MASSA Events
Premier Screening of
“Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” Movie
on 8th January 2014
The High Commission of the Republic of South Africa together with Suraya Film Production & Distribution and Malaysian South African Business Council organised the Premiere Screening of the movie “Mandela:Long Walk to Freedom” at GSC Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur on 8th January 2014.
H.E. Mr Thami D Mseleku, High Commissioner Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic South Africa was the Guest of Honour. His Excellency gave a moving speech and tribute to Nelson Mandela. The movie “Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom” gave a timely glimpse into the history of the new South Africa and how Nelson Mandela rose to become a critical component of this country’s history and his journey for freedom, equality and social justice for Republic of South Africa.
We congratulate the producers of this movie, an epic portrayal of the towering man that Mandela was (and still is in so many ways…..).
We thank the High Commission of the Republic of South Africa and MSABC for giving MASSA the opportunity to be a part of this premiere screening.
Visit Of Africa South East Asia Chamber of
Commerce, Singapore to MASSA Secretariat
on 19th February 2014
MASSA meeting with Mr Kelvin Tan, EXCO member and Treasurer of Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce based in Singapore to discuss joint collaboration of events and activities for MASSA members.
(From left to right) Mr Kelvin Tan, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA
and Ms Florence Khoo of MASSA Secretariat
Myanmar – Malaysia SME Products And Services
Exhibition & Seminar 2014 – Innovative Green
Technology At Yangon, Myanmar
from 27th February to 3rd March 2014
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) and Myanmar Industries Association (MIA) co-organized the Myanmar-Malaysia SME Products & Services Exhibition & Seminar 2014 – Innovative Green Technology in Yangon, Myanmar.
The Exhibition was jointly open by Leaders of Co-Organisers
MASSA was one of the supporting organisation together with MATRADE, Tourism Malaysia, Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), Federation of Malaysian Foundry and Engineering Industries Associations (FOMFEIA), Malaysian Myanmar Business Council (MMBC) and Malaysian Association of Myanmar (MAM) for this event.
(3rd from right) H.E. U Myint Swe, Chief Minister of Yangon Region
Government with (2nd from left) U Zaw Min Win, Chairman of Myanmar
Industrial Association visiting the exhibition booths
The objective of this exhibition was to provide a formal platform to allow the business community of Malaysia and Myanmar to develop a strong, friendly and solid interpersonal business relationship through the official Myanmar associations and Malaysian chambers. It also helped to expand their contacts for business opportunity in ASEAN and to engage directly with trade partners and consumers.
The other objectives of the exhibition were:-

Group photo between Office-Bearers of ACCCIM, also organiser of the Exhibition and
(5th from left) H.E. Dr. Pwint Sann, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar
There were 147 exhibition booths displaying products and services, both from Myanmar and Malaysia at the exhibition ranging from education services provider, healthcare, manpower, tourism, food processing equipment and packaging, machinery, consumer products, construction hardware, home electronic appliance, office furniture, etc… 67 Malaysian companies participated in the exhibition. More than 300 Malaysian visitors, including a delegation from Chinese Business Chamber, Mauritius came to support and attend this exhibition.
Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong delivered a Speech at one of
the Seminars
One-to-one business meetings were also organised for all Malaysian exhibitors by the organisers. Prominent speakers from Malaysia and Myanmar were invited to speak at Seminars organised on topics related to SMEs. A number of agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) were signed at the end of the exhibition.
Signing of MOU between Malaysia and Myanmar enterprises