MASSA Events
(1) 17 May 2018 – Meeting with Director, ASEAN &
Oceania Section, Exports Promotion & Market
Access Division, MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur
MASSA Secretariat together with FMM Secretariat representative, Ms Koh Wee Leng, met the Director, ASEAN & Oceania Section, Exports Promotion & Market Access Division, MATRADE, Encik Raja Badrulnizam Raja Kamalzaman and his team at MATRADE on 17 May 2018.
The meeting discussed the potential to do business in the Oceania countries. Encouraged by MATRADE, the meeting discussed the possibility to organise a business mission to Fiji and New Zealand. Working together with MATRADE and its offices in the region, MASSA and FMM members can explore these markets for Malaysian products and services.

(left to right) Puan Jamilah Ibrahim, Senior Manager, Lifestyle Unit, Trade and Services Promotion Division, Puan Anisah Ali, Senior Manager, ASEAN & Oceania Section, Exports Promotion & Market Access Division, Encik Raja Badrulnizam Raja Kamalzaman, Director, ASEAN & Oceania Section, Exports Promotion & Market Access Division, Ms Koh Wee Leng, FMM, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA and Ms Florence Khoo, MASSA
(2) 17 May 2018 – Meeting at BRINS Secretariat, MITI
MASSA (MAJECA) Secretariat met Mr Unny Sankar Ravi Sankar, Senior Principal Assistant Director of BRINS and Mr Kiew Chia Meng (from Bilateral Economic and Trade Relations Division) on 17 May 2018 at MITI Tower, Kuala Lumpur.
The meeting discussed the roles and objectives of the BRINS Secretariat and how MASSA can work alongside BRINS to encourage MASSA members to tap the business opportunities arising in the 71 countries connected under the Belt & Road Initiative.
(3) 25 June 2018 – Selangor Human Resource
Development Centre (SHRDC)’s presentation
on the “Roles, Functions and Programmes”
and Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0”
Mr Tan Beng Teong, Executive Director of the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) gave a presentation on SHRDC’s roles, functions and programmes aimed at training, retraining and upskilling our industrial labour force to meet current industry needs, with special emphasis on alignment to the Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0 concept to MASSA members on 25 June 2018.

Mr Tan Beng Teong, Executive Director of the Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC)

Mr Tan Beng Teong, Executive Director of SHRDC sharing his presentation with MASSA members

MASSA Members attended the SHRDC’s presentation
The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre ( or SHRDC is an industry-driven training and development centre located in Shah Alam. The SHRDC was founded in 1992 as a smart partnership with the Industry and the Federal and State Government.
SHRDC’s partners comprise the following:
• Digital citizenship institute
• International Thought Leader Network
• Swiss Smart Factory
• Kotter International
• SEDA (Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia)
• SAS (business analytics software and services)
• IHK (Industrie-und Handelskammer, German Chamber of Commerce)
• IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries)
• Box Hill Institute
The programmes offered at the SHRDC include:
• Aviation MRO
• Microsystem
• Solar Technology
• Industry 4.0
• Leadership & Change Management
• Engineering, Design and Mechatronics
Following are some of the SHRDC slides on the “Roles, Functions and Programmes of SHRDC & Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0” presented on 25 June 2018:-
Contact Details:-
Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC)
No. 1, Ground Floor, Block 2
Pusat Perniagaan Worldwide
Jalan Tinju 13/50, Sect 13
40100 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +603-5513 3560
Fax: +603-5513 3490
(4) 18th July 2018 – Technical Visit to MIMOS by
MIMOS Berhad (or MIMOS) is a research and development centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia under purview of the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC). The company was founded as the Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems in 1985. MIMOS Berhad provides applied Research and Development (R&D) service in Information and Communications technology, Industrial Electronics Technology and Nano-Semiconductor Technology.
MIMOS conducts R&D in the areas of advanced analysis and modelling, such as developing and analysing mathematical models and computer simulations of research problems; advanced computing, including spearhead R&D activities in large-scale computing, cloud computing and services delivery platform; information security solutions focusing on trusted computing group specifications; intelligent informatics solutions, such as the processing and representation of information in image processing and pattern recognition; and knowledge technology solutions focusing on activities in semantic Web and semantic technologies.
Over the past 12 years, MIMOS has filed more than 2,000 Intellectual Properties in various technology domains and across key socio-economic areas. Serving a central role in Malaysia’s transformation journey and ICT Vision, MIMOS endeavours to create a culture of innovation by nurturing relationships with internal and external stakeholders, in the spirit of smart partnerships and inclusive growth models and strategies.
Through its Technological Leadership, MIMOS role and objectives have been defined to grow key economic sectors, provide innovative solutions to enhance productivity, support local industries and improve capacities through technology, and above all, position Malaysia in the global market as an advanced, regional centre of excellence.
MASSA in collaboration with MAJECA jointly organised a Technical Visit to MIMOS for a briefing and tour of their facilities.
20 representatives from 14 companies/ organisations participated in the Technical Visit to MIMOS on 18 July 2018.
Introduction and Welcome
The CEO & President of MIMOS; Mr Ahmad Rizan Ibrahim welcomed all participants and introduced the role, objectives and vision of MIMOS.

Mr Ahmad Rizan, CEO & President of MIMOS interacting with participants after his welcoming speech.
Mr Ng Kwan Ming the Senior Director, Corporate Technology gave an overview of MIMOS and showcased some applications of solutions created resulting from its R&D analysis – the National High-Performance Computing GRID platform, known as KnowledgeGRID Malaysia.

Presentation by Mr Ng Kwan Ming, Senior Director, Corporate Technology
Mr Wan Azli Bin Wan Ismail, Vice President, Nanofab & Semiconductor introduced our group to graphene wafer production that can have the potential to boost the electrical and electronics (E&E) sector by enhancing high value-added electronics applications.

(left) Mr Wan Azli Bin Wan Ismail, Vice President, Nanofab & Semiconductor briefing MASSA & MAJECA members about the silicon ingot

MIMOS Technology Venture and Incubation

MIMOS Technology Venture and Incubation

Group photo taken at Big Data Analytics Lab
Tour of Laboratory facilities
* Big Data IoT Technology Accelerator (BITX) Lab
* Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) Lab
* Electronics Prototyping Lab
* Reliability Lab – which provides strategic, internationally-compliant hardware reliability testing services
* Failure Analysis (FA) & Material Analysis (MA) Lab
* Wafer Pilot Line
Mr Chong Foo Boon, Senior Director of Wireless Innovation giving a briefing at BITX Lab
Dr Hon Hock Woon, Senior Principle Researcher briefing members at BITX Lab
(center) Dato’ Chew Chee Kin, President of Sunway Berhad experimenting with the
VR3D device in the Virtual Reality (VR) Lab

Silicon Ingot display at the Semiconductor Lab

Silicon wafers display at the Semiconductor Lab

Graphene Wafer Technology Chart

Sample of Nano-Crystalline Graphene Schottky Diode

(left) Dr Pannirselvam, Director, Wireless Technology & System Design Lab giving a briefing at Electronics Prototyping Lab

MIMOS Performance Highlight chart

(left) Mr Wan Azli Bin Wan Ismail, Vice President, Nanofab & Semiconductor presenting a souvenir to (right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA

Group photo taken at MIMOS Lobby
We would like to thank MIMOS Berhad for hosting the informative tour for MASSSA & MAJECA members.
Contact Details
MIMOS Berhad (336183-H)
Jalan Inovasi 3,
Technology Park Malaysia
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603- 8995 5000
Fax: 603- 8996 2755
(5) 25 July 2018 – Courtesy Call on Tan Sri Azman
Hashim, President of MASSA by Ambassador of
Bosnia and Herzegovina to Malaysia
H.E. Emir Hadzikadunic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Malaysia made a courtesy call on President of MASSA, Tan Sri Azman Hashim on 25th July 2018 at his office.
The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. Amer Bukvic, Chief Executive Officer, Bosna Bank International and Mr. Mirza Vejzagic, Advisor to President and Project Management Office of Bosna Bank International.

(left to right) H.E. Emir Hadzikadunic, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Malaysia, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Mr. Amer Bukvic, Chief Executive Officer, Bosna Bank International
(6) 9 August 2018 – Meeting with BMCCI and ERA
at MASSA Secretariat
Mr Syed Moazzam Hossain, President of Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) and Mr Ar. Md. Alamgir Jalil, Former President 2016-2017 of BMCCI visited MASSA’s Secretariat. The meeting discussed amongst others, the promotion of the “4th Showcase Bangladesh 2019 – Go Global” next year.
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Ms Florence Khoo, Asst. Executive Secretary of MASSA met them together with YBhg Datin Paduka Yong Dai Ying, Past President of Expertise Resource Association (ERA), Mr L T Lim and Mr PrameKumar VNP Nair, both EXCO member of ERA at the meeting.

(left to right) Ms Florence Khoo, YBhg Datin Paduka Yong Dai Ying, Ms Ng Su Fun, Mr Syed Moazzam Hossain, Mr PrameKumar VNP Nair, Mr LT Lim and Mr Ar. Alamgir Jalil