
The time has come for me to bid “adieu” to MASSA. As I look back to 1991 when MASSA was incorporated, it has been a wonderful journey of discovery that led to many friendships, business linkages, partnerships and more importantly, life’s lessons. It has been a rewarding time being associated with MASSA.

The fascination of a new country, the many exploratory trips that filtered down to serious business and eventually the “stress” of undertaking cross-border business with profit as the bottom – line and coupled with the constantly evolving regulatory and competitive landscape of the global business environment, I can only say that it has been an exhilarating roller-coaster of unmatched experience!

MASSA has come a long way in its 18 years of existence and I am proud to say that it has grown in stature and relevance. It is my sincere hope that my contributions, as editor of the MASSA newsletter, has helped to document MASSA’s journey in the developing world, thus far. I want to thank my team in the editorial committee for the excellent cooperation in the production of all the past issues of the newsletter.

I want to encourage MASSA members to stay engaged with and through MASSA and I wish all members every success in your respective South-South endeavours and to keep the Malaysia flag flying high.

Last but not least, I take this opportunity to thank the President and my fellow committee members for the “comradeship” over the years and I wish one and all, every success, good health and God’s Blessings.


Hamidah Tun Ghafar