
Editorial Team (3rd from left) Puan Fatimah Sulaiman, Editor with (left to right) Ms Christine Leong, Ms Phoon, Ms Ng Su Fun, Ms Florence Khoo and Puan Noraini Mamat
As we bid farewell to 2013, we want to usher in 2014 with cautious optimism amidst global uncertainties that continue to reign.
In this December 2013 edition, we have the privilege to work with the High Commission of Papua New Guinea to feature this developing country. Papua New Guinea is richly endowed with natural resources, including mineral and renewable resources such as forests and marine. Strong growth in its mining and resource sector led Papua New Guinea to become the 6th fastest growing economy in 2011. In spite of this, the other sectors of their economy lack much needed development. Herein lies the business opportunities. We welcome readers to peruse the article prepared by the High Commission of Papua New Guinea. The High Commissioner and his officials in Kuala Lumpur would be most pleased to meet you for business discussions.
In this last quarter of 2013, MASSA had a few visitors. They include a follow-up visit from the Trade and Investment South Africa (TISA), Republic of South Africa soon after the President of the Republic of South Africa made an official visit to Malaysia in August 2013.
Dr Didar Singh, Secretary-General of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), India called on President of MASSA, Tan Sri Azman Hashim together with members of the Executive Committee of MASSA had frank and open discussions on economic relations between Malaysia and India and the emerging trade and investments patterns in the region.
A delegation from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) led by Mr Alfred Braimah, Director Private Sector Development of ECOWAS called on MASSA in November 2013. The delegation was upbeat on strengthening ties with Malaysia, and through Malaysia, with ASEAN. MASSA will endeavour to link members to these West African countries through ECOWAS.
The 7th Edition of INTRADE was successfully held in November 2013. There was a busy line-up of seminars, business one-to-one matches, exhibits for 3 days from 26 to 28 November. Thanks to the efforts of MATRADE and all its offices worldwide, foreign buyers converged in Kuala Lumpur at this premier event to give Malaysian exports a boost.
In the pipeline for 2014, MASSA will be collaborating with ACCCIM and MIA to host the SME Products and Services Exhibition in Yangon, Myanmar from 27 February to 2 March 2014. Members of MASSA and ACCCIM have enthusiastically responded to participating in this 2nd edition. Myanmar is rapidly undergoing positive economic transformation and we are desirous for Malaysians to have a stake in this emerging economy.
Last but not least, we in the editorial team would like to take this opportunity to thank all members, associates, sponsors and contributors, for assisting us in the publication of our e-newsletters through 2013. We want to work closely with all of you in 2014 to strengthen and further enhance the South-South platform.
We also want to wish all members and readers “Season’s Greetings” and a fruitful and prosperous New Year.
Fatimah Sulaiman