MASSA Events
Visit of BMCCI Organising Committee of
3rd Showcase Bangladesh 2014
to MASSA on 30 April 2014

(Left to right) Ms Florence Khoo (Asst. Executive Secretary, MASSA), Mr Raquib Mohammad Fakhrul (Hon. Secretary General, BMCCI), Ms Ng Su Fun (Executive Secretary, MASSA), Mr Ashraful H. Chowdhury (Chairman of BMCCI Organising Committee for the 3rd Showcase Bangladesh 2014) and Mr M. Farukul Islam Shova (Hon. Joint Secretary General of BMCCI)
Mr Ashraful H. Chowdhury, Chairman of BMCCI Organising Committee for the 3rd Showcase Bangladesh 2014 together with Mr Raquib Mohammad Fakhrul, Hon. Secretary General, BMCCI and Mr M. Farukul Islam Shova, Hon. Joint Secretary General of BMCCI visited MASSA Secretariat on 30 April 2014. The delegation visited MASSA Secretariat to promote the upcoming 3rd Showcase Bangladesh 2014 to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur on 14 to 16 November 2014.
The 3rd edition of this Showcase will target the following sectors:-
1) Banking & Insurance Services
2) Readymade Garments both Woven and Knitted
3) Home Textiles
4) Hotel & Tourism
5) Halal Food including Frozen Food & Allied Products
6) Leather Products
7) Pharmaceutical, Herbal & Ayurvedic Products
8) Plastic & Melamine Products
9) Ceramic Tablewares
10) Cosmetics & Toiletries
11) Real Estate & Housing
12) Service Sectors
MASSA members are requested to block your dates and attend this event.
Look out for our weekly circulars for information updates.
MASSA meets Delegation from the African Ports
Sector on 18 June 2014
MASSA, in collaboration with the Africa South East Asia Chamber of Commerce (ASEACC) organised a networking session to meet a delegation from the African Ports Sector on 18 June 2014 at the Impiana KLCC Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
The African delegation was led by Mr Allioune Gueye, Group CEO, African Business International / African Business Journal France and comprised of the following members:-
1. Mr Jean Ndengue, Director, Douala Port, Cameroon
2. Mr Justin Kom, Assistant Director, Douala Port, Cameroon
3. Mr Ngo’O Ekoua Mathieu Bedel, Assistant Director, Douala Port, Cameroon
4. Mr Keita Ibrahima, Head of Department of Management Control and Cost Accounting, Dakar Port, Senegal
5. Mr Diop Nouhoum, Director of Strategy and Development, Dakar Port, Senegal
Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice-President of MASSA and Dato’ J. Jegathesan, EXCO member of MASSA led the Networking Session.

(left to right) Mr Salihuddin Yussuf and Mr Mohammed Shah Nas B. Mohamed Fawzi (both from Port Klang Authority) having a discussion with Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum after the meeting
The African Port Sector delegates also visited our Malaysian ports and had opportunities to interact with Malaysian companies and public agencies on best practices for port management, financing, infrastructure planning, technologies, marketing and promotion.
MASSA members included representatives from Port Klang Authority, Mr Salihuddin Yussuf and Mr Mohammed Shah Nas B. Mohamed Fawzi and Mr Kenneth Tiong, Deputy Chairman of the Logistics and Transport Committee of The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM).
23rd Annual General Meeting of MASSA
on 23 June 2014
MASSA held its 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Banquet Hall, Bangunan AmBank Group, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur on 23 June 2014.
Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chaired this AGM which was convened at 4:30pm upon obtaining the requisite quorum from MASSA members.

(5th from left) Tan Sri Azman Hashim (President of MASSA) chairing the 23rd Annual General Meeting of MASSA with MASSA EXCO Members (left to right) Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid, Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Puan Fatimah Sulaiman (Hon. Assistant Secretary), Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng,JP, Dato’ Teh Kean Ming, Datuk Lim Fung Chee (Hon. Treasurer) and Dato’ Tan Kia Loke
Tan Sri Azman Hashim welcomed members and Committee members and proceeded with the business of the AGM.
Tan Sri Azman Hashim delivered his address and thereafter the meeting proceeded to unanimously adopt the Annual Report and the audited accounts of the Association for the year ended 31 December 2013.

(left to right) Puan Fatimah Sulaiman (Asst. Hon. Secretary), Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum (Vice-President (II) MASSA), Tan Sri Azman Hashim (President MASSA), Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP and Dato’ Teh Kean Ming

(left to right) Puan Fatimah Sulaiman, Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP
The Executive Committee and Office Bearers for the term 2013/2015 remains as follow:-
President : Tan Sri Azman Hashim
Vice President (i) : Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Thong Yaw Hong
Vice President (ii) : Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum
Honorary Secretary : Datuk Lee Teck Yuen
Assistant Honorary Secretary : Puan Fatimah Sulaiman
Honorary Treasurer : Datuk Lim Fung Chee
Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP Datuk Looi Cheok Hun
Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ramli Kushairi YBhg Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid
Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong Dato’ Cheah Sam Kip
Dato’ Teh Kean Ming Dato’ Tan Kia Loke
Dato’ J. Jegathesan Encik Md Arif Mahmood
Mr Wong Seng Foo – Ministry of International Trade & Industry Malaysia (MITI)
H.E. Ambassador Zainal Abidin Bakar – Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra)
Datuk Dr Wong Lai Sum – Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
Dato’ Azman Mahmud – Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)

(left to right) Dato’ Tan Kia Loke, Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum having refreshments after the AGM

(left) Puan Fatimah Sulaiman and (right) Dato’ Tan Seng Sung, Consultant of TC Management Services Corporation Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad)

(right to left) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Datuk Lim Fung Chee and Mr Michael T C Lee (Jet Express Services Sdn Bhd)

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun (Executive Secretary, MASSA) with Mr Kimis s/o Velu Arumugam Nadar (Asia Communication & Electronic Sdn Bhd)
The President thanked the Executive Committee and Office Bearers for their continuing support and MASSA members for their participation in MASSA events and activities.
Visit of Officials from the Department of Trade &
Investment, Republic of South Africa to MASSA
on 24th June 2014
Mr Jacob Moatshe, Director and Mr Solomon Magagula, Deputy Director from the Export Development division of the Department of Trade & Investment, Republic of South Africa (the dti) visited MASSA Secretariat on 24th June 2014. Their visit was accompanied by Mr Rudzani Mudau, First Secretary, Political/Economic Affairs of the South African High Commission in Malaysia.
The delegation’s visit to Malaysia was part of a benchmarking study exercise, focused on learning about the best practises of developing export villages (special economic zones) comprising of the following components:-
1. Export capacity building coupled with mentorship advices
2. Trade information centre with research facilities
3. Financial assistance on confirmed export orders
4. Technical advice on targeted export market
5. Collaboration with custom processes
6. Warehousing of focused products destined for international market

(left to right) Mr Jacob Moatshe (Director, Export Development Division, The dti), Ms Florence Khoo (Asst. Executive Secretary MASSA), Ms Ng Su Fun (Executive Secretary MASSA) Mr Rudzani Mudau (First Secretary, Political/Economic Affairs, South African High Commission in Malaysia) and Mr Solomon Magagula (Deputy Director, Export Development Division, The dti)
The Export Development and Support of Trade Investment South Africa (TISA) has developed a National Exporter Development Project (NEDP) to expand the exporter base of South Africa companies. The programme prioritizes on the creation of vibrant export culture, provision of trade information service and advise, extensive capacity building and development of export villages.
MASSA shared with the DTI delegation its objectives, activities and programmes aimed at fostering economic, trade and cultural relations between Malaysia and the developing countries of the South. Working closely with our Government’s agencies to develop new export markets in the South countries, MASSA’s programmes also aim to deepen the trade and investment linkages by providing a platform for the numerous parties in the export supply chain to mutually assist / support and benefit from each other.
The dti
The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) is tasked with:-
• Promoting structural transformation, towards a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy;
• Providing a predictable, competitive, equitable and socially responsible environment, conducive to investment, trade and enterprise development;
• Broadening participation in the economy to strengthen economic development; and
• Continually improving the skills and capabilities of the dti to effectively deliver on its mandate and respond to the needs of South Africa’s economic citizens.
The dti’s strategic objectives are to:-
1.. Facilitate transformation of the economy to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation;
2. Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives;
3. Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth;
4. Create a fair regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and socially responsible manner, and;
5. Promote a professional, ethical, dynamic, competitive and customer-focused working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery.
To achieve these objectives, the dti has placed emphasis on the following core areas, amongst others, that will enhance and provide a long term impact on the South African economy and its people. These include:-
• SMME development
• Industrial development
• Trade, Export & Investment
MASSA members are encouraged to visit the dti website: for more details and business opportunities.
The Republic of South Africa High Commission can be contacted at:-
Suite 22.01, Level 22, Menara HLA
No. 3, Jalan Kia Peng
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2170 2400
Fax: 603-2168 8591
Visit of Delegation from The Ministry of
Commerce, Industry and Environment of
Timor-Leste to Malaysia
-Meeting with MASSA and ACCCIM on 14 July 2014
A delegation from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment of Timor-Leste visited Malaysia in July 2014.
The delegation members comprised of:-
1. Mr. Marcio Rosa Lay, Director of National Cooperatives, Micro and Small Enterprises
(Leader of delegation)
2. Mr. Antonio da Costa, Director of Manufacturing Industry
3. Mr. Vitoriano Lopes, Advisor to the Director General for Administration and Finance
4. Mr. Antonio Jose de Castro Cunha, Advisor to the Office of the Vice Minister
5. Ms. Jacinta dos Santos, Chief of Department of Cooperatives
6. Mr. Cesaltino Alves Ximenes, Top Management
Ms. Filomena N. Mesquita, Second Secretary and Ms Eyla Osman, Personal Assistant from the Embassy of Timor-Leste in Malaysia accompanied the delegation to a meeting with MASSA and ACCCIM on 14 July 2014.

(3rd from left, seated at the headtable) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong (Executive Adviser, ACCCIM & EXCO Member, MASSA) chairing the meeting with the delegation from Timor-Leste
The meeting was held at the office of ACCCIM, chaired by Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Executive Adviser, ACCCIM and EXCO member of MASSA.
The meeting enabled the delegation and MASSA and ACCCIM to be acquainted and to discuss collaborative ways to encourage and promote business tie-ups between Malaysia and Timor-Leste.

(right to left) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Mr Marcio Rosa Lay (Director of National Cooperatives, Micro and Small Enterprises (Leader of the delegation) and Ms Filomena N. Mesquita (Second Secretary, Embassy of Timor-Leste in Malaysia)
The delegation was also informed of the upcoming “Trade & Investment Mission to Dili, Timor-Leste” scheduled from 6 to 10 October 2014 jointly organised by MASSA and ACCCIM. The Ministry’s assistance was sought to facilitate the meetings for the participants.
MASSA was represented by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary.
Study Tour of Ethiopian Delegation to Malaysia
on Export Promotion from 19 to 26 July 2014
– Meeting at MASSA Secretariat on 23 July 2014
A delegation from the Ministry of Trade of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia conducted a Study Tour to Malaysia on Export Promotion from 19 to 26 July 2014.
The delegation members of this Study Tour comprised:-
1. Mr Wondu Adugna
Advisor, Trade, Minister (Head of Delegation)
Ministry of Trade
2. Mr Assefa Mulugeta
Director General, Export Promotion
Directorate General, Ministry of Trade
3. Mrs Haimanot Tibebu
Director, Export Research & Promotion Directorate
Ministry of Trade
4. Mr Kifelaw Shawl
Senior Expert, Export Information & Advisory Service Directorate
Ministry of Trade
5. Mr Abdela Gultamo
Senior Expert, Business Diplomacy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry had recently established an export promotion organisation and the visit to Malaysia was to gather export promotion experiences from Malaysian Government ministries and agencies involved with trade & investment promotion as well as from the private sector.
On 23 July 2014, the delegation visited MASSA Secretariat and met Ms Ng Su Fun, MASSA Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, MASSA Asst. Executive Secretary.

(left to right) Ms Ng Su Fun (Executive Secretary, MASSA), Mr Abdela Gultamo, Mr Wondu Adugna (Head of delegation), Mr Assefa Mulugeta, Mrs Haimanot Tibebu and Mr Kifelaw Shawl
The areas of interests of this study tour group include:-
• Export promotion strategy development;
• Export promotion pillars;
• Effective export promotion tools;
• Export promotion product development;
• Export business plan development;
• Export facilitation and incentives;
• Business to Business enhancement;
• Export promotion structure in & out of the country;
• Export promotion forums effectiveness;
• Export promotion stakeholders linkage;
• Sustainable export promotion financing;
• Export Market Intelligence (MIS)
For more information on doing business in Ethiopia, please contact the following:-
P.O. Box 704
Tel: +251 1155 18025
Fax: +251 1155 15411
P.O. Box 2313
Tel: +251 1155 10033
Fax: +251 1155 14396
P.O. Box 393
Tel: +251 1155 17345