products

-Cosmetic Products

-Food and Beverage

-Halal Food Products

-Airlines and Tourism

-Tele Communications

-Electric & Electronics

-Real Estate & Housing

-Information Technology

-Joint Venture Companies

-Automobiles & Spare Parts

-Infrastructure Development

-Palm Oil and related products

-Chemical & Chemical Products

-Machineries & Industrial Products

-Pharmaceuticals, Health Care Products & Services



Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI)




Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry

House # 3/A, Appt. # 302, Road # 136, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

Cell: +88 01819 412 110,

Tel: +88 02 9852519-20, 09612326224

Fax: +88 02 9895541

