MASSA Events
Luncheon Talk by Mr Zaw Min Win, Chairman of
Myanmar Industries Association (MIA), Myanmar on
the “Economic Outlook of Myanmar: Post Election
Period Opportunities, Issues & Challenges”
on 3 May 2016 at Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
MASSA organised a Luncheon Talk on the “Economic Outlook & Business Potential in Myanmar – Post Elections” at the Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 3 May 2016.
Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA delivered the Welcome Remarks at the event. Mr Zaw Min Win, Chairman, Myanmar Industries Association (MIA), Myanmar and Vice President, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UMFCCI) delivered a presentation on the “Economic Outlook of Myanmar: Post Election Period Opportunities, Issues & Challenges” to the participants at the luncheon talk.

Mr Zaw Min Win, Chairman of Myanmar Industries Association (MIA) Myanmar and Vice-President, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UMFCCI) delivered the presentation at the luncheon talk

(right) Tan Sri Azman Hashim and (left) Mr Zaw Min Win having a discussion prior to the start of the luncheon talk

(left to right) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, Dato’ Cheah Sam Kip, Mr Zaw Min Win and Tan Sri Azman Hashim

(left to right) Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President (I), MASSA and Mr Tan Boon Lee, Executive Director, IGB Corporation Berhad
A Question & Answer session was held after the presentation by Mr Zaw Min Win. 3 MIA Executive Committee Members were also guests at the event. They include:-
1) Mr Aye Tun, Vice Chairman, MIA
2) Mr Aung Min, General Secretary, MIA
3) Mr Aye Win, Central Executive Committee, MIA & General Secretary of Myanmar Food Processor & Exporter Association (MFPEA)
A total of 83 MASSA members and guests attended the event.

(left to right) Mr Aye Tun, Vice Chairman, MIA and Mr Aye Win, Central Executive Committee MIA & General Secretary, Myanmar Food Processor & Exporter Association (MFPEA)

Group photo (left to right) Mr Jeff Kong, Secretary General MRCA, Mr Alagasan Gadigaselam, Senior Manager, TC Management Services Corporation Sdn Bhd, Mr Aye Tun, Vice Chairman, MIA, Mr Aung Min, Secretary-General, MIA, Mr Roger Lye, Vice President, ERA, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA, Mr Zaw Min Win, Chairman MIA & Vice President UMFCCI, Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, EXCO MASSA & Executive Adviser, ACCCIM, Dato’ Cheah Sam Kip, EXCO MASSA & Regional Director, TC Management Services Corporation Sdn Bhd, Ms Teng Lim May Yuk, Senior Manager, TC Management Services Corporation Sdn Bhd, Mr Aye Win, Central Executive Committee MIA & General Secretary Myanmar Food Processor & Exporter Association (MFPEA)
Following are extracts from Mr Zaw Min Win’s presentation on the “Economic Outlook of Myanmars: Post Election Period Opportunities, Issues & Challenges”:-
Visit to Crops For The Future (CFF) Research
Centre at University of Nottingham, Semenyih,
Selangor on 20 June 2016
MASSA members visited the Crops For The Future (CFF) Research Centre in University of Nottingham, Semenyih, Selangor on 20 June 2016.
Crops For The Future (CFF) is the world’s first center dedicated to research and development of underutilized crops for food and non-food uses. This facility was launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia in 2011. Crops For The Future (CFF) primary research programmes focus on the potential of underutilized crops to contribute to food security, human and animal nutrition, diversification of agricultural systems and their range of commercial uses.
Crops For The Future (CFF) ( has identified the need for a Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification (GAPAD) to meet the needs of a hotter world and focussed on the following:-
(i) Four crops feed the world – Humanity depends on just four crops for most of its food and non-food needs. These are wheat, rice, maize and soybean.
(ii) The world is getting hotter – Global temperatures are predicted to increase by +2ºC. This has serious implications for production of the major crops.
(iii) Major crops alone cannot feed a hotter world – We need options for agricultural diversification that include a wider range of crops and cropping systems.
Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali, Chief Executive Officer and his team welcomed MASSA members upon arrival at Crops For The Future (CFF). He briefed the members on CFF programmes, research objectives and how members can engage as stakeholders or leverage/partner CFF for potential business tie-ups or CSR opportunities especially in environmental or social issues for long term sustainability. There was a Q & A session after the presentation by Prof. Sayed.

(right, standing) Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali, Chief Executive Officer of Crops For The Future (CFF) giving a briefing to MASSA members
MASSA members were later taken on a tour around CFF Complex which comprised Dome A – Administration Office, Dome B – Research Wing and Dome C – Control Environment and laboratory facilities. FoodPLUS and CropBASE briefed members about their programme at CFF.

MASSA members were briefed by FoodPLUS personnel on their programme on “Traceability of micronutrients from soil to end users”

Members were briefed on CropBASE’s programme on “Integrating qualitative and quantitative knowledge on underutilised crops into decision support systems”

FishPLUS staff briefing members on their programme on “Incorporating functional ingredients into aquaculture feed”
The MASSA delegation also visited the CFF Field Research Centre (FRC) and were briefed on the programmes by FishPLUS, BamYIELD and SAGEPLUS.

MASSA members being briefed on “SAGEPLUS’s programme on “Diversification of agricultural landscapes using underutilised crops”
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA presented a souvenir to Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali at the end of the visit.

(right) Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA presenting a souvenir to (left) Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali
25th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA
on 21 June 2016
Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chaired the 25th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA at the Banquet Hall, 26th Floor, Bangunan AmBank Group, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur on 21 June 2016.

(3rd from left) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA chairing the 25th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MASSA with (left to right) Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ramli Kushairi, EXCO MASSA, Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum, Vice President (I), MASSA, Datuk Lim Fung Chee, Vice President (II) MASSA and Datuk Fatimah Sulaiman, Asst. Honorary Secretary
The meeting convened after the requisite quorum was obtained.
The President of MASSA welcomed members and Committee members and proceeded with the business of the AGM.
Tan Sri Azman Hashim delivered his address and thereafter the meeting proceeded to unanimously adopt the Annual Report and the audited accounts of the Association for the year ended 31 December 2015.

(front row) Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong, EXCO MASSA, Datuk Tan Kwe Hee, Bina Puri Holdings Bhd, Mr N Sivadasan, Azman, Wong, Salleh & Co. and MASSA members at the AGM
As there was no election of office bearers at this year AGM, the Executive Committee and Office Bearers for the term 2015 / 2017 remains as follow:-
President | : | Tan Sri Azman Hashim |
Vice President (I) | : | Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum |
Vice President (II) | : | Datuk Lim Fung Chee |
Honorary Secretary | : | Datuk Lee Teck Yuen |
Assistant Honorary Secretary | : | Datuk Fatimah Sulaiman |
Honorary Treasurer | : | Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, J.P. |
Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ramli Kushairi | Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong |
Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid | Dato’ Soam Heng Choon |
Dato’ J Jegathesan | Dato’ Tan Kia Loke |
Dato’ Lawrence Lim Swee Lin | Dato’ Cheah Sam Kip |
Ms Normah Osman | – | Ministry of International Trade & Industry Malaysia (MITI) |
Ms Fenny Nuli | – | Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra) |
Datuk Dzulkifli Mahmud | – | Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) |
Dato’ Azman Mahmud | – | Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA) |
The President thanked the Executive Committee and Office Bearers for their continuing support and MASSA members for their participation in MASSA events and activities.

(right) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA having a discussion with (left) Datuk Fatimah Sulaiman, Asst. Honorary Secretary, MASSA

(left to right) Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MASSA with Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid, EXCO MASSA

(left right) Tan Sri Ghazzali Sheikh Abdul Khalid, Dato’ Moehamad Izat bin Achmad Habechi Emir, Tan Sri Azman Hashim and Mr Mohammad bin Abdullah
Courtesy Call by H.E. Ambassador Mohd Zamruni
bin Khalid, Ambassador of Malaysia to the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam to MASSDA’s office
in Danang, Vietnam on 1 August 2016
H.E. Ambassador Mohd Zamruni bin Khalid, Ambassador of Malaysia to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam made a courtesy call and met Mr Lee Yai Sin, Director-General of MASSDA Land Company Limited at MASSDA’s office in Danang, Vietnam on the 1 of August 2016.
Mr Lee briefed the Ambassador about MASSDA’s operation followed by a tour of IZ Danang Industrial Park and Fortune Park housing estate. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Dickson Dee Ladi, Counsellor (Economic) of the Malaysia Embassy based in Hanoi, S.R. Vietnam.

(left to right) Mr Lee Yai Sin, Director-General, MASSDA Land Company Limited, H.E. Mohd Zamruni bin Khalid, Ambassador of Malaysia to S.R. Vietnam and Mr Dickson Dee Ladi, Counsellor (Economic), Malaysia Embassy in Hanoi, S.R. Vietnam