1) Meeting with InvestPerak on 17 January 2024
MASSA, represented by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary and Mr Samuel Loh, Programme Executive met with the Management Team of InvestPerak on 17 January 2024.
Mr Mohamad Hashim bin Abdul Ghani, Chief Executive, Dr Ahmad Shahir bin Abdul Aziz, Senior Manager and Mr Mohamad Shahriman Arif bin Mohd Shariff, Investor Relations Manager represented InvestPerak at the meeting.
The meeting discussed how InvestPerak and MASSA could collaborate to raise awareness amongst the Malaysian and South-South developing countries’ business community about the business opportunities in Perak State.
From left-to-right:
Mr Samuel Loh, Programme Executive, MAJECA, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MAJECA, Mr Mohamad Hashim bin Abdul Ghani, Chief Executive, Dr Ahmad Shahir bin Abdul Aziz, Senior Manager and Mr Mohamad Shahriman Arif bin Mohd Shariff, Investor Relations Manager
2) SHRDC-MASSA-MAJECA Webinar on 18 January 2024: COSIRI Framework for ESG towards Sustainable Manufacturing
The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) with the support of MAJECA and Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) organised a webinar titled “COSIRI Framework for ESG towards Sustainable Manufacturing” on 18 January 2024. The webinar saw the participation of over 100 attendees. YBhg Tan Sri Azman Hashim, President of MAJECA and MASSA delivered the Welcome Remarks.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos, the International Centre for Industrial Transformation (INCIT) launched its Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index, or COSIRI. The first of its kind, COSIRI is an independent, manufacturer-centric framework that is set to benchmark the sustainability maturity of global industry players and their ESG transparency and reporting.
The Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index (COSIRI) is a comprehensive framework and set of tools designed to assist manufacturers, regardless of size or industry, to embed sustainability into all their operations. COSIRI serves as an independent benchmarking system to assess the sustainability maturity of manufacturers, help guide future roadmaps, and enhance Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) transparency and reporting for manufacturing organisations.
The programme of the webinar was as follows:
Item |
10.00 am |
Opening Remarks
10.05 am |
Welcome Remarks
YBhg Tan Sri Azman Hashim,
President, MAJECA & MASSA
10.10 am |
ESG Webinar: Eager to Begin your Sustainability Journey?
Ts. Dr. Chua Wen-Shyan
Certified COSIRI Assessor (CCA), Head of Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0, SHRDC
11.40 am |
Question & Answer Session
12.00 pm
Closing Remarks & Announcements.

YBhg Tan Sri Azman Hashim,
President, MAJECA & MASSA delivering his Welcome Remarks.

Ts. Dr. Chua Wen-Shyan,
Certified COSIRI Assessor (CCA), Head of Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0, SHRDC giving his presentation.
3) Meeting with the Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) on 22 February 2024 at MASSA Office
The new leadership of the Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) met with MASSA at its office on 22 February 2024. The BMCCI delegation, led by its President, Mr Shabbir A Khan was accompanied by Mr Pranab Kumar Ghosh, First Secretary (Commercial), Bangladesh High Commission.

MASSA was represented by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary. Representatives from the Expertise Resource Association (ERA), led by President, Mr Wong Lian Kee were also present at the meeting.

(from left-to-right)
Mr Rubaiyat Ahsan, Joint Secretary General, BMCCI, Mr Pranab Kumar Ghosh, First Secretary (Commercial), Bangladesh High Commission, Mr Shabbir Ahmed Khan, President, BMCCI, Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA, Mr Wong Lian Kee, President, ERA, Ms Toh Bee Ling, Hon. Treasurer, ERA, Mr Chen Kok Song, Hon. Asst. Treasurer, ERA, Mr Andy Oh, ERA and Mr Mahbubul Alam, Vice-President, BMCCI.
4) Visit to IJM IBS Sdn Bhd on 29 February 2024
Following the CILT-MAPAN-MASSA Webinar on ESG that was held on 27 September 2023, one of the speakers at the Webinar, IJM IBS Sdn Bhd had kindly consented to host a visit to their IBS facility located in Bestari Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

The visit on 29 February 2024, led by MASSA comprised 20 participants from the membership of MASSA, businesspersons from the construction & development sector, as well as representatives from MATRADE, the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) and Expertise Resource Association (ERA) amongst others. Representing MASSA was YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP, Hon. Treasurer and Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary.
Industrialised Building System (IBS) refers to the industrialization of the construction industry, where building components or modules are manufactured in a factory and transported to the site for easy installation.
IBS aims to enhance industry productivity, address skilled labour shortages, improve quality, and reduce site wastage by offering an end-to-end digital precast building solution, covering design, costing, fabrication, delivery, and installation onsite.

Mr Chan Huan Ong, Assistant General Manager, IJM IBS Sdn Bhd gave an in-depth overview presentation of IJM’s SMART Factory and SMART IBS solution.
The presentation highlighted how IJM IBS Sdn Bhd’s robotic assisted manufacturing plant enabled high output & productivity, while being less labour-intensive and low-waste. The presentation also demonstrated how, IJM IBS, through its adoption of IR4.0 smart factory technologies, was also able to maintain flexibility, to customize and adapt its outputs to suit its clients’ requirements.

Participants listening to the presentation by Mr Chan Huan Ong, Assistant General Manager, IJM IBS Sdn Bhd.

Group photo of the participants.
Following the presentation & safety briefing, the participants were guided on a tour of IJM IBS Factory via the skybridge to have a firsthand exploration of IJM IBS’s innovative facilities.

Group photo of the participants on the skybridge to the IJM IBS Sdn Bhd factory floor.

Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA delivered the Closing Remarks.

YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Tee Hock Seng, JP, Hon. Treasurer (centre-right), accompanied by Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary (leftmost), MASSA presented a token of appreciation to En Faizal Amir Mohd Zain, Senior General Manager, IJM IBS Sdn Bhd (centre-left), accompanied by Mr Chan Huan Ong (rightmost), Assistant General Manager, IJM IBS Sdn Bhd.
MASSA records its appreciation to IJM IBS Sdn Bhd for hosting MASSA and its participants for a visit to IJM IBS Sdn Bhd.
5) SHRDC-MASSA-MAJECA Webinar on 26 March 2024: Smart Factory and Industry 4.0: A Practical and Sustainable Approach towards Digital Transformation
The Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) with the support of the Malaysia-Japan Economic Association (MAJECA) and Malaysia South-South Association (MASSA) organised a webinar titled “Smart Factory and Industry 4.0: A Practical and Sustainable Approach towards Digital Transformation” on 26 March 2024. This webinar is the second instalment of a three-part series of engagements with SHRDC with the view to equip members of MASSA and MAJECA, clients of SHRDC and the greater business community with relevant and timely insights to enhance businesses in their DX (digital transformation), GX (green transformation) and innovation journeys.

Smart Factory takes current manufacturing processes to Industry 4.0 standards. Highly effective and efficient machines are capable of data generation, visualization, and analytics. The integration and collaboration-based concept provides a holistic approach towards integration of technologies related to Industry 4.0 and beyond in a manufacturing process.
The webinar session provided an overview of these concepts and a unique perspective towards the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies towards a Smart Factory. Ts. Dr. Chua Wen Shyan, shared a practical and sustainable approach towards accelerating adoption of digital transformation within organizations. The approach and concepts shared were tailored towards supporting the industries (especially the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)) to accelerate their growth towards effective and sustainable digital transformation.
The programme of the Webinar was as follows:
Time |
Item |
10.00 am |
Opening Remarks
10.05 am |
Welcome Remarks – MAJECA & MASSA
10.10 am |
Smart Factory and Industry 4.0: A Practical and Sustainable Approach towards Digital Transformation – Ts. Dr. Chuan Wen-Shyan, Certified COSIRI Assessor (CCA), Head of Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0, SHRDC
11.00 am |
Q & A Session
11.30 am |
Closing Remarks and Announcements
Ms Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary, MASSA and MAJECA delivered the Welcome Remarks.

Ts. Dr. Chua Wen-Shyan, Certified COSIRI Assessor (CCA), Head of Malaysian Smart Factory 4.0, SHRDC giving his presentation.

6) MASSA Courtesy Call on H.E. Md Shameem Ahsan, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Malaysia on 29 March 2024
Ms. Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA paid a Courtesy Call on the H.E. Md Shameem Ahsan, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Malaysia at the Chancery of the High Commission on 29 March 2024.
MASSA was accompanied by members of the Expertise Resource Association (ERA) led by its President, Mr. Wong Lian Kee.
H.E. Md Shameem Ahsan was accompanied by Ms. Farhana Ahmed Chowdhury, Counsellor (Political) and Head of Chancery of the Mission, Mr. Pranab Kumar Ghosh, First Secretary (Commercial) and Ms. Rehana Parvin, First Secretary (Political) during the meeting.
The meeting discussed issues of common interest including collaboration in the field of the SME sector, digital economy, e-commerce, trade promotion and investment facilitation. The High Commissioner expressed his gratitude to MASSA for the visit and requested MASSA to submit a formal proposal outlining the potential areas of further cooperation to strengthen Malaysia-Bangladesh ties.

(from left-to-right)
Ms. Nur Syuhaida, MASSA Secretariat, Ms. Rehana Parvin, First Secretary (Political), Mr. Pranab Kumar Ghosh, First Secretary (Commercial), Ms. Farhana Ahmed Chowdhury, Counsellor (Political) and Head of Chancery of the Mission, H.E. Md Shameem Ahsan, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Malaysia, Ms. Ng Su Fun, Executive Secretary of MASSA, Mr. Wong Lian Kee, President of ERA, Ms. Toh Bee Ling, Honorary Treasurer of ERA, Mr. K.S. Chen, Assistant Treasurer of ERA and Mr. Andy Oh Ah Hock, Executive Committee Member of ERA.