President’s Message

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Bank Negara’s Annual Report 2015 described 2015 as a year of significant developments with far reaching implications.  This can be attributed to a modest recovery of the global economy amidst slowing world trade, moderating growth in the emerging economies and the consequence of volatile oil and commodity prices.  Given these developments which will continue to unfold, the global economic environment will remain uncertain.

Malaysian economy has a high degree of openness and our domestic economy can be significantly impacted by both global and regional developments.  Bank Negara’s Annual Report 2015 reported that Malaysia’s economy grew by 5.0% in 2015 (2014:6.0%).  This growth was supported by continued expansion of domestic demand driven by the private sector.  This growth is underpinned by the strength of our economic fundamentals as a result of the on-going structural adjustments and reforms that the Government and Bank Negara had undertaken in the last decade.  Our country’s economic growth is fortunately powered on multiple sources of growth and this has reduced our vulnerability to shocks in any one particular industry/sector.

Going forward, we need to stay focussed on our goals and objectives, be nimble to adapt to the global landscape that is constantly changing and to face the challenges to secure a sustainable growth path for our respective businesses.

MASSA will continue in its efforts to reach out to new development partners in the South-South countries whilst building on existing relationships.  We shall endeavour to bring to members the linkages and support facilitation that can add value to your business initiatives.

MASSA appreciate the continuing support and cooperation of our members and especially that of our Executive Council Members. 

Tan Sri Azman Hashim