
As we bid farewell to 2011, we usher in 2012 with cautious optimism amidst global uncertainties that continue to linger.

In this edition, the spotlight falls on Estonia, Argentina and Myanmar. As Estonia is a relatively unknown country to Malaysians, our introductory article explores its potential for trade and investment, as well as its strategic position as a gateway to the European countries. Activities are currently being planned with Enterprise Estonia – the Estonian Government’s investment and trade agency. We also highlight in this edition the dynamic economy of Argentina. Sound macroeconomic fundamentals have enabled Argentina to grow steadily in the last decade. Being a member country of MERCOSUR, Argentina is a tariff-free gateway to a regional market of about 250 million people in Latin America.

Plans are also in the pipeline to organise a Trade & Investment Mission to Myanmar. This country is rapidly undergoing positive transformation and welcomes investments in many sectors of its economy. A country with a 58-million strong population, Myanmar has the potential to become an emerging powerhouse for resources as well as a target market for trade and investment activities.

On the home front, we have two articles on Malaysia’s “Strategic Trade Act (STA), 2010” which came into force on 1 January 2011 and the “Competition Act, 2010” which came into force on 1 January 2012. We urge all members to be acquainted with the provisions of these new legislations as they may have implications on your respective businesses.

Last but not least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all members, associates, sponsors and contributors, for assisting us in the publication of the MASSA Newsletters throughout 2011. We look forward to working closely with all of you in 2012 to strengthen and further enhance the South-South platform.

We, the editorial team, would also like to wish all members and readers a happy 2012. May you have a fruitful and prosperous year ahead!


Fatimah Sulaiman