MASSA Events
MASSA 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
on 17 June 2015
Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chaired the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA at the Banquet Hall, 26th Floor, Bangunan AmBank Group, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur on 17 June 2015.

(right to left) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chairing the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA with Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice-President (I) of MASSA and Puan Fatimah Sulaiman, Hon. Assistant Secretary of MASSA
MASSA Executive Committee and Office Bearers elected for the term 2015 / 2017 are:-
President : Tan Sri Azman Hashim
Vice President (i) : Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum
Vice President (ii) : Datuk Lim Fung Chee
Honorary Secretary : Datuk Lee Teck Yuen
Assistant Honorary Secretary : Puan Fatimah Sulaiman
Honorary Treasurer : Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP
Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ramli Kushairi Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong
Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid Dato’ Soam Heng Choon
Dato’ J Jegathesan Dato’ Tan Kia Loke
Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin Dato’ Cheah Sam Kip
Ms Normah Osman
Ministry of International Trade & Industry Malaysia (MITI)
Ms Fenny Nuli
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra)
Datuk Dzulkifli Mahmud
Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Dato’ Azman Mahmud
Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)

(left) Dato’ Lim Fung Chee, Vice-President (II) of MASSA and (right) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, EXCO Member of MASSA

(left) Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP, Hon. Treasurer, MASSA and (right) Dato’ Tan Kia Loke, EXCO Member of MASSA

(2nd from left) Datuk T.Y. Lee, Hon. Secretary of MASSA with Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lim, Dato’ Soam Heng Choon and Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, MASSA EXCO Members at the AGM

(left to right) Mr Mohd Roslan bin Ali, EMKAY Group, Mrs Marina Yusof, MATRADE and Ms Audrey S. Jemat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The President thanked the Executive Committee and Office Bearers for their continuing support and MASSA members for their participation in the MASSA events and activities.
The meeting also observed a minute of silence in respect and memory of the late Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Thong Yaw Hong, MASSA Vice-President, who passed away on 28 May 2015.
MASSA members were then treated to a sumptuous Hi-Tea refreshments after the meeting.

(left to right) Dato’ Soam Heng Choon, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Datuk T. Y. Lee having a drink after the AGM

(left to right) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA, Mr Muhammad Khalidi Ramli, Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad and H.E. Syed Hassan Reza, High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia
Founding Vice-President of MASSA, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Thong Yaw Hong passed away on 28 May 2015. Tan Sri has been instrumental in the founding of MASSA (and its sister organisation, MASSCORP Berhad) in 1991. He devoted much ideas, commitment and time to nurture and grow the association, especially in its formative years. As Vice-President, the Executive Committee had benefited from his wisdom and steadfast support to realize the South-South vision to expand Malaysian products & services and branding to the developing countries. He will be deeply missed.
The Association wish to express its deep appreciation to the late Tan Sri Thong for his dedicated services to MASSA, and our deepest condolences to Puan Sri Datin Lem Fong Ying and family members.
Briefing on “Business and Investment
Opportunities in Pakistan” by H.E. Syed Hassan
Reza, High Commissioner of Pakistan to
Malaysia on 17 June 2015
H.E. Syed Hassan Raza, High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia delivered a presentation on “Business And Investment Opportunities in Pakistan” to MASSA members after the MASSA AGM.

(left) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA and (right) H.E. Syed Hassan Reza, High Commissioner of Pakistan during the Q & A session

(left to right) Mr Mohd Roslan bin Ali, EMKAY Group, Datuk Lim Fung, Vice-President (II) of MASSA and H.E. Syed Hassan Resa, High Commissioner of Pakistan to Malaysia after the briefing session
Briefing Session on “Business Opportunities and
Current Developments in Timor-Leste”
on 14 August 2015
A networking session on “Business Opportunities and Current Developments in Timor-Leste was held on 14 August 2015 in Kuala Lumpur.
The speaker at this session was Mr Eric Mancini, Commercial Manager, North West Shelf & Timor Sea of SDV Asia Pacific Corporate Pte. Ltd. who has hands on, extensive experience in integrated freight forwarding logictics sector in the North West Shelf and Timor Sea, including parts of Australia, Eastern Indonesia and East Timor. Mr Eric Mancini focused his presentation on the business environment in Timor-Leste, business opportunities as well as the current developments of this country.

(right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA with (left) Mr Eric Mancini at the Timor-Leste presentation to MASSA members
The networking session was held in conjunction with the upcoming Trade & Investment Mission to Dili, Timor-Leste organized by MASSA in collaboration with The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry Malaysia (ACCCIM) from 12 to 15 October 2015. This Mission will be led by Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, EXCO Member of MASSA and Senior Advisor of ACCCIM.
H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister of Democratic Republic of Timor Leste visited Malaysia in April 2014. A Business Forum on Trade & Investment Opportunities in Timor-Leste was held at MATRADE on 1 April 2014 in conjunction with the Prime Minister’s visit.
In his keynote speech, the Prime Minister highlighted Timor Leste’s young and growing economy, as well as the vast trade, investment and business opportunities available in the country. The oil and gas sector is the main contributor to the economy.
Other Sectors for Potential Investments include:
a) Fishery Investment – Timor Leste has a coast line of 730 km. Actual productivity using mostly traditional fishing activities is 3600 ton/annum but there is potential to increase this to 640,000 tons per annum;
b) Livestock – poultry and beef are currently imported from Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and Holland. In 2012, imports of poultry amounted to 31,368 tons while beef accounted for 731.3 tons. Other meats include pork and mutton which are also imported into Timor Leste. A total of 1,561 tons of eggs was imported into the country in 2012, mainly from Malaysia and Australia.
c) Timor Leste is also promoting import substitution industries as most of their goods are imported. This also means that there is great potential for the trading business to flourish.
d) Infrastructure and property development
Timor-Leste was colonized by Portugal in the 16th century and obtained Independence declaration in 1975. Timor-Leste was occupied by Indonesia from 1975 to 1999 and was in transition under UN from 1999 until its independence in 2002.
Timor-Leste has a population of 1.2 Million with a land area of 14,870 KM. Dili is the capital of Timor-Leste. The population growth rate is 2.44%. The median age is 18.5 years with urban population at 28.3%. The fertility rate is 5.11 with Infant Mortality at 38.79/1,000. This is a young nation with a fast growing population.
The official languages of Timor-Leste are Portuguese and Tetum. Bahasa Indonesia and English are the primary business languages. Bahasa Indonesia is widely spoken in Timor-Leste.
Timor-Leste is ranked 172 in doing business in the region of East Asia & Pacific. The Income category of Timor-Leste is Lower Middle Income with GNI Per Capita (US$) at 3,580.
Following are some of the Positive Factors in doing business in Timor-Leste:-
– A Specialised Investment Agency ( – one stop shop for business registration
– Electricity availability
– Competitive tax regime
– Financially sound country (oil fund)
– Stable and safe for foreigners
The Challenging Factors in the business environment in Timor-Leste would include:-
– Education level low but trainability is good
– Legal system, including registration of properties
– Strained infrastructures (port, airport, roads)
– Cost of living
Business opportunities available in Timor-Leste will be:-
– Port Construction Tibar Bar
– Airport Upgrade
– Roads Constuction
– Water Sanitation
– Investment in Tourism
– Investment in Agribusiness
Customs and Logistics
Garuda, Silk Air, Air North and Sriwijaya are airlines that fly to Timor-Leste with direct flights from/to Singapore/Denpasar/Darwin.
Swire (China Navigation), Meratus, Pil and ANL (CMA Group) are shipping lines with direct service from Singapore/Surabaya/Darwin. Freight forwarding/Customs services are supported by SDV ( SDV is also the agent for Swire, Meratus, Garuda, Air North and FEDEX in Timor Leste.
Informations on other customs and logistics services are:-
– Tax rate on imported goods is low (2.5% + 2.5% compounded on most items).
– Local production is limited to coffee and artefacts (Tais = Ikat).
– Most containers are shipped back empty, possible to get very competitive rates on export cargo.
– Current port is suffering congestion, and will ease up after opening of new port in Tibar Bar.
MASSA wish to express its appreciation to SDV and Mr Eric Mancini for his sharing and look forward to meeting him in Dili, Timor-Leste during the business mission from 12 – 15 October 2015.